
Saturday, July 6, 2013

Romantic Homes July 2013

After this post I am only
(being as the August issue is already here)

You know how I love 
Here's a preview of the July issue.
has a six page spread-
each page more beautiful than the next.
With her use of chippy white and roses
she marries photography and writing beautifully.

Here's the July Cover
Love Romantic Homes Love

First blog I came across is
Daune Pitman
has some wonderful projects there.
 Next up is
I enjoyed her latest
'One room three ways' post.

And, do you know
our own 
Tinkerer Belle?
She is amazing- trust me!

Another beautiful blog by Lidy Baars
Her garden settings are amazing!
Here's just a little peek.
And last, but not least,
Janet @ The Empty Nest
Her header drew me in and her
content made me stay.
I think you will enjoy her blog-

Another great Romantic Home issue.

What am I doing today?
Well, it involves reclaiming a spot in the basement
that I have all junked up.
It's gonna be a long day.
Either that OR I ain't doing nuthin'
I'll let you know tomorrow!


  1. Looks lovely! Can't wait to check it out. Glad to hear you had a good Fourth of July.

  2. Don't you just love it when you boycott and do nothin'? Dan asked me the other day- "What are you doing?" I said, "NOTHIN'." B/c I can! Before I know it, school will start, and all the day-to-day crap and I want to just BE for awhile. DO you know in Europe it's considered impolite to ask someone what they do for a living? I hate how we're defined by our job here. When some asks- what do you do? I'd love to just say what I ENJOY.

  3. I love that magazine.. I used to be a total magazine junkie and would spend a hundred bucks a month on them.. seriously. but since blogging and pinterest I dont feel the need so much! I did however just buy romantic homes and vintage flea market styles last night to take to the beach with me today!
    have a great weekend

  4. Diana, When I see all that pretty white...I really would love even just one room like that. Right now, I'll have to settle for thumbing through the magazine.:):)Don't over work....I am not a fan of straightening anything.LOL xoxo,Susie

  5. Hi Diana! Oh, I love Romantic Homes but must admit I don't buy it much anymore. Since blogging, I feel I get my decorating fix. But you've shown some new blogs to me so I'll go visiting. Hope you had a nice 4th and thanks for popping in to see my little new blog. I do believe we're going to love Kiki!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  6. Diana, I love this months addition. All the features are beautiful and I have a shoppe ad in this one too.
    Have fun with your project.
    I wish I had a basement to cool off in. AC out till next week. I guess I just have to stay in the pool. LoL
    Happy Saturday!

  7. Although I appreciate the Romantic Homes, it's not me. That is just for my fantasy life...LOL

  8. Love all the pretties you've shared this morning. Don't work too hard today.

  9. It was funny, I was familiar with every blog featured in that issue, Diana. I just got the new one the other day and have started going through it. I'm waiting for a day when I have a couple of hours to myself and can finish enjoying it.

  10. Thank you for sharing this dreamy stuff! And now...back to reality...I don't even want to THINK about my basement space!

  11. Lovely pics & love Romantic Homes... good luck in the basement! Happy Saturday!

  12. Thank you so much for the sweet shout was such a thrill being featured in Romantic 15 minutes of fame!

    Have a lovely weekend!!

    janet xox
    The Empty Nest

  13. I think we're all running a little behind this summer! But it's nice to get things done around the house. Lovely magazine! I should subscribe. I did....years ago! Sending you some sweet hugs!

  14. Not the dreaded basement! I say do nothing and enjoy another blissful summer day. Beautiful post this morning :)

  15. Will definitely add these to the list of blogs to check out. Have a wonderful rest of the weekend!

  16. That white brick backsplash is a good idea. We've been thinking about doing something different in our kitchen and this might be it.

  17. I enjoyed this. Don't you love that name: Tinkerer Bell. Enjoy your basement cleaning...or not!

  18. Unfortunately we don't have that in UK So wish we did. It seems full of great things! I think you need a rest. It is, after all, Saturday! Are you going out on the town tonight?! Joan

  19. Hey Girl, I about shorted out my computer with that dang smore.
    I cried over the Warror. It is like hormome swinging every which way. Your my sweetest moment each day as I read your post, and your comments always make me glad to be a blogger!
    Blessings, Roxy

  20. I wish I could jump inside those pages! They really are so romantic...thanks for sharing. I may have to get a subscription someday!


  21. Love RH too!... and I love all the ladies in it... Jo~Anne Coletti and Lidy Baars have been friends of mine since before I even had a blog... I shopped with each of them and still do... so nice to look at all the beautiful things they share in RH... just got my August issue several days ago... wait till you see who is in it!... xoxo Julie Marie

  22. I do love RH also...such pretties everywhere. And I love how the mags are featuring bloggers what fun.


  23. Diana, after scrolling through some of your last posts, I see that I must be more than ONE month behind. Your patio came out looking very beautiful and I finally was able to visit Kurt's blog too.. You certainly take care of all of us.. What a shame that all this kind of thing has to be a part of life..Happy Weekend..Judy

  24. I'm working on one of those junked up places too, the garage.

  25. I also LOVE RH and reread them all the time.
    I am following Kurt - thanks for the heads up.
    Don't work to hard in the basement.
    Enjoy summer.

  26. One of the prettiest magazines around filled with gorgeous ideas. Isn't it so special to see bloggers featured on its pages.

    Grabbing a few free minutes at the computer as I wait for our daughter and family to arrive for an overnight visit. They are driving 10 hours from a week vacation at Myrtle Beach and then 6 more hours tomorrow to their home in upstate NY.

  27. So many projects that need attention around here, too, Diana. "Doing nuthin'" sounds quite appealing.:-) xo Nellie

  28. A great issue with some of our favorite bloggers! Wish I had a basement to clean and shove junk in...Something about the water table here in Florida


  29. Thank goodness we don't have a basement (or attic or garage) I Can only imagine the hoarding that would go on it!

  30. Yes I am behind too.Just back from vacation.I scheduled all of my posts :-) .And now to play catch up!

  31. I really need to buy a subscription to RH because I am missing out on all these blog features. You are so sweet to feature everyone too! Good luck in your basement. Have to admit I'm a bit curious. ha!

  32. Thanks for the update, I do enjoy that magazine.

  33. I loved the July issue! One of our bloggy friends is in the August issue, so you need to start reading it!

  34. I love Romantic Homes magazine too. I am woefully behind - I have never subscribed to it and I haven't been to the library to get them for months. I'd love to be featured - but I'm not sure my itty bitty blog will ever get noticed in the big huge sea of bloggers ! LOL!

  35. Hope you chose nothing, because I think you could spend an entire day thumbing through the magazine. xo Laura

  36. Gorgeous! I love the sneak peeks you give us and all the great bogs! Thanks! I am wondering if your did "nuthin" or cleared the spot??? Can't decide! )

  37. Gorgeous - I can't wait to get my issue! Hope you have a great weekend,

  38. Good luck in the basement! =) And thanks for the mention! I hope you have a wonderful rest of the weekend!

  39. hello
    bien que je sois en France
    je reçois ce magazine
    grâce à FIFI
    les autres personnes je ne les
    connais pas
    mais je vais aller m'y promener
    bon courage pour les grands
    travaux de nettoyage
    bon dimanche
    edith (iri) France

  40. Hello Diana, what a lovely magazine. It looks like my type of reading and l will definately pop in to visist those blogs. Today is a bit of a muddle day here, not sure what and when anything is happening but hope to have some time to do very little for a while :-) Pam x

  41. Gorgeous. That first picture is so beautiful.

  42. Love this magazine! Always such beautiful inspiration!

  43. Hi Diana! Taking advantage of a little afternoon thunderstorm to catch up on my blog friends! Happy Birthday to little CJ and hope you get to see the August RH soon...our At Home With White Event is in it!!
    Happy Sunday!

  44. I just settled in today to read the newest Victoria issue. Romantic Homes is next on the list. Those magazines simply make me feel good!

  45. hey sweetie!

    thank you for including me in this post!!!

    i hope all is well and yummy!

    happy summer wishes



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