
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

You know Mother's Day is a special
day for many people.
not everyone was blessed to have
a wonderful mother.
To them, Mother's Day is a mockery,
an injustice because of
 all the hurts they
have suffered.

Blogging is not all sweetness
and light.
There are deep, dark pains
that hide beneath some of
the smiling faces...
aches that are too
deep to share with anyone.

I think this piece I wrote
addresses both sides of the

Mother's Day

Some of us have been blessed with wonderful Mothers.
Some of us have Mothers that were not quite so admirable.

Some of us have Mothers that praised us and adored us,
Some of us have Mothers that never said a kind word.

Some of us have Mothers that loved us unconditionally.
Some of us have Mothers that loved us only
if we met all her expectations,
and even that was not enough.

Some of us have Mothers that smiled readily.
Some of us have Mothers that never found much to smile about.

Some of us have Mothers that~
whatever we did~ it is more than they hoped for.
Some of us have Mothers that
no matter WHAT we did-it was never 
"quite right".

Some of us have Mothers that had a charmed childhood.
Some of us have Mothers that were raised in pain & shame.

Some of us have Mothers that
 need us & want us in their lives.
Some of us have Mothers that are needy
 and we seldom see them.

Some of us have Mothers that complete our lives.
Some of us have Mothers that
leave us aching, wanting and empty.

Some of us have Mothers that stand
on this side of the Great Beyond.
Some of us have Mothers that have passed
 over this earthly barrier.

Some of us will emulate our Mothers.
Some of us will vow to never be
anything like our Mothers.

Some of us are happy and fulfilled,
no matter what kind of Mother we had.
Some of us will never be happy
even if we were nurtured by an amazing Mother.

Today I am blessed to be a Mother.
My daughters are blessed to be Mothers, too.
Today I vow that I will be
the best mother (and grandmother) I can be.

Today I vow that I will love
as deeply as I can those that share my life.

Today I know that I am blessed indeed~
Today I hope that you find blessings
in your own life-
and love your Mother
even if it is just because she gave you life.

~Happy Mother's Day from Me to You~
©Nana Diana 
This piece is from last year.
I hope to be back to blogging  in the next week
or so.  I miss and love you, my friends.  


  1. Happy Mother's Day Diana, I've missed you this week girlfriend!
    You were and are indeed blessed to have such a wonderful mother and to be one as well(Nana too). My mother wasn't quite as bad as the second in your writing but pretty close. I know she loved me, just couldn't nuture me or express it. The lack of her mothering made me the Mother I am, so for that I am thankful.
    Hope you have a wonderful day!
    Hugs, Noreen

  2. Happy Mother's Day to you! I know that you have all the traits that make a wonderful Mom. Lucky kids you have!

  3. Wise words! Happy Day, my friend.
    Smiles, Dottie

  4. I agree with Dottie, very wise words, miss you, take care, you have no worries about your skills as a Mama or Grandma, you are the tops!

  5. Happy mother's day Diana.Miss you. My friend whose mom had passed...told me once that not matter the relationship between you and your mother...once they pass on they are gone. So I am hoping if anyone has their mother's still here on this earth, they will just send them love and forgiveness. None of us are perfect. I used to have the hardest time picking a card for my mother..too sweet or sappy, just didn't fit how I felt. I have always loved my mom, she was a hard one. We did have our moments of pure joy, after I was was grown. xoxo,Susie

  6. Happy Mother's Day, Diana! I thought of you yesterday and wondered how you were. Hope all is well with you. I don't doubt for one moment that you have been and continue to be an exceptional mother and grandmother!

  7. I've missed you my friend. And I appreciate this thoughtful post. Not everyone has a mother that cares about them...but we go on to be the best mother we can be to our kids. I am blessed! Happy Mother's day my friend! Sweet Southern hugs, Diane

  8. Happy Mother's Day Diana! You have been missed by us all!

  9. Happy Mother's Day! You are so blessed in this world. Children and grandchildren make your walk on this earth worth every minute of all the pain that has come from others. Love you!

  10. Happy Mother's Day Diana! Mom passed almost 12 years ago♥

  11. Happy Mothers day to you too! Glad to see you back!

  12. Dear Diana, have missed your posts. Glad that you will be back.
    Your post was beautiful and so true.
    Happy Mothers Day to you.

  13. What a beautiful piece, so perfectly stated. Happy Mother's Day :-)

  14. Happy Mother's Day, Diana! I've been traveling and have missed so much! I'm so glad your SIL's surgery went well! God is good.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  15. So very well said, Diana! Your kids and grandkids are so lucky to have you:)! I've missed you! It's not the same here without our daily dose of Diana! Oh, I would like to add that not all of us were blessed with children and grandchildren, so Mother's Day can be sorta tough for us. Hugs to you, and Happy Mother's Day!

  16. Thanks for this, Diana. It speaks to so many hearts.

  17. Diana - Have missed your posts. Your post about Motherhood is so true. I am so blessed that I had the Mother in the first line of every verse. Truly blessed.

    Happy Mother's Day.


  18. How absolutely beautiful! So happy to see your posts again. Happy Mother's Day!! Hoping to get there by the middle of next week!!!! Hope Stein's will still have some stuff!

  19. Happy Mother's Day Diana. Your thoughts on Mother's is so well said.


  20. What you say is sad but true, not all families are happy ones.

  21. Hi Diana, so well said, and so true. Miss you so much and wish you a Happy Mother's Day.
    Love you too, Celestina Marie

  22. I'm happy that you are one of the lucky ones..Happy Mothers Day

  23. That is SO good! I'm blessed to have a fantastic mom, but I know that many haven't been. Miss you :)

  24. Beautifully written Diana. Happy Mother's day to you.


  25. Beautifully said, Diana! I was one of the fortunate ones that had a wonderful Mother! You're right, so many are less fortunate than I was! You're right to remember them too. We all miss you! Take care and Happy Mother's Day to one special lady!

  26. Very true, Sweetheart. Missing you!

  27. Well said...beautifully said, my sweet friend! Sending you love and hugs and wishes for a beautiful Mother's Day!!! ♥

    xoxo laurie

  28. one thing is certain, everyone who reads this had a woman that at one point in her life loved and cared about us enough to give birth to us and not choose to drop us by choice

  29. Hi Diana,
    Glad you are back I missed you. Happy Mother's Day to you.

  30. Very well written, Diana, and so true.
    Happy Mother's Day to you!!

  31. How I have missed you, Diana!

    While I was fortunate to have a mother remembered for all the right reasons, she had many of the blessings and some of the sorrows you mention in this piece when she was growing up. It was due to her insight that my sorrows were minimal to none for my growing up years. What a blessing she was! She has been gone 30 years, and I think of her every day - more than once!

    I am hoping you will return - sooner rather than later!

    xo Nellie

  32. I hope your Mother's Day was blessed today, Diana. A wise post, and one I think we all realize is true but don't quite know how to reach out to those who weren't so blessed with their own mother. It's sad to realize that for some this is a day they just want over with.

  33. Happy Mother's Day to you! This post is very meaningful, and I'm praying for all the women out there who are struggling with this day.


  34. Happy Mother's Day, Dianna! I was the one with the 'other mother', but I learned many lessons from her. Powerful lessons of unconditional love, forgiveness, and healing. I had a deep desire to be the loving Mother I didn't have and that was a blessing in disguise. Now that she is gone, I only remember the good times, the loving moments and the lessons I learned. We healed our relationship as much as we could and I feel peace. Thank you for sharing this recognition of those of us with bittersweet memories. xoxo

  35. Beautifully said Diana - your kids are very blessed to call you " Mom "
    Hope you had a wonderful day
    Much love,

  36. Beautiful, Diana! Hurry back now. You are missed. xo

  37. So much I could say here.. but some things are better left unsaid.. in regards to my own mother that is.
    but I love her, no matter.. and I made those same vows as you my friend.
    have a lovely week!

  38. Absolutely beautiful, Diana. Thank you for sharing.
    Still making my way to wish my bloggy neighbors a very special Mother's Day. I think it's every day, so today's good too. :)
    Hope you enjoyed it, dear.
    Praying for your son-in-law's recovery.

  39. Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day !!!!

  40. Miss you! So sweet and sad to read your touching thoughts on Mothers of many kinds. Take Care.

  41. Thoughtfully said.
    Hope you had a lovely day.

  42. Crying.... beautiful, beautiful...
    loved every word..
    Happy Mothers day..

  43. Well written and so much truth...

  44. Beautifully written, Diana!!! Happy belated Mothers day. Hope you got a new computer because I MISS you!!!!

  45. Happy Mother's Day...Hope all is well.

  46. I love what you wrote here.
    It's true, even if our mothers might not be the best, we need to respect that they gave us LIFE.

    My mother, you don't want to know my whole sad story, but hey, I have a great Dad and I was determined to be a great Mom!!

    Good to see your post again, I hope you are well, my dear Diana!

  47. A very thought provoking post..Can't wait for you to come back.. You're missed! :)

  48. Happy mothers day to you too diana! i do hope you had a wonderful day. Look forward to seeing you back, hav missed you lots!!! have a fantastic day lovely! xxx

  49. I just dropped over to make sure all was well, had not seen any posts from you for a while. Happy Mothers Day!


  50. I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day! My husband just mentioned as we headed to bed after a Mother's Day with a house full of kids and grand kids that he didn't think there really were that many good mother's left anymore. More and more our younger generation is seeking their own happiness rather than investing in their children's. And - I think he's right. With our fast paced world many people simply don't make time for their little ones. So children who do have good mother's are extremely blessed and should take the time to honor her on her day!

  51. I hope your Mothers day was exceptional! Holidays are always tricky for some, myself included, but we make the best of our situations and improve on those we can. Having lost my mother at 8 years young and always having the yearning for her in my life, it's a tough day for me personally. But I take the positive & run with it knowing one day I'll see my mother again in HIS time. I love your post and good to see you back.

  52. Hi Diana-
    Somehow I missed your post. All I can say is well said! Miss you!

  53. I hope your Mothers Day was as blessed as mine was. I wish it were so for everyone but unfortunately some woman have so much pain they can't get beyond it to mother or nurture. I was one of the lucky ones, with a momma who had many problems including mental illness but was still able to be a wonderful giving person.
    If you have a chance please send up a prayer for me, I am having some surgery on Friday for an unexpected bone marrow infection.
    take care Miss Diana

  54. Very true, very touching. Happy Mother's Day to you!

  55. I was one of the lucky ones, but yours are not the only words that I have seen that remind me that not everyone was lucky. I always knew it and never took it for granted. I always hope that people who didn't have a caring, loving mother...either became one themselves or found someone else in their lives that loved them with that unconditional love. It is a holiday that brings up lots of feelings for a variety of reasons.

  56. It is obvious that you strive to be the best mother and grandmother you can possibly be! Think your family is very blessed to have you in their life.


  57. I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day! You write wonderfully. Glad your son in law is getting along. Lots going on I know! Take care

  58. I hope you had a great one! Hurry back!:)

  59. Well said, Diana...enjoy this time with your family!

  60. Hope your Mother's Day was wonderful Diana!!!

  61. Spring is almost over and I have missed so much here in Blogland. But I always come back home.
    Not all Mothers are the same. Some are soft and cuddly, others not so much. I think mine was hard shelled but soft in the middle. It could be complicated at times.
    Love, Mary

  62. Ok Diana - long enough break now - get back - we miss ya!!!

  63. Just thinking about you, and wanted to stop by. I enjoyed reading your story.


  64. I MISS YOU. I post alot from my Kindle. You can even take picture with it It's the HD Kindle Fire. Cheaper than a computer. Come back to us my friend.

  65. Where are you, Diana? Missing you! :)

  66. Just stopped back by to leave a note. I couldn't the first time I read this. You really nailed it my friend! Thanks for showing the "reality" that many of us have lived.


  67. Hi, Diana, hope things are okay and your son-in-law is making a good recovery from his surgery. I keep checking to see if you're back to blogging - your blog friends miss you so much! Hope you're back soon, Jan

  68. I hope you ad a good Mother's Day I enjoyed this. Such a sweet image too!

  69. Hi Diana, I've been thinking about you lately, I hope all is well. How is your son-in-law? Recovering at home? I'll say an extra prayer for you today that all is right in your world. Here's a too. Be well, sweet lady. :)



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