
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Trouble With Water On The Bay

Well, folks,
I might be gone for a day
or two.
Look what we woke up to~
Looks like they will be ripping up
the ceiling of the lower
little sitting room.
There is a guest bathroom
off the old master bedroom
upstairs and a 2nd bathroom
just above this room that 
are joined back to back.
Where is the water coming from?
Anyone'$ gue$$.
If you look closely you can see
one big DRIP falling.
There were $everal drip$-
tru$t me...
Being a husband means grabbing
the good lasagna pan that I like....
Cute, huh?
Anyone want to come over for lasagna?

I will be back when this me$$ is cleaned up...
This is really gonna cut into my
$tarbuck$ budget!


  1. oh no!Thats not good, Starbucks will miss you!

  2. Diana, Please believe me , You have my sympathy. A drip can be running along a pipe or beam, before it drips and be coming from a completely different place. I hope and pray it's a simple fix.xoxo,Susie

  3. Oh no!
    Leaks are such a pain!

    ...Life without Lasagna and Latte's?

    The green mermaid is going to miss you!
    Happy Sunday!

  4. Horrible, poor you! Not a good thing to wake up to. I hope they are able to locate the root of all this!

  5. Oh bummer! But don't worry, Starbucks will be waiting for you when you get that all cleaned up! ... And yesterday we had a water heater spring a leak - wet soppy towels here too!

  6. Oh my....and I am sitting here complaining that the sun is not shining....I hate drippy leaks and even more hate paying to have them fixed! Hey...why don't you put your plants under the drip so they get watered? Blessings!

  7. Oh no!!! Not that lasagna pan! Good luck with the fix.

  8. OUCH! I hope that the problem is fixed ASAP and you can visit Starbucks again.

  9. Oh no! Well, I hope they can figure out where this is coming from. One small consolation is that thankfully you have a tile floor and don't need to worry about carpet getting ruined, too.

  10. Poor you! I hope it is fixed quickly.

  11. Is it coming from the plumbing going to the bathroom above? A leak in the roof normally only gets the top floor wet. Maybe a drip pan from an air conditioner in the attic? Hmmm.... who knows? But your guys do construction, right? I'm sure they will get it figured out.

  12. I have the same hole in my family room ceiling. We need a new bathroom.

  13. WELL GOOD NEWS, starbucks just announced they are dropping their prices. IT's all good.

    I hate when things break, don't turn on, don't work... yick. It's one of my ugly side flaws. It makes me down right crazy. Here's hoping your leak is fixed quickly and on the cheap.

    um... Pizza Hut anyone?

  14. Good Afternoon Diana, Oh, no! This is the worst thing. Your husband is like mine, as he would grab the first thing he thought useful. When I showed George your photo, he said "yes that is a sensible man, if the lasagne pan was the first thing I saw, I would do the same." Mmmmmm.
    Hope you get it sorted soon.
    Best Wishes

  15. I sure hope everything works out fine. I'll be right over...with a Thermos of coffee! Sweet hugs!

  16. Oh no Diana!! I hope this get's fixed quickly for you!

  17. Crossing my fingers that everything gets fixed right away. Ugghh...water leaks...trouble makers. TOTALLY feel your pan pain, my husband does the same thing. ;)
    Taking a blogging leave and making some changes, but will continue to enjoy visiting.

  18. Catching up and LOVING your home and garden! Wanna come to MN and make my yard look as AWESOME as yours??!! I have chocolate!! LOL
    Bummer about the leak!
    Prayed for your friend :)
    Off to church!

  19. Good Morning Diana, I am sorry that you have a leak and it isn't fun to clean up. My dil went through that yesterday. They were lucky they had a friend, who does plumbing that fixed it for them if they had to pay for a plumber on Saturday expensive. It was a tight spot to get to. I keep a small plastic bucket under my sink in case I need it. Hopefully it is something simple to fix. Try to have a good day. Hugs and Prayers from your Missouri Friend.

  20. I'm so sorry about your leak, Diana! I guess the good thing is you don't have carpet in your sitting room. Still, it is no fun shelling out $$ for those unexpected expenses. Hope it didn't ruin any furniture!!

  21. Oh No....I hate when things like this happen. Good luck with the repairs, and the Starbucks withdrawal.

  22. OH NO!! I hate water problems! remember my $$$$ water line broke at both houses last year. In my thoughts!

  23. So sorry - what a bummer :-( Your lasagna looks delish :-)

  24. Well, when it rains it pours! (Sorry, I couldn't resist the pun.) Hope you'll be back to normal soon. Ceiling repair work is messy and no fun!

  25. So sorry! Don't you just hate when things like that happen and take your money you had rather spend somewhere else? On something that can be seen?


  26. Oh no!!! That's awful. I'm sorry you're knee deep in a me$$. Hopefully the fix is quick and not too much of a financial hit.

  27. Thankful you were home when this happened and not on vacation. Hopefully your man will find the origin of the leak and fix it asap. I had something like this happen once when hubby was gone-I freaked but was able to deal with it myself and it never caused any damage.
    Hugs, Noreen

  28. What a mess and just when you were trying to get ready for listing. If you need anything just holler-it will only cost you a piece of your lasagna. ;-)

  29. I am so sorry and that looks like a huge mess to dry wall, too. Not your typical flat ceiling at all. Hope you can find it quick and get back to normal really soon.
    I will pass on the Lasagna- nice pan, by the way.
    I just read online this morning that Starbucks is dropping its prices. Must be your guardian angel running interference there. She's got your back and must have been a three pot a day gal herself. Hang in there and I am praying you and John through this. He's gona need a lot of help, too, if Jettie overnights that baseball bat.

  30. That does not look like fun! And here I was feeling bad because the exhaust went out on my hubby's car on the way back from looking at ice shoves yesterday. What a noisy drive home! lol. But I hope you can get that fixed fast and not break the bank. You sure haven't had a great start to the new year!

  31. I'm so sorry! There go all your plans, not to mentions all your $$. Blessing and much sympathy during the whole process, Diana.

  32. I'm really sorry! Hope it isn't as bad as it looks! Oh, no! Not the Starbucks!! Lol.

  33. Diana, so sorry about the leak. You gotta love those husbands, they mean well. Hopefully is won't be $$$$$$.
    Just go to Starbucks and relax.

  34. Not good! I hope it will get fixed quickly and somewhat cheaply (one can hope...)

  35. Oh, dear, Diana. I'm so sorry! Hoping that it won't cost an arm and a leg...and your Starbucks visits :(

  36. What a shame. I hope it's an easy fix it job but it never seems to work out that way, does it? Good luck.


  37. Ugh! Water where it's not supposed to be is the worst!

  38. You need a plumber! And a Starbucks gift card pronto!!
    Praying for ya...
    Blessings, Roxy

  39. Diana,
    Gotta love those husbands and their ingenuity! Do you remember the mess in my dining room last year? I blogged about it. Water came pouring in and ruined 150 year old plaster ceilings and walls and onto the antique built in china cabinets and floors. We had to move out of the whole downstairs of our house. Perhaps if your insurance will cover it, you can get a fresh, new room!
    It sure sounds like you could really use your beloved Starbucks right now, though!

  40. Oh, that is awful! I hate when things like that happen. Of all times, when you really, really need Starbucks. And Lasagna. And a good clean bath towel. I'm so sorry. :( Hang in there. xx

  41. Oh no! {I loved all the money signs as S's.} The only good news is you have some good blogging material. Then again, you always have good material to write about so I guess this is all just bad news. :( What a nightmare!!


  42. Oh sweet lady, wow, hope all gets fixed soon!! Sorry about the Sturbacks and the rest sweet pea..sometimes things happen without even planning!! Now I'm one busy one with the two g'girls visiting. It's Sunday now and I'm already exausted, lol!! I'm so happy you liked the stupid teapot I got crazy over, ha! Have a pleasent week.

  43. One of life's great horrors is the looking up at the sound of a drip and dreading what it will take to make it go away. You have my most sincere sympathy! It's always something, isn't it?

  44. Oh no! Leaks are such an annoyance. I hope this one gets fixed up quickly!

  45. Oh No! That really stinks! I hope it's fixed soon and that it's not a lot of work and $$!

  46. So sorry for your troubles, Diana, but you always make me laugh. You have the greatest sense of humor! Hope things dry up soon and it's a simple, cheap solution!!

  47. At least the pan was empty! LOL!!! Hope it's not too costly, a girl needs her coffee after all!

  48. Oh no!!! So sorry to hear this...
    We had a leak from out upstairs bath coming down in the guest room below it. If it weren't for our puppy going to that room and barking ... it would have been a LONG time before we realized it! Thankfully, we caught it early...good puppy!!!

  49. Oh, no! Not a good development! I will be thinking about you and hope the problem doesn't turn out to be a budget-breaker. xo Nellie

  50. Oh, no!!! WTH? I'll come over for soggy lasagna and moral support, bless your heart! ;P

    I'm sorry you're having to deal with such an annoying issue. Boo!


  51. Ugh how awful. I see a new lasagna pan in your future.

  52. Oh no, Diana. I sure hope this is nothing major or expensive to fix. I'd have lasagna with you, no matter where your pan has been.

  53. whatever you do...don't cut out into the coffee'll need it. (sorry to see that btw)

  54. Oh no not the Starbucks Coffee...I don't know what is worse the ceiling or the No Starbucks...being a gold member... I say the Hope you get if fixed soon...sorry for the mishap.

  55. Oh no not the Starbucks Coffee...I don't know what is worse the ceiling or the No Starbucks...being a gold member... I say the Hope you get if fixed soon...sorry for the mishap.

  56. so sorry about that, diana. life isn't fun sometimes:(

  57. So sorry about your plight, Diana. That's just awful Hope it's fixed very soon.

  58. Aw sweetie, that's terrible....I"m so sorry, and I hope that they find the leak, and get it fixed soon.


  59. What a drain !! ( pun intended) hope all ends well!!

  60. OH, no, Diana! It is always something, isn't it? I hope you get it fix quick and without having to spend to many Starbuck's dollars! :)

  61. How do men know which item you DON'T want them to grab? It must be a special talent???? Hope it if repaired quickly and does not cost as much as feared!!!

  62. OOPS, grab a bucket and get that lazyonia pan outta there.

  63. All I have to say is UGH!

    Our downstairs toilet overflowed on Mother's Day morning in 1993 because we didn't have a check-valve. We were experiencing torrential rains and when the toilet was flushed the entire 1st floor gushed with nasty, filthy sewer water. It was a nightmare...happened after living here only 6 months.

    Steve put in the valve and we never had another problem. I sooo hope you find the problem. Water ruins sooo much!


  64. I hope that's the only budget it cuts in to...Hope it's a simple, quick fix.

  65. I usually grab a bucket for a leak but thank heavens there have been none lately. We did wake up to a blanket of snow this morning.. Ugh, I'd rather have rain for spring.

  66. Oh no! Hopefully all goes well.

    Hugs to you,

  67. Oh no! I hope it's not too big of a fix. About the lasagna pan...looks just like something my hubby would do!!

  68. Oh no...
    I hope this will pass fast..never a dull moment for a homeowner..

  69. Oh Diana - hope it's nothing too major!!!
    Never mind coffee - this may cut into your grocery budget!

  70. Oh Diana, Im so sorry this is happening! Thats ALOT of water in that pan! I do hope it's not something too expensive.. Good gosh Im sorry :( You'll be missed :(

  71. missing you on blogger, hope you are doing OK with your problems! Take care,

  72. eeek, thats not good diana! especially when the weather is a bit chilly! and no lasagne for a while then! hope its all sorted asap!!! hugs to you!
    laura xxx

  73. Oh no..sorry that you are having to go through this...gotta love those lasagna pans...and nothing should prevent you from your's a right of life!!...Hope your leak is corrected soon!!

  74. Oh no, Diana!!! Is it coming from the bay....or all the rain we've been having??? Yep...might as well just hand over your Starbucks piggy bank, girl. lol!

    xoxo laurie

  75. Oh no Diana! Hope all goes well with repairs!

  76. Oh hun, that is NOT good! I'm so sorry you have a leak...that is never good..NEVER!
    Thanks for your sweet comment on my dining lucky was I to find that table?!! Oh my goodness...I was so giddy coming home with that treasure! I mean seriously, how often do you get a $1700.00 table for $250 bucks?! :) I smiled all the way home...shoot, I'm still smiling! :)
    Hope you get your mess cleaned up soon!

  77. Oh no....I hate these kind of surprises...if we lived closer I would bring you over a starbucks! Sending you lots of love. xoxo

  78. Oh No Diana, I am so $orry this happened. Not fun at all and the me$$ of fixing it.
    Take care, I hope all goes well. I think I'll pass on the lasagna this time. But saying a few prayers for you.
    Hugs, CM

  79. Oh no! Oh I hate water leaks! We had to have our entire house re plumbed because we had that polybitilaine pipe and my other house had it and AI had to have that one replumbed as well! I wonder what is causing your leak? Oh no, not the Starbucks budget! Couldn't you do without toilet paper or laundry soap or something? LOL! I'm sorry you have to go through this. Hope it's resolved soon and not too expensive! Hugs, Leena

  80. Oh, Goodness, Diana!! I had this happen in my sweet "vintage" house a few years ago...the bedroom ceiling fell(okay, just about a square foot of it, but it was plaster and it SOUNDED like the whole thing...)because of a bathroom leak above...Sigh...sorry, my Dear!

  81. bummer! but honestly, repair work should not cut into the Starbucks budget! Hope they can find the cause easily and the fix isn't too painful in the pocket.

  82. Nana Diana, Hello,
    Just found you and decided to join after seeing this.
    I have one of those clever husbands too - soup pots, roasters, tupperware - all of it can be found sequestered in his garage serving up concoctions not originally intended.

    Looking forward to reading here.

    Trish :)

  83. Diana, If you want to run away, get outta town for a few days or weeks, I'll put the coffee on. Starbucks, no less.
    xo Ginger

  84. What an aggravation! I'd say this is latte time...or Starbucks of your choice. :)
    Hope the repairs don't cost too much. Hugs, Babs

  85. Oh girl! I FEEL YOUR PAIN! I hope you don't have to spend the next 8 weeks with your house in an uproar. We are still not totally finished with all our project and it has been months. GRRR!


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