
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Romantic Homes April 2013 Review

As many of you know I gave up most of
my magazine subscriptions.
However, I could NOT part
with this one.
Every month I pull out a few
of the blogs that I visit
that have been featured in some way.
First up this month:
(I always think of her with a 
MARTINI in hand-must be the name!;>)
She is just a lovely lady with a
lovely blog and lots of hands on
Then there is 
A beautiful blog of found French decor.
French not your "thing"?
Well how about some of

There is a tutorial on making these
bottles on pages 18 & 19.
There is a 16 page spread on 
and among her beautiful whites are 
sprinkles of pink like this-
I know many of you don't buy magazines
like you used to.
Pinterest and blogging give us lots of 
beauty to look at online.
However, for me, there is great
satisfaction in sitting down with a 
cup of coffee and leafing through
a magazine and dreaming a bit.
You might want to join me this month.


  1. Good morning Diana! What a treat to get to see some of your online friends featured in your favorite magazine. I visit Martina's blog regularly and love her style. Looks like there are some beautiful homes featured in there. I may have to go and pick up a copy. :) Have a great day!


  2. Love the blogs you have shown us here.
    I like to look at magazines too, but only do so at the doctor's office, so not very much, thankfully!
    And before I forget, that dove artwork by Sweet Cheeks and her kindergarten class? I LOVE that!

  3. Diana, That is my favorite magazine. I rarely buy magazines. I have given up my subscriptions too. Enjoy your nice magazine and coffee. xoxo,Susie
    p.s. it's finally spring and colder than a tin t-shirt here.

  4. what lovely photos you shared this morning. I enjoyed viewing them very much.

  5. Martina's home is beautiful, so happy she was featured. Thanks so much for sharing...

  6. Gorgeous homes ! Hope you have a great day

  7. I just had this conversation with Garry, I don't want online magazines I want to touch them, save them, nothing compares to a brand spanking new Country Living or Victoria magazine , a cup of coffee and a quiet afternoon, ahhhh, bliss, I confess, I am addicted!

  8. Good Morning, Very pretty- love the pink~ but the white is pretty. Happy First day of Spring Friend. Hugs and Smiles, Anna

  9. lots of lovely stuff there Diana.. I have followed Trouvais,(i think) but should check out the others! I too just love magazines... cannot resist them somehow! no matter how much i look at pinterest etc... got to go, seb wants the lap top!!!
    wasnt sure if u can see the new url for my blog!

    i think!!!! long i know... but oh well!

    have a wonderful day!
    laura xxxx

  10. Such beautiful photos! And I agree - there's nothing like a real magazine, turning the pages, relaxing with a cup of coffee or tea - that the computer will never replicate.

    BTW, our spring sale on handcrafted, natural vegan soaps ends tomorrow night. Just a heads up.

  11. Trish's french is my favorite-odd for me, right?
    I don't get that magazine so I'll just read over your shoulder-lol
    Love the tin t-shirt comment
    by susie-think I'll be using that one alot since it's so cold.

  12. One of my favorite magazines, too, Diana! One of the few I have a subscription to as well. I always enjoy seeing those bloggers I know featured monthly.

  13. Hi, I really enjoyed reading your post. I love that magazine, too...Connie

  14. I have that issue myself. It's a good one! I don't subscribe to any magazines anymore, but I do look at them at the store and buy the issues I really like. I find there is often more inspiration online these days!

  15. Romantic Homes is a favorite of mine. Especially since they feature some of our favorite bloggers. I need to visit a couple that are new to me. The cover is really pretty this month.

  16. you are so sweet to share these, diana:) thanks so much!

  17. Diana, I just love love love that magazine and would NEVER give it up.
    I can hardly wait for it to come and just like you I sit down and read it from cover to cover and then read it again.
    Have a great day!

  18. I was tempted by this at the magazine stand yesterday, but I bought Romantic Country instead. Perhaps I'll add this one on the next trip. I do love the french decor! xo Nellie

  19. I was tempted by this at the magazine stand yesterday, but I bought Romantic Country instead. Perhaps I'll add this one on the next trip. I do love the french decor! xo Nellie

  20. TOTALLY agree with you on every level of this post.

    Thanks for showcasing all the featured bloggers - don't you feel the strongest sense of pride when you see someone you "know" featured?

    I do - like a mother hen, pride and smiles and total joy!

    Don't forget to enter my giveaway I posted a few days ago! Hugs!

  21. I miss reading it, but the blogs are read are just as good! Thanks for sharing some pages with us

  22. Diana, I sometimes buy Romantic Homes. It is a lovely magazine! However, my favourite magazines are Cottage Style, Country Victorian, Vintage and Victorian, and Romantic Country. Whenever I buy one, I always tell myself that this is the last one but I keep buying them. I am so addicted to the beauty of their offerings. They just make me happy when I sit down to look at them. My favourite of all of these is Cottage Style. It offers so many decorating styles. The most recent one I got shows bungalows in Hollywood style, New England style, and retro style.It also has euro-inspired decors such as French, Mediterranean, and English. Among others, it shows coastal,romantic, and camps and cabins. I think this magazine is a treasure and I will never stop buying it. Are you familiar with it?

  23. Wow!! This is so neat!!! I love romantic homes~ I would not part with it either...

  24. I agree. There's nothing like sitting down with an actual magazine in your hands. I love Romantic Homes. One of my favorites.


  25. Afternoon Ms. Diana, yeah, what is it about those magazines? LOVE the Romantic Home and I agree, this is a FABULOUS issue! I heard FiFis' Romantic Prairie won't be back either....."say it isn't so!" By-the-way, always LOVE your comments(sense of humor)Always puts a smile on my face....From one RECOVERING MAG ADDICT to ANOTHER~~~Have a wonderful week! Roxie

  26. Thank you my friend for the shout out!! Yes I feel the need for a Martini many nights after homework LOL;)

  27. Thanks Diana for sharing some of the pages, I will have to catch up on the rest of the magazine when at the grocery store, funds just don't allow the high price of today's magazines, but I do Love them.... I am not a book reading, but give me a stack of Home Magazines & I would be a very happy camper!
    Thanks for sharing,

  28. who needs to spend money on magazines with so many great bloggers!

  29. I do miss the excitement of getting a magazine home and look at it cover to cover in one sitting!

    However, they began to get where I ended up only liking the cover photo. Then I was disappointed as well as angry that I wasted money I didn't have to spend.

  30. you had to get the Martini in there somewhere...good call. (and I do love MArtina's blog as well)

  31. Diana
    Romantic Homes is my favorite magazine too. I am a big fan of the lovely Lynn at a shabby story so happy she had a feature so deserving.

  32. Such delightful pictures - thank you for sharing the blogs with us.
    I agree, there is something about sitting down with a magazine (or book in my case) and reading it. I refuse (call me stubborn) to read books on the computer, I like the actual hard copy :)


  33. Reading from a real book is still my hearts desire. I almost watched a movie on my daughter's Ipad but I was ready for bed so I will finish it on my tv. Somehow, I just don't like it right in my face.

  34. It's very exciting to see these talented bloggers in print.
    I have a huge amount of subscriptions that I moved to my iPad, but it's so true that nothing beats the real thing and a good cup of coffee. With whipped cream.
    xo, T.

  35. I am always excited to see other bloggers featured in that magazine. It's like I know a celebrity! BTW, I just got an email from Country Living asking if I wanted to convert my subscription to an Kindle one. No way! I love to flip through an actual magazine!

  36. Thanks for sharing, Dianna..I only read magazines at the Drs office and they're usually not those..

  37. I used to spend tons on my magazines Diana, but now like you say there is so much out there to see. My husband says I will be able to buy a new house with all my savings :)
    sending hugs...

  38. I love those blogs, too! It's so exciting to see your friends in print. My "Romantic Homes" is one magazine I can't live without!

  39. I love Martina's blog too. She is just sooooo sweet. Lawd! How do you get so many comments? I am still trying to get that many too. You write so well. xo

  40. Hi Diana, just playing catch up after our trip to Ireland. So glad to see you still have your always share with us blogs I don't know of. WOW, Martina, I had no clue...must go over there now.

  41. I love this magazine and feel the same way. I still buy home decor magazines. Many an hour waiting for my youngest daughter after school, cheer, etc are spent in the car enjoying this magazine and others.

  42. I adore that magazine and also, one called "Southern Lady."

  43. As much as I love browsing the blogs, I still love to turn the pages of a good magazine!!

  44. Diana..there is nothing I like better then to do the same as you..sit down with that magazine in my hand and enjoy!


  45. What lovely blogs, definately going to visit them today! I still buy one special magazine - "Lev Landlig"scandinavian country living. Nothing like sitting down with a cup of coffee and plipping through that, pure pleasure! What made me stop buying magazines in general was all the commercial stuff, half the magazines are commecials - and l'm not paying for that. Have a lovely day :-) Pam xx

  46. I have been pretty good lately and only read the magazines I subscribe to in stead of buying them at the newsstand. This month's issue is so lovely, isn't it!

  47. What a beautiful issue! I am tempted by this one....VERY tempted! Hugs!

  48. I love this magazine. I have a subscription from day one! I am a big lover of magazines. It is such a bright spot in my day when a new magazine comes in the mail and I can sit with my tea and savor every page. There is no comparison to having the actual magazine to the digital photos on Pinterest. Enjoy your browsing!

    Hugs from a fellow browser. xoxo

  49. I love a good magazine!

    There's nothing like opening the mailbox and finding a treat inside. Reading magazines is one of my great indulgences, and I subscribe to too many.

    I'm thinking I need to add this one to my list. I'm in love with all the loveliness you shared.

  50. I love magazines! I get so many it is hard to decide which ones to give up! Love your notion of sitting with a magazine flipping thru the pages! I like to relax with a cup of hot tea and read my magazine inthe evening! Sigh!

    Have a blessed Sunday!


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