
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Making A Mess-Er-Making Valentines

If you are a regular reader
you know I had my three
granddaughters here for 
the weekend.

With Valentine's Day coming up
I thought it would be fun
 (kinda like poking my eye out
with a stick)
to craft a few Valentines.

This, of course, involves
the bane of my existence.
I set up "stations" before
they got here.
Look how handy these sweet
chalkboard plates 
(that my daughter-in-love made me)
 come in!
Station One:
Station Two:
Station Three:
This involves scissors & a hole punch
AND a paper cutter which the girls
are NOT ALLOWED to use.
I gave them a very sweet, gentle reminder
about "HANDS OFF" the slicer/dicer.
SweetCheeks said:
Yohu wouldn't do that enyways, Nana.
That is a stooopid sighn.
Hmmmm...We'll see about THAT!

Choosing materials each girl starts
Thing One
Thing Two:
And, last but not least,
Thing Three
How did everything turn out?
How much glitter was spilled in the process?
How many fingers were glued to eyeballs?
How many scraps of paper were
glued to the floor?
You will have to come back tomorrow
where all your pressing questions
will be answered.......maybe.....
if I can get unglued from my
seat so I can get some sleep.


  1. Looks like the perfect way to spend time with your beautiful grands. Can't wait to see their special Valentine creations!

  2. This is why my mom always had craft time on the patio. Too bad V-day is not in the summer. Very cute and organized though.

  3. I'm wondering if you have any glitter left in the glitter containers. I'm sure you still have some left on your floor. And chairs. And ceiling.

  4. What a blessing to spend a day playing with those cuties. Love the sign, so what's a bit of glitter ALL over your house. You can tell I have no kids, to me kids do no wrong, lol.

  5. What great fun! The girls will remember these times all their life. Now, about the glue and glitter, somebody needs to come up with a different option! LOL I taught pre-K and Kinder for many years, so I don't have to tell you I have spent half of my life with glitter on my hair and glue under my fingernails! :)

  6. LOL - you will be finding glitter for months ( but that's just a fun reminder of a beautiful day )

  7. Awww, shucks! You're keeping us in suspense! You're so cruel. ;) I'm sure they had a wonderful time with their dear Nana. Can't wait to hear all about it.


  8. Diana, What a brave soul you are ...I have to put down a plastic table clthes or news paper when Emma does paint or liquid glue. Glue sticks and hot glue can be cleaned up easier. Your little sweethearts seem to be really into their Valetines:):)Hope they make you once, hope it doesn't say Allison on it.:)xoxo,Susie

  9. Diana, You know you always have fun with your girls. They look as though they are enjoying themselves. Try to stay warm up there. We have a winter storm warning coming our way. Snow and high winds. Visibility will be crappy and we will have drifts. Have a wonderful day. Hugs and Prayers from your Missouri Friend.

  10. Behind glued to chair, feet glued to floor, and glitter glitter everywhere.

  11. Fun and love times three! Can't wait to see the results... and wonder if you will be finding glitter in the darndest places for months to come.

  12. This looks like so much fun!! Waiting to see the results!

  13. you are making some fantastic memories!

  14. So glad no one had to have her hands cut off. :-) It sounds like a fun day for them. They will cherish these times as they get older...and you will probably forget these times as you get older. lol Sorry, I couldn't resist. This was a fun post. Made me chuckle!

  15. ROTFLOL You'll be vacuuming glitter for months!

  16. It looks like a fun time, Diana! I hope you made one, too. : ) I like the idea of having sections; it probably made it much easier to find things to use rather than looking through one big area.

  17. Just the perfect activity for three perfect little girls. Yes, SweetCheeks has you all figured out, doesn't she? xo Nellie

  18. So sweet and great memories for those 3 lucky girls. I'm sure they had a ball!
    Happy Tuesday...

  19. Diana you are too fun!! I love seeing photos of those sweet little angels! Have a wonderful day,
    xoxo, Andrea

  20. have a surprise on my blog!

    You. Are. Welcome!


  21. How fun for all of you Diana... and so many precious memories pasted in there along with all of the glue and glitter... xoxo Julie Marie

  22. Glitter and Glue Station would have been out in the yard at my house. You are a brave woman.
    I like your stooopid sign- I think I'll make a few around here for Magoo. :)
    Are you feeling better?
    xo, T.

  23. Looks like a lot of fun! Are you still glued to the seat:) You always make me smile!...Thanks!

  24. Okay ladies... click on Ricki Jill's link... you'll be glad you did!!!

  25. Great idea setting up stations! My grandsons would be trying to use the slicer for cutting off their sisters doll heads, I fear. I'd have to keep that tool in the cupboard. Everyone's Valentine's look beautiful so far...

  26. Things 2 and 3 look very serious. Maybe they DID believe your sign after all.

  27. You are truly a brave woman. Love Thing 1,2, and 3! Ha- how many fingers where glued to eyeballs. Guess I will have to wait until tomorrow to find out!

  28. You are also teaching organization to the young uns.

  29. Hi Diana, Oh what fun . . . and I'll bet that those little girls sparkled all over with glitter when they were done. You are the best :)
    Have a wonderful week.
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)

  30. Cute, cute pictures...they really look absorbed in what they are doing. Good for you!

    I don't miss the glitter days. Or the baking days (dough and sprinkles everywhere). Then again when they bake now, I still end up with the clean up. Some things never change!


  31. Diana, those three are so pretty! Something tells me you don't mind what kind of mess they make as long as you have the pleasure of their company.

    Totally unrelated, Diana, but I loved reading your comment on Rick's blog about your trip with the GPS!

  32. You are one cool Nana. I hope you got busy with the glue and glitter too.

    xo Danielle

  33. I love the idea of having different stations for each craft material. Great idea.

  34. Hi ... from your newest follower and ...........I LOVE LOVE your BLOG.. I have seen you post some things on some of my friends blogs and I said she has a sweet spirit .. I am going to check out her BLOG and sooooooooooo GLAD that I did . I have The Rusty Pearl (follow) along if you can . WOULD love to have you .. I just love the valentines you guys made and what sweet memories... LOVE it .. God bless and have a wonderful rest of the week

  35. Diana, I think you have got to be the best Nana ever! I don't do these types of activities very often-of course I would have 7 grand daughters, which just gets crazy. Thanks for sharing my friend. Enjoy your day!

  36. What fun!! I so hope Anberlyn enjoys creating when she gets older :)

  37. Awh, you are a good grandmother! What fun for them! Clean up a drag...but hopefully worth it in the end!!

  38. you are creating memories with your grandchildren...on a different note, the first picture on the post, I totally read pooper instead of paper! That means I have cleaned up a lot of poop today :)

  39. Diana - what fun for you and your beautiful granddaughters. They will always remember what fun times they had at your house. Your the best!

  40. They are SO cute! You are a brave soul to bring out the glitter, glue & hand cutter offer with the 3 of them. Can't wait to see the results!


  41. They are SO cute! You are a brave soul to bring out the glitter, glue & hand cutter offer with the 3 of them. Can't wait to see the results!


  42. How fun! Look how organized you are, Diana! You are creating so many special memories for the girls! Love those chalkboard plates, oh, and your "gentle" reminder!!

  43. Love the message that YOU will do damage to the girls if they touch the paper cutter! LOL It's so nice that you get the chance to be with them and show them how to "play."
    hugs, Sue

  44. You are so sweet and sassy to those girls; I love it.
    How fun to craft together...but really, you let them have glitter INSIDE your house? That breaks all one of my crafting rules. :)
    The chalkboard plates remind me of a post from last week.

    I really love those plates!!!

  45. Your granddaughters are gorgeous! Hannah started her Valentinesa as well, but I put everything in "time out" because she didn't put her crafts away after using them, of course then I feel bad because I keep telling myself she's a creative soul that needs an outlet... ha!
    Ahhhhhh Valentines is fun isn't it?

  46. I am seeing smiles and diligent work going on here and some lovely hearts being made~ pretty stuff for sure!

  47. You are the best Nana! It looks like everyone had a great time! You really know how to make a memory and the grands feel special! I love the plate chalkboards too! All Valentine's look lovely too!

  48. I love that you did this with your granddaughters. You're making more than valentines here... you're making memories for them as well. Okay way off topic here but am I the bajillionth person to tell you that you look like Loni Anderson's twin?

  49. Looks like some pretty serious business to me. Can't wait to see them all finished.

  50. There is a special place in heaven for you Diana-you sure made those girls weekend. Well, except for saying you'd cut their hands off-LOL

  51. I was totally cracking up over your sign on the paper cutter! Oh my how totally like you! And how totally like Sweet Cheeks to try to call your bluff!

  52. Oh my you are such a fun Nana...I am so impressed. Glitter AND glue!

  53. You are the best Grandmother!!!Always a good time at your house!

  54. What a great post. Jilda (my wife) does craft projects with our great nieces and nephews when they stay with us.
    The last time was at Christmas when they were all over making Christmas cookies.
    It took us days to get the house back in order:)

  55. Oh you brave, brave woman!! :D

  56. You are the coolest Nana! It looks like you had a lot of fun. I assume there were no cutting of hands. :-)
    Sweet dreams!

  57. Adorable! You are the best Nana ever...OK. except threatening to cut their hands off LOL!


  58. Really cute post and darling girls!!!


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