
Friday, January 4, 2013

Happy Birthday To The Secret Agent

How I wish I could do a
post about my dear
The Secret Agent,
but I won't.
I won't because her job
makes it scary to have
her face out in the 
That's the same reason
I don't post pictures
of her beautiful little baby boy.

I will tell you that she is a
wonderful addition to our family.
A Blessing!

She knows me well....kinda scary
I suppose she has
"profiled" me seeing as that
is what she does for a living.
I would like to know what 
criminal traits I possess but she
is too nice to tell me.

We have started doing a name
exchange for Christmas in our family.
She got my name this year.
It has to be handmade and 
not cost more than $25.  
Pretty restricting if you are
not creative.
I got lucky.
She IS creative.
and smart...
Here is her inspiration
courtesy of Martha Stewart.
(I think)
Here is HER take on it!
Is that SWEET, or what?
I love it!
If I had been thinking on
my feet I would have
written Happy Birthday
on those plates.
I am too lazy to go 
back and do it now
so I will just say it

Happy Birthday to
The Secret Agent.
I love you much!
I hope  you have many, many 
more wonderful birthdays!

Thanks, too, for putting 
up with this crazy family
you married in to...oh...
had you only really known-
~you are stuck with us now~


  1. Happy Birthday to a talented lady. Love those chalk platters! Oh, what you can do with those all year long.
    I wonder what is in her file on you...probably a big file, too.

  2. WOW -- that IS FABULOUS!!!!!!!!! HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to this special addition to the family!!! This project ROCKS...I simply Love it! Hope that file is not too big : ) LOL!!! hugs and a HAPPY New Year to you and yours! : )

  3. Happy Birthday to the secret agent. Those are adorable. You know my magazine copy cat challenge is coming up at the end of the month. January 28th, these would be perfect to add. They are awesome!

  4. Hi! Happy Birthday to a creative and talented lady! What a thoughtful gift. I was visiting Judie at rogue Artists and she wrote the most amazing post on gift giving. I think it is always the thought and not the cost that counts. Have a beautiful weekend. Hugs Anne

  5. what a great gift, I love this, Happy Birthday to your daughter in law!!!!

  6. Happy Birthday wishes to her! Love the gift!

  7. Birthday blessings. Those really are the perfect gifts. How thoughtful and fun.

  8. Happy birthday to D-I-L. I think that is the cutest gift. Makes me start thinking. Time to start on gifts for next year.

  9. Happy Birthday to The Secret Agent! I know you're proud of her! Isn't it nice to have daughter in laws that mean the world to you! I know what a blessing that is because I have wonderful daughter in laws. God must have listened to all the prayers that went up on behalf of my sons.

  10. Ohhh, Diana, you must be so curious to know what your file contains! What woman would not be?!! This is so intriguing! Anyways, she is blessed many times over to have you as her mother-in-law!

  11. Happy Birthday to your Secret Agent Diana... hope all her birthday wishes come true!... I love the chalkboard she made!... she puts Martha to shame... much love, Julie Marie (I won't leave you any kisses today, still have this miserable cold and I wouldn't want you to get it!)...

  12. What a great gift! Those little platters are going to be fun for you!

  13. Happy Birthday to the SAG 'Secret Agent Girl....

  14. She did a great job on that!What a cool gift!Happy Birthday to her!

  15. What a beautiful gift! Happy Birthday to the secret agent.

  16. Happy Birthday to the Secret Agent!!! many blessings to her!! I too have a secret agent in my family and can't talk about him either.. but, its all for the safety of our family.. may she have the best birthday ever!

  17. So darling...she is very creative indeed! Love this idea.
    Happy Birthday to the Secret Agent..she sounds like such a blessing to you!
    Hugs for a great weekend...xox

  18. How blessed is she to have such a loving mother-in-law! Happy Birthday, Secret Agent! Have a wonderful weekend, Diana. Enjoy that ice skating rink!

  19. Happy Birthday Secret Agent! Many happy returns and a big ol' piece of cake for you! Diana, I am making the gingerbread recipe. I just know it will be fabulous because that peanut butter fudge sure was. I made that last week, complete with putting it in two pretty Christmas card boxes. You see, we still have Christmas presents to deliver and someone is gonna love this fudge. Bobby G. loves gingerbread and I never ever make it so will do it this weekend...besides I have molasses on hand. Who has molasses sitting around in the pantry??! Now, I just have to find a good lemon sauce. xo

  20. What a sweet post! Sounds like a wonderful young woman.

    Y'all have a great 2013.

  21. She sounds like a really special lady, Diana! The chalkboards are super creative, love them! I also love that your exchange must be hand created gifts. That is so much more meaningful, I think! Ok, if she were to mention any criminal traits that you might possess, I'm betting it would be that you love trying to make everyone around you fat on your fudge and other goodies! While you don't touch the stuff:)!

  22. Birthday wishes to your secret agent.

  23. Those are really cute-she is
    good at that sort of thing.
    I should probably hold my breath and be still around her-maybe she won't notice me enough to ever do a background check on me.
    Although she's probably too busy updating files on you-LOL

  24. ask your secreat agent daughter in law if she can profile a couple of people for me :) ...oh, and tell her Happy birthday!

  25. What a beautiful thoughtful gift!
    And no matter how humble you may be - I think her biggest gift is that she was welcomed into your crazy life with open arms - love begets love my friend.............

  26. Great gifts. I certainly understand about being careful. Sometimes I wish I could shout from the roof top but we can't.

  27. Great gifts. I certainly understand about being careful. Sometimes I wish I could shout from the roof top but we can't.

  28. Awesome gift! I love it! I love that she knows you well enough and cares enough to give you something you will love!

  29. Oh, those are BEAUTIFUL! A very lovely gift from someone so special to you all :)

  30. Aw this is so sweet! What a great present idea. And how COOL that she is a secret agent!
    Isn’t That Charming.

  31. Happy Birthday Secret Agent! How exciting to have a secret agent in your family - LOL!

  32. Happy Birthday to a lucky gal to have Diane as a mother in law!

  33. Oh gosh. she's not profiling your blogging friends is she. Just in case, I'll go ahead and confess to the piece of bubble gum I stole in kindergarten. Happy birthday to your wonderful DIL.

  34. Oh my...very intriguing! I love your chalk board plates. Your blog looks fabulous too. The white background is easier on my old, tired eyes. :o) Have a good weekend! Ann

  35. Happy Birthday to "Secret Agent!" You were certainly the recipient of a great Christmas gift! xo Nellie

  36. Love these! Happy Birthday to 'The Secret Agent'... whoever you are :)

  37. Really great gift, Diana. I like the rules, under $25 and made with loving hands.......Sarah

  38. Hi Diana,
    Oh Happy Birthday to your secret agent. She sounds like a doll and I love the gift she created for you. Really a creative idea and MS has nothing on her for sure. You are blessed my friend.
    Wishing you a nice weekend.
    Love to you, Celestina Marie

  39. Happy Birthday to your DIL! Her job sure sounds interesting. I love watching shows with people like her doing their job.

  40. Happy birthday to your daughter-in-law!

    What a beautiful gift she made for you!

  41. Happy Birthday to your sweet Secret Agent,Diana.
    I hope I have as much luck when my sons marry!

  42. Very nice tribute to her and super present that she gave you. I have been so lucky in my three daughters-in-law too. And a wonderful son-in-law.

    I bet you two will have lovely girl times together as the years go by.

  43. Ooooooh - It's a good thing you've got a "family PI" to keep you in check, and a GREAT thing that she's creative!!

  44. She does know you well, bet she did do a little profiling! OOOP's I better wish her a happy birthday...OOp's now she is going to profile me...Yikkes I am getting out of here


  45. Happy Birthday to the secret agent! How lucky for you to have such a thoughtful DIL, and for her to have such a sweet and talented MIL!


  46. Diana, A beautiful tribute to a cherished family member. I only wish I had such interesting relatives. If I get worried about my safety, I'm coming to your house. You have connections!
    xo Ginger

  47. Oohhhhhh, this is such a SWEET post!!! It's clear that you both have a mutual admiration society going :) And yes, were'nt you lucky that SHE drew your name!! Beautiful idea!! ... Donna


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