
Saturday, January 26, 2013

A Tutorial On Taking Children's Pictures-Using SweetCheeks As A Model

Ready?  Here We Go!

First ~ pick a child that is 
photogenic and likes having
their picture taken.

Can I take your picture in the
sweet little dress and cape that
your Uncle and Auntie bought you,
The answer will be-
I doan't wahnt my pickshure taken.
 Three: The Solution:
Tell her you want to take a picture
of the flowers in the basket
and ask her to hold them for you.
Ummmm...Not exactly what I had in mind.
Can you hold the flowers down and 
your head down a little bit and look
right at Nana.
Sweet Cheeks..just smile and look normal.
Yeah...well.....You kinda got that 
 fake smile
and puppy dog eyes
thing going on there...
How about one more.
You want to take your cape off?
Okay- Off with the cape!
Now~How about a picture
with your Auntie Carol then?
Oh- That's a really good one,
Now...give me one more picture when
you are looking all cute like that...
and this one all by yourself.
Thank you SO MUCH!
I think the photo session is 
over for the day.

Today is your lucky day, ladies.
There is NO charge for this
tutorial.  The tips I gave you
 are all free and,
as you can see for yourself,
the outcome varies from 
shot to shot.
Go give it a try and may
God be with you.


  1. LOL - she is too cute that one - really really too cute -
    How's V ( Violet ) doing this morning?
    Is that your sister in the photo?

  2. Diana, That kid cracks me up. For some reason ,I think she's a lot like you. hmm? I hope everyone is doing great there, enjoy this weekend.xoxo,Susie

  3. I love this tutorial. Do you think it might work with my grown kids? I can never get them to sit still while I take a picture.

  4. Thanks for the tips lol! My Lil' Miss just asked if SweetCheeks can come over and play. She says she looks like a fun friend :)

  5. LOL! My granddaughter is only 2 1/2 and already says No to me when I ask if I can take her picture. I just snap away while she's doing things and hope that out of 100 pictures I'll get one good one.

  6. So funny,Diana! I think Miss SweetCheeks has the most expressive little face that I have ever seen! Love her cute outfit! But wait, where is your usual photo of a large hairy guy at the end?:)

  7. What a hoot Diana!.... somehow, I have a feeling Sweet Cheeks is going to grow up to be just like her Nana... full of fun and surprises!... xoxo Julie Marie

  8. How funny! I don't think I've ever seen a tutorial quite like this! You are One of a Kind...the best kind, too! Sweet hugs!

  9. Nothing like a good tutorial with a pretty little model! Too cute!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  10. Oh so cute! I could have used this same tutorial when my daughter was small LOL!

  11. I really really think that tutorial is how NOT to take good pictures, lol.
    Well, the pictures turned out good, just the model had her own ideas on what they should be.

  12. So very funny. Adorable pics and you have captured our journey as well in trying to get cute pictures of the kids.

  13. Your Sweet Checks is just darling!!


  14. Last night I shot 4 basketball teams and the kids all seemed to want to make cheesy fake smiles. Or - hold the ball in front of their faces. Shooting kids is hard work. But with a face like Sweet Cheeks, does the pose really matter? She'd be cute no matter what.

  15. Oh, yes! Our Little Munchkin loves to clown for the camera, too, though somehow there were some good pics taken for us at Christmas. xo Nellie

  16. Oh, WOW! I have some pics like this in my camera of the 3 year old. She is getting to be a real challenge when it comes to pics! She also likes to take pics of me when I least expect it. Not good! Thanks for the smiles.

  17. haha..cute Diana!
    I find with little Addison who is a busy toddler that I just have to kind of follow her around and be quick!!
    Stay Warm,

  18. ahhh, she's a doll not matter what face she's doing!

  19. You are so funny!!! I can see that your granddaughter takes after you. She is a hoot!

  20. She is adorable, and it looks like she has you wrapped around her finger. But no one is complaining.


  21. What an adorable little model you have here:)


  22. Ah, SweetCheeks. She captures our hearts once again.
    Her outfit is adorable! She will wear a cape? I can't believe it.
    Thanks for the tips...finding a child who likes to have their photo taken is a challenge to say the least.
    Hugs, Tina

  23. and SC are both such a HOOT.....
    and what a cute outfit...

  24. and SC are both such a HOOT.....
    and what a cute outfit...

  25. LOL!!! That's a good one! I especially like the last one...a real charmer! You'll have to put that one up at her graduation party when she's finished with high school!

  26. Too funny Diane! Sweet Cheeks makes a good model even if she does cooperate exactly with the request of the photo shoot!

  27. Ha, ha, that tutorial! You DID actually get a few good pictures out of that "session"! Thanks for sharing those funny photos with us.

  28. I think she does better than E. He shhhhs too much and won't look at the camera. SC at least makes eye contact most of the time, even if the rest of her face looks like she's in pain!
    You haven't posted any trips to starbucks with her lately...been banned? LOL

  29. I love this post!:-) Reminds me of some of our photos shoots. So much fun!

  30. She never ceases being cute, does she...even her grouchy face makes me laugh. I love her outfits.

  31. funny! I need all the help I can get...and free of charge it's even better!

  32. She's a hoot! Nice to have fresh entertainment around all the time too! Have a great weekend!

  33. She's adorable no matter what expression she has on her face. Looks like she was having fun with you.

  34. what a ray of sunshine that girl is! and adorable to boot.

  35. LOL!!!The only thing harder than taking a kid's picture is taking one of two or more together! If one looks normal the other looks like a goober! It's like when I used to try to take my dog, Sullivan's picture. He'd be all cute and as soon as I was ready to click the photo, he'd lean over and lick his rear end! Thank God kids can't do that LOL! Love the "tutorial" Hugs, Leena

  36. Thanks. I needed this tutorial so I can get cute cat pictures. My grands love to pose but the cats have become camera shy since I started to blog and every picture is a blur. I'll just ask the cats to pose with their aunt.

  37. She is so cute! And so much more entertaining than if she had done exactly what you wanted her to!

  38. Lol! What a little cutie pie! She looks so silly and what a personality. Great photos!


  39. Ha - those photos were so cute and funny! Looks like Sweet Cheeks is a real ham!

  40. hahah Nice tut Diana! My kids keep on doing the same thing each time I want them as models! I love her cape.

  41. Oh my goodness Diana. That's so darn cute. I remember when my kiddos were still little, and taking them to the photographer to get a shot of all four of them. By the time I was over, I would literally have sweat running down my back. It's hard work!! Sometimes it's the silly faces that are the most fun to look at later on, instead of the ones where they're actually doing what you wanted them to do! Thanks for sharing.


  42. I don't..think..I can stand it! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!


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