
Sunday, January 13, 2013

My Friends Need Your Prayers

I met Michelle when I first
started my blog.
Somehow we crossed paths.
Although our lives and styles
are different in many ways~
we are alike in many 
ways of the heart.
She has a blog called:
Simple Pleasures
Here is her story,
given by her permission.
Prayers Please...
I don't usually discuss personal things on my blog, but.... I wanted to share what’s going on with me lately. My mom is 89 years old with Alzheimer's and leukemia. (recent diagnosis) and I will be moving back to my childhood home to help care for her. I am starting my search for a new full time job in her area which means I need to leave the toddler I care for and I love more than words can say. Trying to accommodate everyone and figure out the timing is a huge challenge to say the least and my boss is being so wonderful and supportive to me, I can't thank her enough. On top of that I have a serious knee injury... So if you would please pray for me and this journey of love for my mother, I would greatly appreciate it. I will continue to blog through this and continue to show you my projects and thrifty finds.

Please pop over HERE
and give her a word
of encouragement.  Her world
has been turned upside down.
Thanks so much.

After I posted this my 
dear friend, Jettie,
Jettie's Ramblings
asked for prayers, too.
(sorry Jettie-only picture
of you by yourself I could
find...but dang! were cute!
There has been a lot of trouble in the family.
 Mother is estranged right now
and is in failing health and not aware of
what is going on around her~
There are a lot of lies being told and it
has created a huge rift in the family and caused
me untold anxiety.  I need your prayers
desperately.  Please pray for my mother,too.
Thank you so much

A couple other quick updates:
She is doing well. 
Words from her last night:
  Healing slowly but steadily and grateful for all the thoughts and prayers. 

Here is what Jane has to say:
 He really is doing well post surgery and back to work half days. 
 Tell everyone I said thank you
She is still struggling to find a
proper diagnosis.  Please contine
to pray for her.
Here is a note from her yesterday:
Please tell your blogger friends that I am ever grateful for 
their prayers and faithfulness. 
God's love is amazing. I am continually renewed
and in awe of the fact that perfect strangers 
would commit to praying for me and that 
we are connected on an emotional and spiritual level
through our mutual love of Christ.
It is humbling and amazing. I am so blessed

Thanks- You all are 
(no joking)


  1. I will check out these blogs you have mentioned.

  2. NanaDiana - Your kindness and thoughtfulness are inspiring and contagious.

    You have such a big heart!

  3. Diana, You have a big heart. :):) Makes me happy. I am praying for those on your list. May God take care of their needs. Your friendship has helped them also.xoxo,Susie

  4. Thanks for sharing these updates and prayer requests.
    Wishing you a blessed Sunday.

  5. Diana love your new look on the blog and have to say you are one of God's angels doing good work! Thank you for sharing these stories, I will absolutely pop over to send her my best wishes and prayers...I do believe they that together they can really do something!
    Hope you have a lovely weekend.

  6. Prayers being sent their ways! You are a great blog friend. xo

  7. I will visit your friends and keep them in prayer.
    You are such a wonderful blog friend Diana. Thank you.

  8. Praying for all, and continue to pray for me please.

  9. I am praying for all of them. It helps me when I pray for others because at times it makes my problems very small.

    I have been through the Ahlzheimer's with my mother so I have the experience to know what Michelle is going through.

    We have also had family feuds that cause so much hurt and bitterness and I hate to hear that is going on with Jettie.

    Thank you for posting their stories. I will continue to pray for them.

  10. Thank you Diana, for the prayer request for me. It is so hard when a parent is in the shape mother is in, and being manipulated at every turn. Pray for her, too.

  11. Thank you so much for always sharing these Prayer needs with us. One it reminds us of how thankful and grateful we should be on a daily basis. You also give us an opportunity to pray for these Sweet people and meet them as well. Have a wonderful day!!

  12. I have sent prayers for these people, Diana! Sometimes we think we have it hard but when we look at others, we realize that things could always be worse!

  13. Thanks for sharing. She will be in my prayers.

  14. I will be praying for them all-I appreciate it when you post their needs since I'm new to this blog world but what a fantastic caring world it is. I feel honored to be able to pray for them with you all.
    XO Ellie

  15. Thank you Di, and thank you to all of these sweet gals that are so giving of their hearts.

  16. Diana thank you for letting me know about these wonderful women and their lives.

    I am not sure if you know that I am going to have a 4th surgery (6hospital stays in less than 16 months. I always try to stay has been a challenge though!

    Pray for me please.

    2013 Artists Series

  17. Keeping them all in my prayers.Thanks for the updates too!You have a big heart <3 !

  18. Diana, I will visit each of these blogs today and pray for each family. There is power in many people praying. Thank you for being the friend who brought them to our attention.

  19. Dear Diana, you have a heart of gold and I consider it a blessing to join you in prayer for your friends.
    God bless you.

    Your blogging sister, Connie :)

  20. Oh Diana my prayers are with all those you mentioned for healing and bless you for being there for them.


  21. I have a friend named Glaphre' (passed now) who once told me that if we say we will pray for someone that it becomes a promise we must always keep...

    Just a one-finger-typing-note to say again thank you for your prayers and encouragement. It's frustrating not to be able to do what I love right now but I'm trying to stay focused on the long-term goal of wellness in my hands.

    Thank you for including me sweet friend. You bless me so much.

    Love, Rebecca

  22. Saying extra, extra prayers and keeping them all in my thoughts.

  23. You really are an angel, Diana. Please know how much I love and appreciate having you in my life! I will visit all the other ladies that need a prayer or two.


  24. Praying for all and it is so nice of you to include them in this post. May God bless each and everyone.

  25. Thank you Diana, for your nice comment. We are very happy about it;-))

  26. There is so much need out there, Diana...we never know what is happening in another person's life. Thank you for sharing their stories...I am sending prayers...

  27. So many needs, Diana. My heart goes out to your blogging friend whose mom has alzheimers and leukemia. And to Jettie as well. I will be sure to visit them and send up prayers. Thanks for spreading the word!

  28. Hello Sweet Lady,
    First, Love the Heart & Love that you sewed it! glad to hear you were taking it easy today... I am happy to be getting Lots Done! now I am off to the other blogs you have listed ~ Thank you for always giving us a heads up with Prayer Requests~

  29. run the best prayer chain/hotline out there. Keep it up! We'll help!

  30. Hi Diana, you have a big heart. Will be praying fo ryour friend and will look at the blogs.

  31. Diana,
    Something told me to come over to your blog tonight, and I will surely say prayers for your dear friends. I sure do love Mary. She is the sweetest and most lovely woman. Have a great week coming up, Diana.
    Much love,
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  32. Oh sad it is to read of so many blogger friends who need prayers. I hope that they know what a blessing you are not only to them, but to us as well. Thank you for being a leading prayer warrior for them all. I will be remembering them all this evening. ♥ Bless you, sweet friend.

    xoxo laurie

  33. Diana, I will definitely keep all these people in my prayers. I am glad to hear Rebecca is doing better! I certainly miss her post.

  34. there is a silver thread that connects all of us...the lease I can do is pray for your friends on this journey in life.

  35. All your friends are in my thoughts and prayers. Even when things don't make sense, I believe there is meaning in the tough things we go through, in the larger scheme of life.

  36. My thoughts and prayers go out to your sweet friends. May they find peace and comfort during these tough times and the strength to carry-on.

  37. Prayers and blessing to all of them! Sp happy to see that blogging is more than just sharing home decor and crafts. You are a blessing to so many people, Diana. It is an honor to read your blog every day!

  38. My list is long this winter, and room for more. I will send up prayers...Hugs, mary

  39. Diana, You are such a dear friend to all and my prayers continue for all these needs. Together we all can make a difference.
    Prayers are power!
    Blessings to you, Celestina Marie XO

  40. Keeping all of these children of God in my prayers.

  41. lLways lots of folks to pray for! Please pray for my brother-in-law John. He is the younger brother of my Sweets. He lives alone in Montana. My sis-in-law and her hubby flew him here and he was admitted to the VA. The catch was with no other ins. he can not get in pt. care at the VA altho he is a veteran because he was in service during peace and not war! DUH! Isn't that what we aspire for????
    So last night they got special permission to admit. He is much better once a team of saavy docs got together and figured out why he is so sick with headaches.
    Good he is near phamily who cares for him. Pleas epray he recovers.
    Praying for all here too.


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