
Tuesday, December 11, 2012


I have a wonderful friend
I met through blogging.
I found her shortly after
I started blogging
and when my friend, Jettie,
wasn't available to help me,
Tete did.
My Blog Button
She's kinda camera shy so the only
picture I have of her is with one
of her rescue dogs.
Yes-she is a foster animal keeper
and  baby pet saver, too.
A good soul!
Tete has a blog called
She posts things like this...
and really means it....even though
she's been sick for a
long time.
Really sick.
Days when she couldn't 
get out of bed sick.
Days when she couldn't walk sick.
Days when she never left 
the bathroom sick.

They are gonna try to 
Well, at least her 
physical problems.
She will still be nuts 
which is why I love her.

And, wouldn't you know,
this danged crazy gal
is gonna be a movie star...
We will probably NEVER see the
film she stars in because it is
a film of her operation
for training purposes.
Does THAT tell you what
kind of surgery she is having?
One they want to film!
Ummm...Hey Tete-
make sure you put your teeth in
and comb your hair- even though
they are going to be working on

Now, I know you all think I am 
being pretty flippant and 
smart alecky about her serious
surgery but, you see,
Tete would expect nothing less
from me.
If I am my normal self
she knows she doesn't have
to worry much.
She will go into surgery 
smiling now because she  knows
that I and Jettie know
that she is going to be okay.
But, just to be on the
could you wing a little prayer
skyward to the
Big Guy up there?
He likes Tete a lot but we don't
want him to make her an angel
just yet.
She's got a lot of devil
we gotta work out of her first...
and that's all I'm gonna 
say about that.

After I wrote this,
 I heard from 
my friend, Jane,
Blondie's Journal

Her hubby is having some very
serious surgery today also.
Please pray for him, too.
I will update you as 
I hear more.


  1. You are one crazy lady. Thanks for the post, and I will keep this man and his family in my prayers for as long as I am awake this morning. Up early here and want breakfast and can't do it! Maybe Steve will snag me a whopper on the way I am taking an insure with me. Carbed up last night and I am at 124 this morning, was hoping for higher, but if I drop, they can deal with that there.
    Have a fun day and I will sit down here and let you know how it all went as soon as I get home and stuff my face.

  2. Prayers for Tete. What a thought-filled post, Diana! Prayers for your other friend's husband too. xo

  3. You are such a good friend. Prayers flowing from West MI.

  4. Thoughts and prayers Diana. Tete And Jane will sure appreciate it.

  5. Sending prayers for Tete and Jane's husband.
    After I had some gynae. surgery, the surgeon (who used to be my boss) handed me a tape of my operation. Needless to say, I never watched it; there are some things I just don't want to see on the big screen!

  6. Hi Diana, Just know that I am praying for them both that the surgery goes well and they have a speedy recovery. Have you had snow up your way. Take care and have a wonderful day. Hugs and Prayers Your Missouri Friend.

  7. You are such a nice person Diana. I am sending positive thoughts to both of them.

  8. You are such a nice person Diana. I am sending positive thoughts to both of them.

  9. Sending prayers for Tete & Jane's husband, and one for you too Diana, just because.

  10. Diana, I will gladly pray for Tete and Blondie's(Jane) husband. They are very nice people . I know the power of prayer. xoxo,Susie

  11. Diana your a wonderful person and wonderful friend!! Saying prayers for Tete and Jane's hubby for a successful surgery and a quick recovery.

  12. Just came from Tete's blog. Prayers and hugs for her and her family.

  13. I read about Jane's husband's surgery on her blog yesterday. Prayers and good thoughts going out to both Tete and Jane's hubby!

  14. Oh my, Tete, I had no idea since I've been out of the loop lately. I pray all goes well for her and Jane's hubby!

  15. Consider it done. I have always found it much better to look on the humorous side of even the most serious things. It has gotten us through many a rough time.

  16. Just said them and they are on their way! What a good lady you are!

  17. Sending a prayer for Tete and for Blondie's husband!

  18. Yep, that is our Tete, even in surgery, she is the star of the show.
    Praying for her
    and Blondie's hubs.

  19. I'll keep them in my prayers. I know how hard it can be to be facing surgery. Sweet hugs to you, my friend!

  20. A good reminder that people are dealing with serious issues every single day of the year! Prayers all around!

  21. Thank you for asking for prayers for others. i know want people praying for me or my loved ones, especially when difficulties arise! I will pray ...

  22. Of course I will. I've been grateful for all the prayers of my blogging friends both for me and my hubbie! Tete sounds a wonderful person with so much more to give! Prayers too for your other blogging friends husband. Joan

  23. Prayers on the way for TeTe. Already praying for Mr. Blondie. You are such a sweetie.

  24. praying...praying...praying...
    and thank you for making me laugh:)

  25. It seems that you are getting closer and closer to becoming famous. First, Sweet Cheeks became a star and now Tete! Who knows... you might be next!
    And now seriously.... I'll keep Tete in prayer. Keep us posted on her condition. I hope this surgery is the answer to her prayers and gets her all fixed up so she can get out of bed and enjoy life everyday!

  26. What a beautiful post for your friend, Diana. Tete will be in my prayers today. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to pray for others. I appreciated it so very much when you posted a prayer request for me. It's comforting to know that when I'm not feeling so are people out there praying. I didn't get my post up until 1 a.m. last night,as I was sick again all day yesterday and last night. Praying things will get better. The sun is shining here today and I'm going to snuggle up in a window like a purring kitty cat and soak up some vitamin D.

  27. Amazing post! Prayers sent their way for Tete and for Jane's husband. Diana, you are an awesome lady. I am so proud to know you!

  28. Keeping all in my thoughts and prayers today. A little dark humor and liberal dosses of sarcasm can get you through lots. Hey, whatever works!! Hugs~Shannon

  29. There is a wonderful blessing in knowing a prayer warrior like yourself. I will be praying for your friends and God bless you for your sweet and loving heart.

    On a lighter note:
    Come over and enter my Give-away.
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)

  30. Thank you for a great post today about a great lady, Diana. I sure am praying for Tete! And leave it to Tete to get her 15 minutes of fame in the operating room! I told her she should tell the dr's she wants a trip to Hawaii for compensation! I didn't know about Jane's husband, I'll be praying for him, too.

  31. Hi Diana, Lifting Tete up right now as well as Jane's husband. I'm sorry to hear Tete has been so ill-guess I don't check her blog as often as I should but she sounds like you and maybe doesn't post about being sick. Please keep us posted!!!!
    Hugs, Noreen

  32. I will keep both families in my prayers,

  33. I absouletly will be praying for them today-I'm counting on strong spirits and prayer to do the trick for both of them. XO

  34. Of course, prayers for Tete, whenever the surgery is scheduled. Also for the husband of Jane. xo Nellie

  35. Diane, I will be praying for all. You are such a dear friend to post something uplifting and delightful on the edge of surgery. Anyone about to go through a serious procedure needs to have a little giggle too. It really helps and your post is wonderful while caring so much for a dear friend.
    Prayers for TeTe and Jane's hubby.
    Blessings be yours dear lady.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  36. Well that sucks it got rescheduled, but for good reasons I guess. I'll pop over to her blog and catch up.

  37. Shooting up prayers ...
    Thanks for posting...
    How's little Miss Hollywood doing?

  38. I am praying for complete healing for Tete and for Blondie's hubby, both today and after Christmas when Tete's surgery is rescheduled. I think your wild humor is very appropriate!


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