
Thursday, November 8, 2012

HEY! Want A HAY Ride?

Every Fall we try to join
the kids when they go
for their annual
Hay Ride and
pumpkin picking
for the Fall Season.

We missed it last year
but this year we joined them.
So....who else joined the party?
My beautiful Mimi and
(the Irish princess & the
little Irish elf)
BigBoyE checked out
the goats and fed them.
His Daddy, BigJ,
enjoyed the day even
though he had to sit by
ME on the hayride.
yeah-you don't see me...
really bad hair day...
really bad face day...
really HATE having my
picture taken day.
SweetCheeks and Family
had fun~as you can plainly see.
Question from Nana:
Whatcha looking at BigBoyE?
SweetCheeks answers for him:
Nuthin'-He's not looking at
nuthin' cuz there's nuthin' there.
Well, then...what is 
looking at?
SweetCheeks: Nuthin'. 
He's not lookin' at nuthin' eithfer.
Seriouhsly, Nana!
Look...There is nuthin' there!
There's no pumpkhins
(she was right there)
and there's no peoples
and there's just nuthin'
to look at anhd--
I'hm right again!!!
 Wow!  You are 
aren't you?
Yep!  Ahn...I'm the smartest
one in my roohm, too.
I would like to take this moment
to thank SweetCheeks' teacher
today and all her future teachers.
May God be with you!

I wonder who will be 
The Mouth of the group
next year?
Do you think anyone will
be able to edge 
SweetCheeks out?


  1. Not a chance.

    Love the family pics, they're great!

  2. Diana, Everyone looks great in the pictures. Love the Irish elf.No one can top sweetcheeks. :):)xo, Susie

  3. Hi Diana, So much fun and Sweetcheeks gave me a some laughter in some earlier post. I am so glad that you are back. I may not leave a message, but I do pop in to check on you. You know children have two sets of manners, one for school and one for else wise or at least that is what my boys tell me. I know that my kids did. Love seeing pictures of your family. They are growing up entirely to fast. Have great day. I am off to work.

  4. Why are Hay Rides so fun? I don't know but there is something about them that makes you smile, right?

  5. Aren't hayrides fun? Even more so with family.

    Sweet pictures. :)

    Have a great day Diana.

    Take care, Janet W

  6. no way! I love the family photos, beautiful family!

  7. Looks like your "guided tour" by SweetCheeks was alot of fun!... you look beautiful!... xoxo Julie Marie

  8. Looks like a lovely day Diana! And gosh, those kids are really growing up!

  9. Looks like a fun day! Love your pictures! Family is #1!!

  10. A perfect way to spend a lovely autumn day! Loving all the photos!

  11. No, it will still be SC who is the mouth next year. Lovely photos, great fun, and looks as if everyone there was happy.
    Prayers for her teachers, because giggling at a student isn't acceptable.

  12. Well, look at your movie star glasses...that is a mighty handsome man that has you all hugged up...does he know about Burt???

  13. oops, I wasn't quite finished...:)
    As for the question you asked about our is a local move...we could never move off and leave all our family here. :))

  14. Enjoy your Grandchildren and your adult family.Very good looking family.Your daughter is very pretty. Looks like you Nana.

    Glad you were able to go both of you this time with the kiddies.

    My husband enjoys reading your blogs and looking at your pictures. You get him laughing with Sweet Cheeks.
    Wow funny how she answers for the little darling. He is a dorable. Love his hat. Plus the other lad.
    My hubby is not savvy himself on computer but when I bring up your blog. I yell to him. Come see Di's Blog. See how many non computer savvy's look. Tee,,hee

  15. Don't worry about Sweet Cheeks. She's gonna do just fine. And if you ever catch yourself wondering about anything.... anything at all... just ask her. She seems to have all the answers! *lol*

  16. I haven't been on a hay rack ride since high school.

    I love your family photos!

  17. Not a chance.......I predict Sweet Cheeks will continue her reign for years to come. Hope you are printing a copy of your blog for SC to have in later years. ;-)

    Beautiful photos of a beautiful family. How blessed you are!

  18. Wonderful family outing! I always have loved a hay ride.

    xo Nellie

  19. Oh, heck no. Not even with a blow horn!
    Charles is growing so fast! I love the boys' hats, too.
    Well, did anyone drop their pumpkins this year? You know you could always bring that up to Miss Perfect, you know.
    Yeah, her teachers have no idea what they are going to be getting into with that one, and he future boyfriends. There will probably be many.

  20. What a wonderful family tradition - Oh, how I miss those days! Can't wait for grand babies! LOVE the hats!

  21. You are so lucky to be able to go on hayrides with your family. I went on one once back when I was a teen with a group of teens.

  22. I went on only one hay ride in my life when I was a teenager and I never stopped laughing once. The boys kept pushing us girls off the wagon whenever we tried to climb in. Now, that's a long time ago and I can't remember if we ever did manage to get on. Afterwards, there was a baked bean supper and a dance. That is one fun day I have never forgotten! That is a lovely photo of you and your husband. I can see the love there and the tenderness!

  23. Diana, you have a lovely family! I love all the photos and especially love the one of you and your hero! That Sweet Cheeks, she's such a "mess"! I love hearing all the wonderful stories!

  24. glad someone is vocal! :) enjoy, they grow up fast...too fast!

  25. Oh, it just looks like the perfect day...sunny and bright and those sweet faces, you are blessed!

  26. Not a snowball's chance in...well, you know the rest. I think Sweet Cheeks will be reigning next yr and the next and the next...
    So great that you have such a close family-love the pics.
    XO Ellie

  27. anything is possible where children are concerned

  28. I knew you were Doris Day!
    Look at you~ movie star glasses and a very European looking stud on your arm. You two are adorable.
    I'm going along with the popular vote here and saying that SC will always be "the mouth" of the group.
    The child needs her own talk show!
    Beautiful family enjoying a day together...priceless.
    xo, Tina

  29. Lovely family and very fun outing. So nice that you all live close to each other too.

  30. Hay rides are so fun! It's been years since I've been on one.

  31. Wonderful photos! Enjoyed the post!
    Hay rides are the best!

    Flora Doora

  32. Sounds like you all had a fun day! Nope, I don't think anyone could fill SC shoes! Bet her teacher will talk about her for years to come!

  33. That Sweet Cheeks just knows how to add personality to a photo, doesn't she? :D

    I would kill for your daughter's hair!

  34. What fun this had to be Diana! I love traditions like this. You don't need me to tell you that you are blessed, but I'm going to are blessed!

  35. It looks like you had a lot of fun, and your pictures are great.


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