
Monday, November 26, 2012

Fall Is Over-Winter Is A'Coming

How do I know when
Fall is really over?
We see the last
of the ships that
come in to port
making some of their
final runs.
I love seeing them
but know these will be some
of the last ones till Spring.
Good-bye Ship!
Another one yesterday.
Be careful on the Great Lakes.
They can be deadly.

Winter is a'coming.
The winter birds have found
the seed we supply
them with-
right next to their
heated birdbath.
I'll show you that in a day
or so-it's getting a little

How else do I know 
winter is a'coming?
MyHero starts hunkering
down for winter by making
sure we have enough to eat.
He wrestled this bad boy
to the ground
 he doesn't seem to
want to be
boiled OR mashed.
I'm not sure what
I am gonna do with him.
(The potato, that is, 
NOT MyHero)
Any suggestions?


  1. It is definitely coming! We already have a little snow.

  2. yep...winter is coming. I must be an idiot (the cold does that to me) I am heading to Pennsylvania tomorrow and it's supposed to snow there the whole time. ugh! Diana, you have such a beautiful view!

  3. I love the Great Lakes pics Diana! I never tire of seeing our beautiful Great Lakes!
    It is so cold here this morning...geez what a change!!
    Hugs friend,

  4. thats so funny !
    The Sault Locks will be open for a bit yet, lots of ships rolling by, thats cool, we probably watch the same ones!!!!

  5. my girls LOVE Mr. Potatoe!!! they would go crazy on that one!

  6. Winter has arrived here! We got snow over the weekend and it's looking like a winter wonderland!
    LOL on the that "big" potato!! Kudos to Hubby for posing! :-)

  7. Hi Diana, what a cutie your hubby with the potato head.
    Yes, the great lakes can be dangerous. I grew up by Lake Erie and remember too well. We would visit summers at Sterling State Park. WOW this was many years ago and many cold winters past.

    Enjoy the season my friend. Hugs,
    Celestina Marie

  8. Well, Diana, I don't think winter will ever arrive for us. It gets a little cooler at nigh, but we are still hitting close to 80 during the day. It is 8:00am and we are in the mid 60's already. Really looking forward to cooler weather! By the way, your pictures are so pretty!

  9. Diana, You could make Hero a huge pot of potato soup,one of these cold winter days. I think he would love it. Winter is close, today is so sunny and pretty,but it's cold. xoxo, Susie

  10. Beautiful shots Diana! Winter is on it's way, but I like it!

  11. Oh dear! If my hero were wrestling Mr Potato Head someone would be missing an ear! Hubby does not play nicely with veggies. Love the pics - Mr P looks like a masher to me though.

  12. I long for some winter weather here in NOLA. It makes it feel like the season:) Have a great week. xo

  13. Laughed aloud at your last line. :-) And I love watching the ships on the Great Lakes. We go to Duluth once a summer to see the ships come into the port there. They're so impressive! And yes, the Great Lakes are cold, deep, and deadly! Remember the Edmund Fitzgerald!

  14. Diana, your photos of the ships are lovely! What a beautiful view! I love watching them go by! I'm laughing at your heated birdbath because I have heated beds for my two feral cats in the garage! Your hero is too cute! Not sure what to do with Mr. Potato Head!

  15. Do the great lakes fully freeze over? Not living there it's hard to know what happens in your world.


  16. Seems like literally yesterday we were all welcoming fall after a very hot summer. Now winter is coming way too soon. Those birds are probably so thankful for the food you put out for them in the winter, and the heated bird bath? I bet all the birds in the neighborhood hang out at your house.

  17. Diana, your pictures look like the Marquette area? Yes, our great lakes can get so scary! Awesome heated bird bath. I have always wanted one. We only have a dusting of snow here in lower Michigan, but I am already dreaming of a warm, tropical vacation. either love it or you hate it...hmmmmnnnnn....

  18. Seeing the ships in Lake Michigan bring back some childhood memories of our home in Michigan City, IN. We lived within walking distance to the harbor and as a kid the harbor, the park and the zoo were my playground. It was fun watching these ships get filled with grain and seeing them slowly dip deeper into the water as they took on their loads. Thanks for the memory.
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)

  19. Thank goodness MyHero knows how to provide for the family! I think I'd try baking that potato. Just be sure it doesn't wind up "half-baked.":) xo Nellie

  20. And we are still wearing shorts and tee shirts here in Texas! What a treat to see the ships coming and going and the Great Lakes every day. Our lake behind us is drying up because we've had no rain.
    Funny pic of your Hero and the Mr. Potato Head! So cute. Personally, I like to make potato-leek soup. Yum!

  21. Which one is Mr. Potato Head??????????? This is just too funny, Diana! How about roasted, with garlic and fresh rosemary, a drizzle of olive oil, and kosher salt? Gotta love our Great Lakes. Oh, we have a heated birdbath too. The birds love it!

  22. Adorable picture of your hero!

    Flora Doora

  23. What an adorable Hero.

    Winter has arrived in my neck of the woods. Got our first measurable snowfall on Saturday-about six inches and our temps dropped below 30 degrees, so it seems to be here to stay. It won't be long before our Great Lake (Huron) freezes and all the freighters will be done until next spring.

  24. Love your picture of your honey! He is adorable!! smile... I can understand what you mean about fall ending and winter is lost upon us! Great pictures of the barges/ships.


  25. Diana, your hero is such a good sport and you always get a chuckle out of me! Yours must be such a happy household!

  26. What great pictures and the water is such a beautiful cornflower blue. As for J, I think he should put Mr. Potato head belted in his
    passenger whenever he goes somewhere alone so he has someone to talk to-LOL

  27. Oh yes I can feel it in the air! I am not ready but here it is!

  28. Your hero is very brave to tackle such an impressive potato!

  29. Ha! Whatever you do with Mr. Potato Head, make sure he doesn't have his angry eyes!

  30. Where did you find that huge potato? It's cute. Brilyn would love that. She's my potato head kid. She loves making silly faces and putting parts on upside down and laughing at them. Maybe she's artistic like her Daddy?

  31. What fun seeing those big ships pass by your windows, Diana! How much of the water out there freezes over during the winter?

    As far as Your Hero and his potato....well, that's your department. You're not gettin' a comment from me.


    xoxo laurie

  32. Lol! Winter is here, but not much snow yet...just cold!

  33. It's cold here too finally - cold and lonely looking - ( hate it !!! )
    I would put a white beard on Mr. Potato Head and a red hat and call him Santa lol

  34. This morning at dawn I was looking out of the bedroom window and saw flocks of birds heading South..Winter is just around the bend...

  35. Now that's one fat boy! The potatoe of course, not your hero. Love, love the pic! Yup, Winter is a comin. Love the looks of snow, but not looking forward to the cold.

  36. Diana, you crack me up! I love the pic with your hero and mr taterhead! I think you should slice him up and make some home fries or chop him for potato soup! Die tater, die! LOL Cute post! Jim loved the picture too! Hugs, Leena

  37. You have one of the best views, I love when you share!!
    Love seeing your hero too!


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