
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

SweetCheeks Goes To School

Yesterday was a day
filled with excitement,
wonder, joy and a bit of

When SweetCheeks woke
up there was a sign in her
front yard.
The school does this every 
year for every student
entering Kindergarten.
She was excited when
she had her picture taken
with her handsome Daddy 
and sisters, Ria and Lulu.
She was still pretty excited
when she saw an old friend
from pre-school in line.
She was a little less excited
when she realized that 
Mama and Nana 
were both leaving her there
to walk with the rest of
her new classmates into
school all by herself.
She gave a little half-wave
just before the tears 
started running down her 
little cheeks.
I had a few tears of my own
but they were cleverly concealed
behind my sunglasses.

She only went a half day
and when I picked her up
she was her usual happy
little self.
All in all it was a great first
day for all three girls.
I asked her teacher how 
SweetCheeks was
in class.
He said she was the most
polite one in class and 
called him SIR!

I think Mom & Dad did pretty good, huh?


  1. What sweet pictures! Cherish every moment!

  2. What sweet pictures! Cherish every moment!

  3. What a lovely and thoughtful gesture by the school, little things like that make all the difference. SweetCheeks looks so smart standing out by the sign, all the girls do.
    I think you all did very good, they are clearly great girls.

  4. thats such a great way to welcome the children, I feel the tears stinging my eyes as I read this, time flys, you all did a wonderful job raising these beautiful children,

  5. Diana, You have all done a fine job raising Sweetsheeks.:):) I remember some first day tears too. xoxox, Susie

  6. Diana, why do I get the feeling you shed few more tears than Sweetcheeks? I hope she had a great first day.

  7. That is an awesome thing the school does!!!

  8. That is so great! I always think it's harder on the Moms & Grandmoms than on the kids themselves. I love that they put the sign in each kid's yard...what a wonderful idea.

  9. That's so sweet. I love your stories. This made me a little weepy. I remember my son's first day of Kindergarten. I was fine until my mom whispered, "Remember, be strong and don't break down in front of him." Thanks. It's such an exciting time! I just love that the school goes out of their way to have the signs in front of the students' homes. That's fantastic! You have such a great family!

  10. Oh, Diana! You just brought back some sweet memories! I cried with all my three kids when they started school! LOL It is so neat how they set up the sign for each child. Too cool! I am so glad she had a good first day! The same thing happened to me with my middle son. He had the same spirit as Sweetcheeks and I was a little concerned about him behaving in class. He turned out to be the best behaved of them all!!! LOL You never know with kids! :)

  11. Awwwww....darling pics. I'm so glad she had a good first day of kindergarten. All-day school was quite the adjustment for my Josie. She was asleep by 8pm last night. She informed me that lunchtime isn't long enough. She had too much food and not enough time for chit chat. Silly girl.

  12. What a sweet idea! I'll bet tears lasted only a few minutes for her, now how about you and mom?

  13. Hi Diana, You brought back memories of my children's first day of school. You cherish these special moments and remember children have two sets of manners one for school and one for home that are nothing alike. You cry when they start and you cry again when they get that diploma from college because it makes you so proud of them. I have enjoyed your post, just been a little busy lately. Have a great day. Hugs and Prayers from your Missouri Friend.

  14. I love the sign idea! Now wouldn't you just love to be a fly on the wall at St. Bernard!

  15. That's a thoughtful gesture from the school. I haven't heard of any doing that around here.

    Yes, these are definitely bittersweet moments.:(

    Sending along the best to SweetCheeks and her Nana!

    xo Nellie

  16. sweet Diana. I can see the mixed emotions though on her face..happy, nervous, excited and what shall I expect today?

  17. The photos will make precious memories. After all of these years I still remember the first day of school for my kids.

  18. Yes, they sure did good, Diana! I would have been teary eyed, too! Is it a private school? Starting this year in MI, kindergarten is a full day, which I think is way too long for the little kids. My sweet little nephew, who just turned 6, started kindergarten today. But, since it's a private school, he only has to go 3 days a week. I have vague memories of being scared to death on my first day of school, and having to ride that big ol' school bus!!!

  19. Not sure my comment went through????/

  20. Nope it didn't. I am surprised that she cried. That makes me sad. She is probably afraid her days at Starbucks are over. Glad she was okay when you picked her up. She looks cute in her uniform.

  21. What a wonderful tradition! Nice to have her picture next to it too.

  22. Glad the first day went well. She looked adorable.

  23. This is bittersweet. They grow up way too fast :(. My granddaughter is 4 and has moved to the 4s class is day care. She was happy about that because her boyfriend is in that class! Next week she'll be starting Montessori a few days a week.

    The yard sign is a wonderful idea and great way to welcome a new student. What a cutie your little one is!

  24. Oh, I remember those days and I think it's just as hard on the parents as the kids on the first day of school! Everyone misses each other. She sure is cute in her tartan jumper!

  25. That is such a cute thing the school does with the signs. I got all teary eyed reading about SweetCheeks getting all teary eyed. Glad she had a good first day!

  26. Very precious! I wish all my students were as polite as Sweet Cheeks!!! Sounds like she'll do just fine!!!

    P.S. It's my lunch break! LOL!!!

  27. Such cute photos. I hope each of the girls has a fantastic school year. I cried my first day of school, too!

  28. Oh you just brought back such a sad memory lol
    When my twins hit grade 1 the school decided they should be in separate classes - I can still remember the tears running down their faces!
    On another note - wow - he's gorgeous Diana lol

  29. Hi Di,
    Oh my gosh, from a princess gown to a school uniform....they grow up so fast! Sir, really too cute! Can't wait to hear about her kindergarten romances. Can you please video her after about a week and ask her to tell us about school. Should be a good video!

  30. Diana, you captured some special moments here. First day of school is an exciting time.

  31. nothing like the first day of school...I am not looking forward to that with my own...hence we will homeschool! (...they probably wish I would drop them off at school...maybe)

  32. Awe, adorable but makes ME want too! The up side is that you are capturing this in pictures for when this happens with her little Sweet cheeks in years to come so she'll know what to do too :O(

  33. Wow! I wish our school district did that! That's awesome and makes them so excited about going!
    Thanks Diana for following my blog and for making such great comments to encourage me! Appreciate it so much! Ruthie

  34. Such a big day for her! I think my brother's kids may have gone there too. I know the older girls are at Notre Dame. Not sure I guess about the one still in elementary.
    I bet you were proud Diana, she is a cutie pie indeed!
    Hugs friend,

  35. Hi, Loved seeing sweet cheeks in her uniform and with the sign-what a wonderful thing for the school to do. My friend, I would also say you have had a positive influence on your granddaughter.
    Have a great evening.
    Love, Noreen

  36. It's so sad when the youngest one goes...I still remember how long I cried! It won't be long before SC is leading the classroom instead of her teacher! ;)
    xxx, T.

  37. I love the sign in the yard too! Great idea and she looks so happy with her dad and sisters!

  38. How cute she looks in her uniform!! Lovely memories, good pictures!

  39. Awwwwww.....just another memorable day for you and your girls, Diana! What adorable photos! all raise'em right! :)

    xoxo laurie

  40. Yes, Mom and Dad did well as some *ummm* other people in her life!
    What a little cutie she is; just starting out. {what I wouldn't give for a fresh start}
    So wonderful you were there for her too. I DO love the sign from the school in the front yard. SUPER sweet!

  41. Lucky you to get to be there. I didn't think there was any 1/2 day kinder classes left. Lucky her.

  42. I hate to tell you "I told you so!!" No I don't! I called it. Our little Sweet Cheeks will be teacher's pet. Woo Hoo!!
    Our Little Sweet Cheeks, Teacher's pet!!
    She gets that talent from her Nana, I just know it.
    Love to all, Ginger

  43. Hi Diana! Oh, so sweet! What a little doll. Kinda broke my heart seeing that little sad face and knowing she started to cry but how wonderful she was happy after class. How marvelous that you could be there! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  44. Oh what a precious picture of her half wave...That will be a picture she will treasure forever along with her Nana!


  45. Hi Diana,

    How are you doing? Great I hope.

    The very first day of school is always memorable. That is neat that the school does that.

    Never heard of a male teacher in a kindergarten class.

    Sweet pics. I remember the pic I took of my son Rob, then Robbie, on his first day. My goodness, that was about 22 years ago or something.

    Oh well, gotta run. Have a great day.
    Take care, Janet W

  46. what an amazing gesture!! my kids get a form welcoming letter.

  47. Soooooo adorable..what a great tradition...I love the sign idea...must pass this onto my administers at my school. Hugs

  48. How amazing that the school cares enough to do the signs! That first day of school is such a bittersweet moment! Good thing you had your trusty sun glasses!


  49. First days are always so bittersweet! I love the sign tradition. I think it would really help most kids feel more welcome.
    Of course she's the most polite one in class~she's a smart girl! She knows when to turn it on and when to turn it off. :)

  50. Awww, she cried! I would have snatched her up and taken her home, which is why I was never allowed to go in with my kids on their first day. I was locked in the car screaming, "Give me back my babies!" And that was when they went to university. I think that happened at their weddings, too. ~ Maureen

  51. O, how I remember taking my first little grandson to KINDY GARDEN...I squalled all the way back home. It was terrible. He was crying, I was crying...called my girl at work and said don't make me take him again. Of course, I did....and it got better each time I took him. It was just that the first day was a total BUMMER...for us both. :(
    Bless his heart, he just turned 22 this summer....and I still get tears, just thinking about that day.
    Sweet Cheeks is so precious, just like her Nana.

  52. She looks adorable!!! And how cool is that sign on the front lawn!! veru cool that the school does that for the new little ones!
    and see? you didn't wear off on her as much as you thought! She is very polite, and her mom and dad did her real good!!

  53. She's so cute! And I love the idea of a yard sign in the yard. I'm not wild about the idea of sending little ones off to school, though. Seeing all of those back to school photos all over facebook leaves me feeling kind of sad. I like summer. I like kids to run free and behave naturally in a less structured environment. But - it's only a half a day. Now - if Lulu and Ria could just get half day classes that would be great! *lol* But at least it appears that they are getting a Christian education. Those are school uniforms, so it's private school - right?

  54. Such cute pictures! Hey, it hurts my ears when I DON'T hear children say "Sir" and "M'am" to adults but I am having to get used to it since not all my grandchildren are the product of a Southern mommy AND daddy.

  55. What a great surprise to wake up and find the welcome sign in the front yard. The girls look so cute ready to start the school year.


  56. Absolutely precious photos! I still remember those "firsts" for my kids and the grands. Just can't keep the tears back, no matter how strong you wanna be.

    Hope each day is wonderful for all of them!


  57. Absolutely precious photos! I still remember those "firsts" for my kids and the grands. Just can't keep the tears back, no matter how strong you wanna be.

    Hope each day is wonderful for all of them!


  58. I remember wearing sunglasses the day I dropped my son off for his first day of school - for the same reason!! I love her outfit - it's so wonderful! She's a special girl!

  59. Oh how sweet! I still remember how emotional I was when my kids first started school. It's a sweet moment filled with pride and emotion!


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