
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Alphabet Laughs- X Is For XACTLY What I Was Hoping For remember
how the
front of our house
 looked last week?

Well, it doesn't look like
THAT anymore.

Here it was before...
NOW you remember.

Cleaned up and pretty.
Do you know those window boxes
were always there?
Covered by VEGETATION.
The windows go from
floor to ceiling in the
MyHero's office and
the laundry room.
As an idea -the new arborvitae
are just over 3' tall.

This is the recess where
the old front door used to be
before we built the porch
and added on to the house.
All that stone was
saved from the front of
the old house and reused.

I put my fountain in the niche
and I will get that up and
running this week.
We have moved that fountain
5 times over the years.
I have the words of the movers
still ringing in my ears.
That high window
above the fountain is
in the powder room.
The sedums have been moved
to the side as you can see.
Oh...and to sit in a chair now
and just breathe a minute....
 I am glad it is done!
Now.....Aren't you glad I didn't use my

on something like this?
Cuz I think this is
much more Xciting!

Don't you?


  1. Dang. You were productive. That is a ton of work and everything looks so tidy. Your fountain is very pretty.

  2. Diana, That does look better. Yes, I can imagine you are still hearing words about that looks heavy.xo, Susie

  3. It looks wonderful, Diana. I know alot of hard work went into it, so you've earned a day (or a few) to just relax & enjoy your Starbucks!

  4. it looks Fabulous~! wow, that was a lot of hard work but so worth it.

  5. Looks beautiful, but you know you loved every minute of that hard work, knowing it would look so pretty.

  6. wow, what a change, it looks lovely, I did like the jungle look too! You have a beautiful home!

  7. Diana, it looks wonderful! I know that had to be so much work! Love your fountain! I love when the yard work is finished and you can sit down and enjoy it!

  8. My son has floor to ceiling windows in the front of his home and I love that feature! Your new look is wonderful clean and fresh! I have been pulling weeds and working my behind off the past few days and my body is saying "no more" sore! Hope you are having a wonderful week! xo

  9. Yes, very x-citing post!! your home is so beautiful! It shows how much you love it!!

  10. It looks just gorgeous! I like my windows to let in just as much sunshine as possible. Oh...we have 30 bags of mulch in the courtyard right now and hubby's gone to pick up 30 more! Let's get together...yea yea yea! haha!

  11. You forgot to use the word xcavation! Love the new look! Hope you have a good day sitting in a chair and admiring it all.

  12. Such a refreshing, relaxing setting, Diana! Yes, sitting in one of those chairs would be very relaxing! Conversation with you would be refreshing!

    Have a great Wednesday!

    xo Nellie

  13. That was a lot of work and it looks wonderful.

  14. Now it looks nice and neat! And that fresh dirt looks inviting. We have red clay here..... not inviting at all.

  15. Wow is all I can say-what a difference. I love it; hubby helped me weed one bed the other day but I've still got one more-want to help?
    Happy Wednesday.

  16. Looks great. All this work you've been doing is making me feel quite lazy by comparison.

  17. Throw the view of Lkae and I would say this is Xtra special.

  18. It turned out xtrmemly lovely Diana! That's a lot of work! I've been cleaning out my veggie garden the last 2 days. It looked like your before picture, but my results aren't yet looking as pretty as yours. I still have lots to do!!

  19. Diana,
    Please come to my house and make my front yard look like this! Everything is so groomed now. How wonderful to just sit out there and have a cup of coffee and stare at the awesome job you and your husband did. Alot of hard work, but it's nice to have a beautiful space like this.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  20. Wow, that is a lot of work! It looks beautiful and I love your window boxes LOL

  21. the new landscape looks great. I love the window's boxes. I bet you get more light in the house too

  22. So pretty! I am sure you will enjoy it!

  23. I was wondering what you would come up with for X!! This is did a wonderful job with this area! I love the window boxes and the little niche with the beautiful fountain! All very pretty!


  24. That really looks good! You did an amazing job!

  25. That really looks good! You did an amazing job!

  26. I can see it was a LOT of work, but it really was worth it, as it looks so nice.

    I think those Sedum will survive with no problems at all. I have just cut off Sedum leaves and tossed them out and they became new plants. It's a tough plant.

  27. Looks x-ceptional! I need you to come south and help in my garden. How does your schedule look?
    Enjoy some leisure time on that porch now that your done.......Sarah

  28. Love the new look! We had a bird bath that was heavy and we finally left it for the folks that bought out last house!!! They are probably fussing with each other about moving it now!

  29. Hi Diana, OH what a gorgeous front of your home. Such curb appeal and so fresh. You are going to enjoy wonderful fall days and evenings sitting there. You and your hero did a beautiful job.

    Have an "Xceptional" rest of the week!!
    Celestina Marie XO

  30. A job well done! It looks amazing! You must feel such a sense of accomplishment Diana .... that was NOT an easy task! Your house looks darling!

  31. Beautiful job! I just love those window boxes and your home is just so lovely Diana! :-)

  32. Doesn't look to me like Nana Diana takes a break...whew!

  33. Wow! that was tons of work, Diana! You really need to take a break. I love that fountain!

  34. Ah, you're very clever to use your "X" that way! I agree. Your flower bed is exciting now. It looks great. Your house is very pretty too.

  35. Very good job!! That's a big job too! I know since I've done a lot of our landscaping at our home. Ummmm.....that's a pretty darn big fountain to be moving around!! Cute setting you created!

  36. Can you send some of your energy my way. It all looks great. Love the fountain. :)

  37. Wow ~ you have accomplished so much and it looks terrific! Lots of work there!

  38. Looks lovely...job well done my friend. Happy mid week to you.

  39. YAY! You finally got it done, Diana! It looks fabulous!!!! Did you sit back and crack the whip on the "boys" doing the work....? :)

    xoxo laurie

  40. New landscaping always feels so fresh. You have a beautiful home, Diana. I love floor to ceiling windows. They let in the perfect amount of light.

  41. What a beautiful transformation! I love it! Hugs, Penny

  42. Can I borrow the whip you used on your Hero, please? I can't get my hubby to change a light bulb.
    It looks gorgeous! The hard work paid off! When's lunch at your place???
    xxx, T.

  43. What every you say LOL! It looks fabulous and I am sure it was xlot of work !


  44. It lookjs like a lot of hard work! I'm glad you saved the sedums, they are a garden favorite of mine. Mine arre at the foot of my autumn clematis which looks like a big white pillow about now. We usually decorate our front yard really nice in the fall with lots of pumpkins and cornstalks on every fence post. This year I don't think we are going to do it. Hubs is like, why spend money let's just put it into savings? We don't want to be here anymore anyway. He's right. Sorry I've been away from blogging... I'm stealing a slice of time at 4:30 am. Lately I feel like every second is accounted for prior to it's occurance.

  45. Amazing how landscaping changes everything always puts me in a happy did a great job, love the transformation. Think you have earned a special "me" day...go ahead and take advantage, a little coffee break, some retail therapy, get the idea!

  46. Absolutely wonderful! You did a great job! It is much better and now you'll be back to getting the full effect of those gorgeous windows. Natural light is so invigorating! Carolyn

  47. The before and after photos are amazing. HUGE difference and well worth all of MyHero's hard work.

  48. You clean up real good and I love your fountain. I'm trying to talk my hubby into one for my garden right now. Oh, and thank you for not playing that xylophone. I already have a headache!

  49. Diana, So beautiful! I love the shutters and the window boxes. Everything looks so neat. I wish Bob would let me cut back some of the overgrown shrubs.
    I finally gave up and planted fern in my fountain.
    Hugs, Ginger


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