
Friday, August 24, 2012

Alphabet Laughs- L Is For Le French Table

You asked for it-
You got it!
That is what 
MyHero said to me when
I asked him to trim the
bushes out in front of our
second house.
It was NOT a pretty sight.
So, since then I have
been very careful
about asking for 
things that might involve
a saw....or a chipper.
(anyone that saw the movie
FARGO will know what I
am talking about).

You asked me about my
little table-
I am by no means an expert
at furniture fix ups.
I just do what I like.
First off,
I had some 
Annie Sloan Chalk Paint
that I used.
That meant I did NOT have
to sand the piece down 
I removed the hardware
which looked like this...
You probably all know the trick
of sticking a toothpick
into the little handle hole
to hold it up for spray painting.
Anyway, I decided to reuse the
original hardware and just 
spray painted it soft black.

Then I dug out my little cones.
Do you use these?
They lift the piece off the 
ground so that you can paint
right to the bottom without
hitting ground zero.
Yes-I painted IN THE HOUSE.

I washed the piece down with TSP.
I use that because it cuts through
all the crud and gives the piece
a good "grab" for the paint.

I base coated it with 
antique white ASCP.
One coat did not quite give
me enough coverage so I 
did give it a second coat.
I then used a sanding pad to 
lightly sand and smooth
the paint a bit.

Next-I went to 
She has the most amazing
images for anything and everything.

I printed out two images
from two different graphics.
I used a very simple transfer
I simply placed a piece of
graphite paper under the 
image and traced over it
with a sharp pencil.
I lifted the paper off
and used a 
to copy over the lines
of the image.
I did Paris first...
Then the laurel design...
Once I paint inked that in
it looked like this....
I then sanded over the design
slightly to give it a
slightly aged look.
I then applied two coats 
of paste wax.
I buffed between each coat.
I put THREE coats
on the table top.

All I had to do was
screw the painted hardware
back in place and 
Here she is!
Purrrrrty cute, huh?
Please ignore the cord hanging
down in back- I have now
fixed that~
So...If I can do this- 
Anyone can!
Hmmm...I have noticed that all
the kids are starting to put 
their names on pieces of 
my "stuff"....
You know....for 
I better look underneath
and see whose name is
on this one.
Pffffttt.....maybe for a 
joke I will leave it to
The Cat!
That'll fix 'em!

If I don't reply to you personally it is because your name does 
not come up with an email addy attached on my reader.
Just know that I do send a Thank You to ALL comments
unless it is not listed. Just  know that I want to
Thank all of YOU, too,that don't have your email enabled.


  1. Love how your table turned out! You did a fantastic job!

  2. Love it! You're so fancy!
    But seriously, I really do appreciate the instructions on this as you know. I'm still not sure if I'm going to do these bookcases or not. We'll see!
    Have a great weekend!

  3. Dianna!!

    Love how cute this turned out.

    I have often thought of putting prices on the bottom of my antiques so the boys don't give them to Salvation Army or sell them for a quarter at a yard sale when i am gone!! LOL!


  4. That looks great and I paint all my stuff inside, too. I have never used those lift things. Good idea.

  5. Stick my name under this piece, please, that will fix them...

    Remember when 'antiquing' was so popular back in the '60s? Hubby had an old desk that came out out of the Catholic school when they closed it and moved the students to the larger school 8 miles away. I antiqued it, and still have it, but the green isn't as pretty as I thought it was, back then.

  6. What a sweet table! Can I put my name on it for "someday" :) Those lifts are great, I've never seen or used them but need to!

    Have a great weekend~

  7. I love those little "things" Diana, I'll have to look for them, I confess though that I've never painted a big item inside"_ You did a great job on it and it looks so nice!
    My mom did that with her furniture, I still have the one with the masking tape on the inside of the door:)

  8. whata beautiful job you did, those little cones are a brilliant idea, I think the cat will be very happy with this one day!

  9. Great job on the table, Diana! Even with the outline on the table I would not have been able to do the paint pen to fill it in/outline. I am just too shaky a person. My daughter calls dibs on a lot of my things; most of which she got when we all moved since we were downsizing and she was upsizing!

  10. Had to laugh, my kids have their name on stuff here at my house too! Even had someones name "disappear" and a different kids name "appear" on it!!! Love your table and info on how to do it! Hugs, Penny

  11. Oooo la la! What a fantastic table. I wonder what my mom would do if I started putting my name on things. Thanks for the idea (hee hee).

  12. Diana, your table looks fabulous! You really did an awesome job with the painting and graphic. Very, very pretty! I have yet to try the ASCP! You better keep checking to see who is going to put their name under that table! LOL Kids are too funny!

  13. Gorgeous! You would never know that this is the same table! I've been looking forward to this post, Diana! You did a tres magnifique job, what a great idea to use two images. And no, I'd never heard of the tooth pick trick. Knowing how sneaky you are, I bet you put it back in the toothpick holder for your Hero to use:) Oh, what kind of past wax did you use?

  14. not the cat! lol thanks for sharing this tutorial

  15. Is it wrong to covet they neighboring blogger's paint cones? Because I WANT THOSE! The table is adorable, too, of course.

  16. L is for LYNNE!
    who LOVES your new table and is sipping LOT'S of Starbucks with you this morning! I know...silly me.

  17. Great job. Don't you love the asp. Wish I had more $ to buy more.

  18. This is such a charming makeover. I spied another clever painted piece with French graphics recently that I admired, so perhaps I need to find a piece of my own to paint. Thanks for the tips on how you did this.

  19. You did a wonderful job on the table! It's pretty and elegant! I had to laugh over your kids claiming your things...Emily has already chosen what she is going to take from my house as soon as she gets one of her own! The nerve!


  20. cute indeed and I've never used a paint pen before, I'll have to try one soon!

    See.. don't you just love bird nests under cloches or glass domes? I've got one ( a tiny nest ) stuffed inside a bath salt jar. Love it.

    with love,

    cotton peony

  21. I paint inside too Diana. I LOVE the way this table turned out! You could always put my name underneath ;)

  22. Oh my gosh I am so impressed! Well done my dear. In our family we call putting a name on something "dibbing." It's always a good idea to dib something you really want or someone else will get it!

  23. Cool beans, you clever, crafty girl. I wouldn't let John touch another thing! Looks like some of Steve's handy work. Wonder if they are related??? Or both just balding men with an attitude for destruction?LOL
    Have a good day. Mower guy came and mowed early this morning. We have the heat and humidity here, too. 70% this morning! Yuck- since they mowed, no weedin' got done and we are back inside now to stay until this evening.

  24. Diana, Fabulous job on the little table.I love it.You can put my name on the bottom :):)XO, Susie

  25. WOW, Diana--it is GORGEOUS!!!! I love what you created--Ohhh la-la!!! It is tres chic, my friend!!

  26. I love the Paris table, if no one wants it - put my name under it! haha

  27. I guess I need to go shopping now for cones and a paint pen! My kids don't need to put their names on things as I usually give them to them when they say they like it. It seems generous but, really just makes room for me to get something new!

  28. How do you like the Annie Sloan Chalk Paint? I just recently read some information about it. I'm wondering if it might be a good choice for a project I am sort of considering.

    The table is great! If you were able to get it to be what you wanted, that's wonderful!

    xo Nellie

  29. First of all the table looks gorgeous Diana!
    Second of all I never knew about those little cones!!! I use paint tins lol - thanks so much for the info?
    Maybe you could really surprise the kids - and put my name under that table??????

  30. A beautiful restoration! The table turned out perfectly.

  31. Well, sweetie, i can not WAIT to try this. I just MIGHT can handle it..not sure.

    As for THE CAT...only one thing comes to !!!

  32. I did not know about the toothpick! and I also did not know about the pointy things to hold up the legs. I normally put my things on bricks, but then the bricks get painted. You are a genius.

  33. Well! Now you have done it, I am ready to paint Arney if he would stand still long enough!!!!!! I like the idea of "Paste Waxing" he would love that. TEE HEE! Anyway, I am thinking about going Shabby Chic in my new bedroom when it is done, then I can paint like crazy!!! Happy Frieday, Your Mary

  34. That turned out great, Diana! Don't you just love paint pens?
    My kids are putting their names on things, too. But it works out better that way. Less fighting later on. :)

  35. Diana, I didn't know about the little cones to hold furniture!! Pretty handy for sure!! I love how the table turned out!
    Don't be surprised to find a name underneath the cat!!:)

  36. Your table looks awesome!!!!
    I have been thinking about painting inside it still is a scorcher here in Florida...can't wait till it cools down....maybe on Sunday when Issac arrives here :)
    Enjoy your weekend!!
    Suzann ~xoxo~

  37. Very pretty table and unique to you! I love it. It would not hurt my feelings if you don't respond to my comments. I rarely respond unless someone asks a question and I do love each and every comment I receive. OK??

  38. ooooooooooo la la! Love your painted table. Do you see my email address? xo

  39. That is sooooo darling!!! I love it! Maybe one of these days I will get back into my project mode. (Still waiting on my elbow to feel better, then my yard will be my priority, then ... maybe paint the kitchen?!?!?!)

  40. If my kids put their names on my furniture, they're toast. oh good, then I'll get their furniture. Love those nifty lifty things. Bet you didn't know I was a poet (neither does anyone else) Now to the real meat of this comment, it looks fabulous. I think you should leave it to me. :)

  41. Diana, youre not just a purty face!!! what an awesome job!!! havent seen that chalk paint anywhere but it sounds amazing! Going to have a look out for that! Oh, and paint pens too!! why are all the best things out in america yonks before we get them over here!!!
    Laura xxx

  42. Diana, youre not just a purty face!!! what an awesome job!!! havent seen that chalk paint anywhere but it sounds amazing! Going to have a look out for that! Oh, and paint pens too!! why are all the best things out in america yonks before we get them over here!!!
    Laura xxx

  43. You are so amazing!! That is the most gorgeous table! You could sell it for a ton, I am so sure!!
    And thank you for your sweet comment!! You are so awesome! I will never stop talking to you! You are just as famous!!!

  44. Well, Nana D, you are one Miss Smarty Pants. You did a great job!! Just write "Sweet Tea" on it somewhere and tell the kids it's for your Louisiana friend!

    I am a "no reply" commenter, but only because I don't know how to change it. Bummer!

  45. It looks beautiful Diana!! And I seriously can't believe I had never heard that toothpick trick. I have some handles that could have looked a lot better. LOL!
    P.S. If you find my name on the bottom I promise I'll take good care of it! :-)

  46. It looks beautiful Diana!! And I seriously can't believe I had never heard that toothpick trick. I have some handles that could have looked a lot better. LOL!
    P.S. If you find my name on the bottom I promise I'll take good care of it! :-)

  47. Love it Diana! When I was young I use to write my name under all of my moms tables. Not really to claim them, just liked writing. lol!

  48. You're very brave! Last time I tried to paint a piece of furniture in the house ... lets say it didn't go so well. Now I have a half painted side table and a kitchen floor that looks like I murdered someone in there.

  49. Great job, it turned out really well. I keep saying I am going to try this paint, I should stop thinking about it, and get on with it!

  50. Beautiful Diann, I was hoping you would tell us how you did it. I just have not got into gotten into the ASCP paint craze. I do enjoy watching other's projects. I love the shape of this table and you did an awesome job. Love the graphic you chose.
    Blessings for a grand weekend. Hugs, Ginger

  51. It's super cute! I didn't know you could paint something without sanding it down first. If I had known that - more things would have gotten painted around here over the year. *LOL* I guess you learn something new everyday!

  52. I did not know you were so creative and talented at furniture refinishing! The table is stunning!
    I love the Paris printing! I did not know all the little tricks.. knew nothing about those cones to lift the furniture or the graphics!

    Beautiful job!!! Jane Flora Doora

  53. those cones are simply fabulous--and i didn't know about the toothpick either! your table is so lovely, diana! great handwork:)

  54. Wow! I like your post. The table looks gorgeous and you did an amazing job. Thanks.

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