
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Happy Birthday To My Hero

I apologize for the quality of some of these pictures...they were all I could find 
My Hero was about 4 when this was taken.
To look at him you would never believe he was such
A Little Devil.

However, on occassion, he could be helpful.
I don't even want to know what his crazy mother was doing here.
Crazy-funny- Not Crazy Zingo...
After studying the picture I believe
they were plunging the sink...
He has one sister that owned
a real hippie van,...
yes she did!
( here she is along with her hubby)
I am sorry to tell MyHero that it's never
going to be 1966 again!He and his two brothers loved their Gramma Russell.And he especially adored his Grandmother and Grandfather KOS
and loved sharing the family with them.And he was a good son when his Dad was ill..
Doesn't Dad look like Yoda? The StarWars character?
Or..whatever his name was...
pictured here with yours truly
and MyHero's stepmother.
He's been a good Dad to the four kids.But an even better Papa to his grandchildren.
 They have discovered that he is always good for a few bucks
for a game of ball rolling.And, if one begs a bit,
He will read them a story.
Or tell them a bedtime story.
This was SUPPOSED to be
Goldilocks and The Three Bears
but Papa got sidetracked and
told them about the giants
in the Bible which scared
Ria so much she almost
peed her pants...

For fun he likes to boat-
Although we don't have a boat anymore..
unless you count a little rubber raft...
Every man should have something
called A DINGY, don't you think?
But this was his own...
She was named The Glory...And he fancies himself a dancer..
Although decide-He used to be a swinger....But now that he has calmed down a bit...
He swings like this...And, on a cold winter's night..He likes to keep warm..
And sometimes things just happen...
they just happen to him...
things like..burning of the underwear..
HOW did they get burned?
Let's just say....
never try to
dry your damp underwear
in a hotel microwave.
And, because he is a bit literal,
(although he won't admit it)
we don't tell him to do things like
Veg Out-
You can see why...Another year has rolled around and I think..
that he is quite handsome...
Considering that he is
62 today!
Happy Birthday Honey!
You did good!


  1. Good looking guy! I can totally see why you snatched him up. You're just lucky I wasn't around back then. ha!
    But seriously(yes I can be)Happy Birthday to Your Hero!
    Your Friend, m.

  2. Happy birthday to your wonderful and handsome husband. I had one of those hippy vans, believe it or not. Those were the days :)

  3. Diana, The mircowaved undies..tooo much. I couldn't help but laugh. Your family album much really be something. Your Hero is a great guy. Good son, father and husband...maybe not so good at drying clothes. Happy birthday to him. Smiles, xo, Susie

  4. what a beautiful tribute to such a good man, he is the same age as my Garry, and they are both handsome men, we are lucky women, you are such a beauty as well, you should shows us photos of you more often, how lovely you are!

  5. Happy Birthday to him! I loved the pictures/post today.

  6. Diana, Happy Birthday to your Hero! What a wonderful husband you have! 62 is nothing! It looks lie he is very much going strong! Now, whatever you do, keep him away from drying clothes! :)

  7. Birthday blessings to your sweetie. Love the pictures and the descriptions that go with each picture. My father is 70 years young and it's so much fun to see how hands-on he can be with his grandchildren when he's away from work. Your husband looks like a fantastic grandpa. Have fun celebrating today!

  8. Happy Birthday to your hero! What wonderful, precious memories you have. Thank you for sharing them with us. :)

  9. Happy Birthday to MyHero/YourHero! I don't want to know why he had to dry his undies in the microwave. These things happen when you get older I guess.

  10. Happy Birthday MrK hope Diana bakes you a cake..
    Have a great day.

  11. Well, Happy Birthday!!!
    & please bake him a cake... not some underwear.. ??? (how many times do you get to tell that story?? : ) & I trust you will be celebrating all day long...with pics to come :)
    Thanks for sharing those fun pics..
    (PS.. we still own one of those hippie vans..bright orange, pop up camper.. )

  12. Happy Birthday to your hubby, Diana! He is a good looking guy! You're not too bad looking either. ; )

  13. Happy Birthday to your Hero, Diana! I still have tears in my eyes from laughing so hard about the burnt underwear! I don't even wanna know why they were wet in the first place! (and I hope that hotel housekeeping cleaned the inside of that poor microwave!). Reminds me when my guy put his wallet in the microwave, after he ran in thru the washing machine! Love the old family photos, his mom on the sink is hilarious! Oh, and I love the photos of you, too! You make a very cute couple!

  14. Happy Birthday to your husband! This was such a sweet post. I love the picture of him on the rock with your kids.

  15. Hey Diana, O.k. so now I know we are sisters from a different mother or something like that-our men share the same birthday-how about that! They sound like they're both crazy and fun. I did think of you when I posted today and used the "strike out"key-go see what I mean. May your hubby have a wonderful birthday.
    Hugs, Noreen

  16. He looks a lot younger than 62! Happy Birthday! Cheers to the next 50!

  17. What a wonderful post...made me laugh, and almost made me cry (think the underpants did that...ha) You are both blessed to have each other..
    I hope your hubby enjoys his birthday...62 is young! (well to me now anyway!)

    Flora Doora

  18. Hi Diana,

    Please tell your hubby happy birthday and buy the guy some new undies. :))

    You never fail to amuse me, Diana. Thanks for the sweet words......

  19. Diana, that's such a nice photo of you and your "My Hero". I'm going into blog commenting hibernation for a while. But, I came out to wish your "My Hero" a Happy Birthday. May he have a lovely day surrounded by all his loved ones. He sounds like a wonderful husband, father, and grandfather.

    It's going to be 43C today with the Humidex. Ottawa is the most humid city in all of Canada. It's because we're situated in a valley. I will be barely moving today, I can guarantee that. I'm just lying on the couch with the fan blowing over me. Relief will only come overnight when the humidex will disappear. Have a nice day all of you!

  20. Happy Birthday wishes to your Hero! What a dear guy he is! I love seeing the photos in this swseet post.

  21. Happy B'day to your Hero! I almost cracked over the burnt underwear...LOL

  22. A very Happy Birthday to your Hero. There are some fantastic pics in this collection. I am still laughing that you called 'Dad' Yoda!

  23. Happy Birthday to D's Hero!
    About those burned undies...
    A few years ago, my husband was traveling with a business partner that tried that brilliant idea. They went to dinner and returned to the hotel which was on fire! From his burning underwear! LOL It was horrible for the poor man. So don't feel too bad, Hero. You aren't alone, hot pants. ;)
    Diana, you continue to remind me of Loni Anderson. I loved the pictures! xxx, T.

  24. Awww, what a witty and thoughtful post dedicated to your main handsome man! Love the stories, too! I hope you all have a fun family celebration!

  25. Happy birthday to your hero. I hope he reads this post. I had to laugh at the underwear. That sounds like something I would try. Thanks for the warning photo.

  26. Happy birthday Mr. Hero!

    I loved this funny and loving post dedicated to your Hero (even though it had a touch of naughty in it).


  27. Love your blog post with pictures and for sure funny.

    Happy Birthday to your good looking hubby.

    May he have many more.

    Continued Health.

  28. Happy happy birthday to your hero. That was quite a story about him. I agree every man should have a dingy!

  29. Sounds like the two of you make the perfect team! Have fun celebrating!

  30. Happy Birthday to your Hero!... what a wonderful guy. And I think he scored a pretty wonderful girl too :-)

  31. Happy Birthday, Hero!

    Now I know why I never ever use a hotel microwave (or coffee pot)! :)

  32. Happy Birthday to your hero. I'm sure you've got some wonderful celebrating to do! take care...;j

  33. Happy Birthday your hero!
    What a fun life! (Does the burnt underwear indicate someone had to go commando?) That photo "cracked" me up! ok... ok... i'll stop! ~Lynne

  34. Happy Birthday to your hero!! I love the photo "this is your life" tribute!!
    Veggie tales!! I will always remember them. "oh where is my hairbrush"*snort*
    and yes, every man should have something called a dingy!!
    so sorry I've been missing lately!!

  35. Happy Birthday to your hubby Diana!
    Oh my, what great pics! The hippy van one is just superb and the one of the burnt underwear is a hoot!
    He's a good sport that hubby of yours!
    Hugs friend,
    99 here today.

  36. fun fun the pictures and the story!!!
    happy birthday to your man!

  37. Wish him a happy birthday from me! It might be kind of fun to let him pretend it's 1966 and he's the same age he was then. You'd be some cougar! ~ Maureen

  38. Happy birthday to your husband, Diana! I hope it has been a wonderful day!

  39. Looks like he has enjoyed a great 62 years and here is to many more! Happy Birthday.

  40. Happy birthday to your hero. You know if he sees his underwear on your blog for the world to see you might be in a bit of trouble. Can you handle that kind of heat?

  41. Super post. I think the pics are incredible and now they are recorded for your whole family. I did laugh out loud at the VW van. Classic hippie mobile!

  42. Awww, this post is adorable! He's a keeper for sure.

    xo, abby

  43. He's a great looker at any age Happy Birthday! I am so digging that groovy van!


  44. I love this post, you have a wonderful way of telling a story. He is very handsome, and you are very pretty...great match. I do love the Van, I always wanted one...maybe paint a flower on it even if I wasn't a hippie. Happy birthday to your Honey...this was so sweet:) Mary

  45. Oh Diana!! Happy Birthday to your Hero!! He is a handsome man and you girl rock, you look beautiful in all those pics!

  46. Hi Diana,

    What a wonderful post and great pictures. So fun.

    Happy Birthday to your good lookin' hero hubby.

    Have a great day. :)

    Take care, Janet W.

  47. What great pictures. Looks like a wonderful life. I especially love the one of the hippie van!

  48. Oh Diana, how I've missed your wit! Your birthday tribute to 'your Hero' is wonderful. I thought all the family pictures were precious, but the one of him with his Mom on the sink was so funny, I chuckle every time I think of it...not to mention, the burnt undies. Oh the fun you've had through the years! I agree with everyone else, you're both very blessed to have one another! Big hugs, Debbie @ Cottage Hann~Me~Downs ps...thank you so much for your kind words, I really do appreciate it.

  49. such a great post for your hero, diana:) i'm know he loved it...well, except for the burnt undies thing:)

  50. What a fantastic tribute to a guy who does sound like a hero! (also a fun and crazy guy). Great story in pictures.

  51. Your visuals along with naration are killin' me with laughter! I may just stay here all day and it will be your own bad fault that my doggies don't get a walk. I'm impressed that your hero's dingy is named The Glory... Happy birthday big guy!


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