
Monday, June 4, 2012

Romantic Homes For July

My July issue of 
Romantic Homes arrived
about a week ago.
As you probably know,
I am anxious to see
what bloggers I know
that have been featured.
Sometimes I miss one or two...
Sometimes I find some new 
blogs to love.
Like this first one~
The blog is
Beautiful, Pink and Pretty!

Then, there is this home
decorated by 
(Susie Holt)
for homeowners
Lynn & Gary Hirtz.
I have been a fan of
for many years. 
They used to be
The Cat's Meow.
Pop by the link to see
some GREAT eye candy.

Next up
and I just
love this one.
(Marykay Gaffey)
Her story is quite touching
and anyone who has ever dealt
with a family member with
Alzheimers will relate.
Pop by and sign up as a follower
she is just getting started.
And last but not least
one of my favorites....
Rachel Pallas
Her photos and home are 
all amazing.

Enjoy visiting some new blogs
or some old blogs...and tell
'em Nana sent you over.
That and $1.00 will get you
a coffee at McDonalds
unless, of course, you are a
it will only be $.58....
(which I think MyHero claimed
to be LONG BEFORE he really
WAS a Senior Citizen)
That means he has saved an
additional $174.00
towards his retirement.
I could spend that in one
fell swoop at
the fabric store....just sayin'
THAT is why I call him


  1. LOL! The $174 and fabric store crack me up! Thanks for the lovely blogs to visit :)

  2. Nana, that's all too girly for me! If people knew I was reading that magazine, they'd start to talk! And then I'd lose my macho image.

  3. AWWW poor Hero...Diana, once I got a coffee for 58 cents..I sure wasn't insulted. I like those old people discounts:):) I'll visit the sites, because I love the Romantic Homes magazine. Have a fun day, Susie

  4. Diana, congratulations!!!! how happy does your son look?!!!! I am so happy for you becoming a nana all over again!!! you must be so very very proud!!!!! welcome to the world little cjk!!! Now I am off to check out your bloggy links!!! big hugs to you!! Laura xx

  5. I need to just subscribe to this magazine already! Whenever you post about it, I end up running out to by it. Maybe the magazine should start giving you a cut?

  6. Diana, thanks for sharing, they're all gorgeous. I'll definitely be stopping by to visit each.

  7. Oy! Very pretty but expensive ....

    TTFN ~

    GIVEAWAY ends 6/5

  8. Beautiful, but not my style for sure.

    Anyone dealing with a family member with Alzheimer disease has my sympathy. I'll check her blog out.

  9. woo, beautiful blogs, I love this magazine, I'm a magazine junkie, I admit that openly.I'm trying to cut back,
    your poor husband, ha ha, how does he put up with you, ha ha ha,

  10. Thanks for sharing Diana! Those are great looking blogs, I need to get that magazine too!
    Come by and see my bear when you can!

  11. Thanks for all the great blog information. There are a few I don't know. I do love Shabby French for Me though! Rachel is just great!

    Flora Doora

  12. So pretty! I really wish I had a little style of my own - and I am doing pretty well decorating my tea room - but for the most part, I have a knack for creating the shabby without the chic. I can't even copy a design from a magazine and make it look right. So - comfort rules in our family room and I am still trying in the tea room. *LOL* Maybe reading the blogs featured will help?

  13. I went on a date with a fellow years ago who got senior prices when he was only 50 something. I didn't know wether to be embarrassed or not.

  14. I love this magazine, and I agree with Gina...I just need to subscribe already!

    I have been following Rachel for quite some time now, and I love her blog!

  15. I LOVE LOVE LOVE romantic homes and shabby chic. My home if far from that..but i'm slowly adding more and more of that line of decorating. I love what you did with your playhouse..I have a shed that hubby built for me, i may have to change it!

  16. You are too funny. You would be buying fabric and sewing up the cutest little frocks for the adorable grands.
    Are you still working? Just wondering how you manage to keep the post coming. I have such a hard time getting things done lately. It must be your youth, seems everone is a teen to me.
    Have a great week. Ginger

  17. Diana, I haven't got my copy yet but I'll be sure and check out these blogs. Your sense of humor always cracks me up. Have a great week.

  18. Diana, you're too funny! I almost choked on my tea when I read "That's why I call him MyHero". Have a wonderful day and don't forget to stop and smell the roses. You seem to be on the go all the time. I haven't forgotten the fairy garden. I'm ordering some things for it today. I found some beautiful sites that cater to these marvelous little fantasy gardens. In case you don't know, I never knew of the existence of fairy gardens before I saw the one you built with the girls. Boy, was that an awakening.

  19. I always look at the bloggers listed in the magazine...and I will tell hubby...I know that know, like we are best buds~ Then he says...when are you going to be in a magazine....and I chuckle. Don't think that will happen to me....but this month...I wasn't familiar with them...gotta check it out~
    Have a great week!!

  20. Not very difficult to spent $174.00 at the fabric store these days!
    I don't believe I was given that Senior Discount! I'll have to remember to remind them that I look younger than my actual age.:-)

  21. Hi Diana,

    I enjoyed seeing your features in the July issue. Lots of wonderful eye candy!

  22. You are so sweet!! Thanks my friend!! xoxo Rachel

  23. We are so slow to get the latest issue here, could be because we live in "no where, out there beach!"
    I can't wait to check out these great bloggers.


  24. It's always fun to
    page through RH
    with a cup of tea
    and dream about a
    perfect world where
    white slipcovers stay
    clean and husbands
    like shabby chic as
    much as we do : ) !!

    Popping over to check
    out these bloggers....
    Hope your week is
    off to a lovely start!

    xo Suzanne

  25. I knew I had got the idea of arranging some white roses in a country wire caddy (last photographs) from somewhere; but couldn't remember from where... until now! Yes, my tabletop inspiration came from that lovely home and magazine... ;) Love it too!


  26. You know you're in trouble when your husband starts lying about his age to get the discounts. I think it's pretty funny actually. At one time I was afraid my husband was going to get a fake I.D. so he could golf cheaper. Sometimes it gets a little embarassing too. I'm like you. I can always find a way to spend the money he's trying so hard to save. We all must do our part to stimulate the economy.

  27. Congrats on the new grandbaby boy sweet friend. I know you are over the moon happy. I'm singing with JOY for you!

    Love how you showcase all the great talent out there. What a BLESSING you are!


  28. you are a good blogging friend.
    it really is fun to look at these beautiful pictures.

  29. Thank you, Diana! You are too sweet:)And congrats on the new grandbaby:)

  30. Hi sweet lady...I used ti take that magazine but it seems like it got kind of costly. I do love it though and all these blogs. Best ever...a new grand baby to love! What a day for them and you...super wonderful! :)

  31. love this magazine--thanks for linking the great sites!

  32. Thanks for sharing the newest with us, Diana! And the news about Senior discounts! Every penny helps with those fabrics and other craft items!



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