
Saturday, May 12, 2012

The Boys Are Back In Town

That was a song...
I know some of you "kids"
won't remember it but I do.
I think it was written 
 about some
"wild eyed boys" 
coming back to town.

I don't have any

Can you tell that
is growing?
He started sitting up
this past week-
although I don't have any
pictures to prove it.
He is a happy, sweet baby.
Content to be fed and held.
We think he is pretty cute.
And BigBoyE is amazing.
He has his own notebook
(I know-crazy, huh)

His Daddy works for AT&T
and has all the latest and greatest
access to computer stuff.
He can work that thing
like nobody's business.
It is restricted to 
educational games
and movies.
I asked him if he wanted to
do a puzzle.
He said...Yesssssss...
and found one on his computer!
Who knew?
I am definitely a
in a jet-aged world.
(yep-little head- big body-
I definitely fit the prototype)

Well, we'll just see how smart
he is the next time he
puts his finger to his lips
and whispers our secret words
"Cookie, Nana".
I'll make him spell it first.
yeah...sure I will.
These are his
Keebler® E.L. Fudge® Original cookies
I think that's because he looks
a little like an Irish elf himself.
Anybody got an Amen to that?


  1. Oh, they are so cute. We are definitely being left behind in the age of technology, but that's okay, because the little ones can do it all for us. :)
    Hugs, Laura

  2. I am doing good to run the remote.I am truly amazed how smart our little people are..but I love it. The boys are so darn cute. They are happy boys:):)xo, Susie

  3. Adorable little boys! I think they are looking alike, especially around the nose and mouth. Very beautiful children. Happy Mother's Day to you :)

  4. You have a couple of cuties there. for sure. They grow up sooooooo quick..

    Happy Mothers Day

  5. The tune is in my head and those two cuties just popped into my heart!
    Happy Mother's Day, Sweet D!

  6. wow, isn't it amazing what they have for kids now, they are both so cute, you are truly blessed,

  7. What adorable children! What will the world be like when they are adults? Isn't is crazy? If I have a question about my phone, I ask my 7 year old granddaughter, who is my phone expert. She doesn't have one, of course, but she is pretty savvy with her mommy's!

  8. Awwww....what cute boys!

    And I do remember that song! And I don't think the notebook is crazy at all. We actually got Grace an iPad for Christmas. It keeps her entertained on road trips and she plays with it all the time. I was going to get a tablet - but her Momma thought an iPad would be best. Now - someone is making one that is water proof and kid proof.

  9. Awwww....what cute boys!

    And I do remember that song! And I don't think the notebook is crazy at all. We actually got Grace an iPad for Christmas. It keeps her entertained on road trips and she plays with it all the time. I was going to get a tablet - but her Momma thought an iPad would be best. Now - someone is making one that is water proof and kid proof.

  10. Mom, tell Patty ^ that they make a cover for the iPad called the Otterbox (it makes it waterproof and virtually unbreakable). That's what E has. He drops it all the time and has spilled milk on it with no issue - she can get one at the local AT&T store.

  11. Cute boys, must take after their grandma. I have to bake cookies today, I noticed the cookie jar was empty this morning when I got my coffee. Have a great Mothers Day.

  12. Cute boys and how smart he is with his own note book.. I'm lucky if I can use my cell phone, Have a wonderful Mother's day

  13. They are both adorable Diana! Love the notebook puzzle thingy, it totally amazes me how they pick it up so quick and yes, I feel like a dinasour too when they come to me with those gadgets:)

  14. Technology may have changed, but Grandmas and cookies will always stay the same! Those are two handsome little guys!

  15. They are both so cute!!! And I agree with the comment above, although the world is ever changing, the love of a wonderful Gramma is timeless!!!


  16. AMEN!!
    He is a very sweet and cute elf!! And CIC is growing soooo fast!!!
    So you know, I am planning on writing you back in my lifetime, if everyone stops peeing on everything!!!
    Happy Mother's Day my friend!

  17. Very sweet boys. They can be a handful and so much fun! Love being a Nana too. Happy Mother's day.

  18. such preciousness.....I have two about the same age and they melt my heart. Their mama also works for AT&T so I can incredibly smart! Happy Mother's Day.

  19. Amen to that Diana! They are just the most hugable kids Diana and awesome smart too. Probably get that from their Nana. Happy Mother's Day!


  20. Enjoy your mother's day. With all that family, it should be eventful.


  21. Aww, what darling and smart little ones! LIke their Nana!

    Happy Mother's day sweet friend!


  22. Amen, sista! What little cuties. When you said that Big Boy had his own notebook, of course I thought of the old fashioned kind, silly me! I don't think I could figure one of those out!

  23. Amen, sista! What little cuties. When you said that Big Boy had his own notebook, of course I thought of the old fashioned kind, silly me! I don't think I could figure one of those out!

  24. Oh my goodness, I am in love with those sweet cheeks! Happy mothers day! Xo olivia

  25. Amen To the Cookies ! I like those too. Nothing better than cookies and milk
    and I like the new tablets and I wish I had one to do puzzles on too.
    maybe a good Christmas present !

  26. Goodness Gracious Diana, they are simply adorable!!!!!! Who could resist giving them anything they wanted. Amazing how quickly kids can pick up on technology and we are stuck in the past. WE are blessed women!
    Happy Mother's Day my friend.
    Love, Noreen

  27. How cute is he??? I can't get over that he has his very own touch screen computer. Lucky boy! Hope you're enjoying your Mother's Day weekend.

  28. Hi Diana: Little boys are soooo cute. How fortunate these little kids are now to have access to all the new stuff. Watch out, they are going to be way smarter than us..Happy Mother's Day..Judy

  29. I will do a Amen!!! little cuties, thats what they are.
    Those cookies are really good with a glass of milk. Something about kids and cookies, they know who to ask!!! Have a wonderful Mothers Day. I drove our new car home today...she is sweet and soon she will have a name. Hugs, Mary

  30. So cute. They are growing fast.
    Happy Mothers Day.

  31. Diana they are cutie pies!! Have a wonderful Mother's Day!

  32. good looking kids Dear. Happy mothers day btw

  33. Happy Mothers Day Diana!!!
    The boys are adorable
    Enjoy your day my friend!!!!
    Suzann ~xoxo

  34. Kids are way, way too smart these days! But it sounds like you have got it covered in the cookie department! Cute, cute boys!!


  35. Amen and Amen, Diana! What a couple of darling little guys! BabyE STILL has the most beautiful eyes! :)

    xoxo laurie

    PS save me a cookie, will ya....?

  36. Another wonderful post, Diana! What great little boys! Yes, all this technology is a big mind-boggling. It seems that the "young set" picks it up much more quickly than I do.
    xoxo Nellie

  37. How CUTE are they???... absolutely adorable Diana~... isn't it funny how smart kids are these days... I don't think I could do a puzzle on a computer!... Happy Mothers Day to you!!!... xoxo Julie Marie

  38. What precious blessings! Love these photos. Happy Mother's Day!

  39. Perfect Mother's Day hugs & kisses along with games. Simply perfect.
    Happy Mother's Day sweet lady.

  40. What little cuties! I'm afraid I'm from the stone age as well. If the power goes out I wait until my daughter gets home to fix everything again!

  41. A sweet and intelligent boy. Yes, we can always count on our grandchildren to help us out with computer problems. A good thing!

  42. Oh my gosh, that little guy is really growing like a weed! He looks so happy, smiling! Ah, babes! Is there anything that will bring more happiness in to a home? God bless them!

    Well Nana, from one 'Long Neck to the other Long Neck,' meet you in the Land Before Time! Oh wait, will our cords go the that far??!!
    he he he!!


  43. Awww, how precious!!!! Happy Mother's Day to you!!

  44. Oh yes, I remember that song...but I'm sure those boys weren't as cute as your boys!
    Happy Mother's Day!!

  45. Those little boys are so adorable Diana!
    Gosh, I so love babies!
    And having his own notebook already? Wow...I better not tell Addison about that! hehehe.
    Happy Mothers Day to you and Grandma Day as well,

  46. Here is a magnificent Post!
    Have a great Day

  47. darling faces on these cutie pies!

  48. soo cute! I hope my kids will have kids and stay close to home so I can share in their lives and take pictures like you!!


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