
Friday, March 23, 2012

Princesses And Cupcakes And Stories- OH MY-

SweetCheeks & Company
picked the winner 
of the giveaway

She had a little friend,
Miss S, over for
a play date.
She got all dressed
for the occasion, too!
Aren't they cute together?
They are both in 4 year old pre-school.

Lest you think 
SweetCheeks works for free
she drives a hard bargain.
She does NOT work for 
No, indeedy!
She works for 
Now these might not be the
prettiest cupcakes you ever saw..
but they do taste good..
or so I am told.

2 of them were gobbled down,
on the front porch,
immediately after the
Giveaway Session

Did SHE eat them?
No! She says SHE
didn't eat them...or did she?
Here is the 
(only a 35 second clip here)
Daddy is an even bigger
sucker than I am...
and THAT is saying


  1. Such a cutie!
    I love how she says "just kidding"!
    You and your family are in my prayers!

  2. Her and Jack would be best buddies. He works for donuts!

  3. Sweet Cheeks is so cute!!!!
    Thanks for sharing her with us!!
    Enjoy your weekend!!
    Suzann ~xoxo~

  4. She's so cute! I love that she didn't hesitate one second once she was told she could have half a cupcake.

  5. Love that Sweetcheeks! And it looks as if she loves your cupcakes.!!Smiles xo, Susie

  6. As soon as she learns she can share another cupcake, she's out of there! Too funny!

  7. I love the way her little face lights up at the end when she realises she can share another cupcake. What a joy she is.

  8. I would have let her have two! How does that daddy fairy say no?

  9. There's a sucker born every minute, but who could resist that cute "innocent" face.

  10. so sweet! Hugs and happy weekend wishes!

  11. At work I don't have sound on my computer, but in that video she looks like Shirley Temple with straight hair. Of course she doesn't SOUND like her, just resembles her.....

  12. I love a girl who works for cupcakes!
    Big hug to you for the challenges you are facing this week. :)
    xxx, T.

  13. I need to remember to come back to watch the video later. I'm sitting at a computer today that won't allow it. But I'm sure it's just too cute!

  14. Ok, I want to borrow SweetCheeks, can I be her "auntie"? she is just too much fun!!

  15. Sweet Cheeks is just adorable...loved the cute video.

    Thanks for your nice comments on the wire stand! Pinterest has way to many good ideas...I'll never be able to keep up with all the projects I want to do.

    I hope you are having a wonderful day!! Kristen

  16. Oh gosh, sweet cheeks is the cutest!

  17. She is the sweetest by far! LOVE the video!!!!

  18. oh lucky you! I bet it is happy and rewarding for you deep down in your heart to be a grandma!

  19. She's adorable. I think 4 is the perfect age. Old enough to potty and eat on their own but young enough that they still think you're wonderful. You are blessed! Have a super weekend...Ann

  20. That is so sweet...I'm with her I want to eat 2 also ;)! XO Christie

  21. So, so cute! What personality!!:-)

  22. So nice to know she likes to share. You should give her another just for that. She is a sweetie.


  23. I'm on my I-pad and don't see the clip. I'l have to try later on my laptop. Both of the girls are adorable! Have a great weekend!

  24. I am thinking I missed one GREAT party... If only in the real world you could work for cupcakes.... What a SWEET world that would be.. :)

  25. Love how fast she moved for that half! She wasted no time getting to it. LOL- what a problem you guys are going to have later on when she gets smarter than you. LOL
    I think you ought to clone that child. I'ld buy one.

  26. I'd eat for those cupcakes too!!! what adorable girls~:) chris

  27. I have been away from my computer for a bit... I am so happy to have been able to catch up a bit on my blog reading and am laughing out loud at all the cuteness in your little sweet cheeks!!! That little smile and the twinkle in her eyes and her voice is adorable! ox

  28. Miss Sweet Cheeks, girl, we must chat - you have to be much more forceful and positive about getting the extra cupcake! Have another, tell Nana, Grandma4five said you could have another one!

    Have a delightful Sunday, Diana and Crew!

  29. Thanks a ton for stopping by. Yes, I fo think it's allergies and your soup looks so tempting.Anu


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