
Friday, March 2, 2012

Oh Baby- Baby- Baby-

Our little
arrived for a visit
last night.

He has gone from a
kind of colicky baby
to one that plays
and coos
and smiles.
I know I am a little 
biased but...
is he cute, or what?

And while we are oohing
and aahing over this 
enchanting little boy,
has, once again,
bellied up to the TV.
Could ya get any closer?
A quick reminder to
"Back Up"
takes him about 5' back.
I don't know if you can see
his eyelashes or not...
but they are double row and
at least 3/4" long!
I want them!!!

And, just to round out the visit,
BigBoyE's  favorite person,
spends part of the day 
with him.
I can only imagine what 
he is learning from


  1. CharlesInCharge is very cute indeed,those are gorgeous pics of him.
    Why does it seem to be the boys who get the great eyelashes? It really is not fair!

  2. Oh, look how much your new little one has grown already! Sweet, sweet little ones you have!

  3. Awww, such sweet pictures! Completely jealous of the eyelashes!

  4. Why is it that the boys get those lashes?
    He is growing and changing daily.
    and BigBoyE is growing and learning a lot. That thumb looks good.

  5. You are one lucky lady Diana!

  6. Diana, he has changed so much and is so cute. The first thing I saw on the other cutie was his eyelashes. My brother had eyelashes like those. Why do the boys get them. Just not fair.

  7. Diana, Charles is growing fast and so is E. Sweetcheeks needs followers...she's a star . I have to say, all your grandkids smiles bunches...that's a good sign. Smiles to you girl, xo, Susie

  8. Don't you just want to hug them all day long? And those eye lashes, oh my gosh!

  9. That's my Jack with those eye lashes. What a cutie. And you know he is learning nothing but the best from cutie pie sweet cheeks. Lots of wisdom..first thing is don't touch Nana's toilet paper LOL!

  10. He is absolutely adorable, Diana! I love when they give you those smiles. I'll bet BigBoyE is learning lots of stuff from SweetCheeks!

  11. Charles In Charge is super cute! And he looks big! Poor Olivia just turned one and has not gained any weight since her 6 month check up. They prescribed higher calorie foods and said to bring her back in a month. I think the poor girl needs Charles to teach her how to eat!

  12. He is starting to look alot like his handsome brother. Adorable. You might want to monitor Sweet Cheeks around him. Hah.

  13. I want that baby! You should host a Giveaway! I bet you'd see an increase in your Followers. Just an idea!

  14. Looks like you have another keeper, Diana! All of your little ones are so precious.

  15. Oh that little one is the perfect baby age. Everything they do is so exciting and cute. Heck you know they are all just adorable, I don't have to tell their grandmother that!

  16. Oh Diana, CharlesinCharge is adorable! They all are! You lucky Nana!

  17. I would be nervous if Sweet Cheeks was the teacher. It surely is not fair that guys get the beautiful eyelashes. Have a wonderful day.

  18. Could your grandies be any cuter??? I can't wait to meet my first (8 weeks to go!)

  19. CiC is certainly growing and gonna be a looker like his big bro. YES! I can easily see those adorable eye lashes. BEAUTIFUL!!
    You are so fortunate to have your grands close by...I will be visiting mine in 10 days, but who's counting? ME!!

  20. Aaaawww! what a cutie patootie little Charlies is! Looks like he is now one happy baby:) And I totally want BigBoyE's eyelashes, that is NO fair! Sounds like you all had a great day!!

  21. Oh my gosh, learning from her, huh? You could be in trouble, Nana!

    Yep, Baby is adorable, big brother has great eyelashes, (I'd love them too!) and Sweet Cheeks, well, she's so SWEET!!

    Have a fun day, Nana!

  22. Darling little children! Don't you just LOVE them to pieces?

  23. all adorable ...I love those long lashes though ! wowza! and I wish I had dimples like sweet cheeks


  24. He is so darling and I agree that it is completely unfair for those lashes to be on a boy who will not appreciate them at all! My son has beautiful lashes and I'm totally jealous! :-)

  25. Charlesincharge is sure growing fast! He is indeed adorable!!
    Yes, wouldn't you like to be a fly on the wall where SweetCheeks is with Longlashes. Maybe she's telling him not to stick his nose near brother bum or he might get
    something he wouldn't like there!

  26. He is one beautiful baby Diana!!!
    Love that look on SweetCheeks face!
    Pamela xo

  27. What a little guy. You are blessed with sweet little grandchildren

  28. Hi diana, isnt it such a shame that they grow up so very fast? but he is adorable!! as is Baby E, his hair is so thick and shiny! I love your old button collection!and envious of your nice firm abs!!! I would certainly be up for a game of pants on fire! Have never heard of that game before, we dont get it here; so i will hold you to a game if i ever get to your neck of the woods someday!!! thats a promise!!

    Laura xx

  29. Awwwww.....What a cutie patootie, Diana! So precious! And those lashes on BabyE.....???? Well, he's gonna be a heartbreaker, girl..... lol!

    xoxo laurie

  30. Aww they're all so cute! Those eyelashes, oh my!

  31. Could they get any cuter?! What sweeties ~ how do you let them go home after their visits? :)

    Have a great weekend ~

  32. Oh my goodness, just adorable! My friend is in from Jersey with her two year old and Oh how I miss that age!!!

  33. WOW! Those eyelashes are INCREDIBLE! Talk about a little heart throb....they are all ADORABLE, Nana!
    hugs to you!!

  34. Hi Diana, Precious! Love them because they do grow so very fast. Enjoy every moment you share with them. I love to read to mine while I rocked them in the rocking chair. I have three grandsons. Your are so adorable. Your Missouri Friend.

  35. Nana Diana, I want my coocoo family to be adopted by you. Your sweet grandbaby's are so lucky!!!

  36. Gorgeous grandchildren! omg...just adorable.

  37. No you are not biased. That baby is a super cutie patootie!!! What a sweet face. I love the little thumb sucker too! How precious is that!

  38. Yep, I'd say Charles in Charge is a real keeper & a cutie-pie! I cannot believe those eye lashes on Big Boy E -- just incredible!

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