
Saturday, February 4, 2012


Every time I make something new
I think...
This is THE cutest thing
I have ever done.

Ever think that way?
Like this is one of your
finest THINGS
(whatever it is)
 so far and you
will never make
anything that cute again?

As you know,  I dug out
the old
and went to town.

Look out
(as SweetCheeks calls it)
here comes the
Cuteness Contingency!

I always pre-wash and iron
all my materials so there are
no stinking shrinking surprises
after the item is washed for
the first time.
That's the part I like least.

After cutting out the basic pattern,
I go off on my own and trace
around a bowl and a glass
to make my
Mickey Mouse circles.
I back the pieces with interfacing
to stabilize the material
and prevent fraying.
Then, I can applique them
to the front of the dresses.
Then it is time to
to add a bit of trim
here and there!

Now I will say that I saw
something similar somewhere,
some time ago.
I can't remember exactly
what it looked like
I don't remember where
I saw it
so I can't give any credit.
If you've seen something similar
let me know so I can give
credit where credit is due.

SassyButt SweetCheeks
did NOT WANT to be
a model yesterday
and my flash wouldn't work
and she wouldn't
(Bj-Sweet Nothings lightened this
picture for me...gosh I love that gal-
if you don't know her you HAVE to go visit)
However, Ria tried SweetCheek's
dress on so I would know how
much material to add to
the pattern.

#1 SweetCheeks
#2 Ria
#3 I changed the dress up a bit
for Lulu,
being as she is a bit older.
Here they are...
Lined up and ready to go.
The colors are not true here.
The pink is a lovely
light pink with no
orangish cast.
I don't know who is more
excited to go..
Me or the kids.
Did I mention that I am
with two daughters
and three kids?
 I. Just. Can't. Wait.
Hope you all have a great,
low stress day~


  1. Hi Diana,
    These little mouse dresses are adorable. You are quite the seamstress!

    Have fun on your trip and try to keep your sanity in the car! LOL!


  2. Totally cute! You need to break out the sewing machine more often! Safe and sane travels!

  3. Diana, Those are so darn cute !! When I took my girls to dizzyworld,as jr/sr high schoolers, I made them wear Indiana university shirts. I wanted to be able to spot them. They have never forgiven me, making them dress alike.LOL xo, susie

  4. You did awesome! Can't wait for my DIL to see. We have 5 little girls in our family and a very talented DIL with sewing skills. Your girls will have a great time, so will Nana!

  5. Having special Disney dresses will make this trip even more memorable for you guys!! They're so cute!

  6. They turned out so pretty, Diana! I'm sure you will have a great time!

  7. Diana, those are precious little dresses! I'm so impressed! Well, have a fun filled day, sounds like you'll be doing that, for sure!

  8. Those are sew cute. You did good. You are going to Dizzy World by car. Wow!

  9. what a beautiful job you did, those girls will be the evy of everyone, great job, now where is yours?

  10. Cute, cute, cute. You will all have a ball. Hugs, Marty

  11. Cute! Very Cute!!
    When we were there last week, there was long lines to get pics taken with a princess & I noticed families wearing matching Mickey dresses & T-shirts.. I thought, "Some smart mom or Grandma did that"
    You will have fun!!
    (we were @ Magic Kingdom on Fri. & there was almost no wait to do the rides....)

  12. Diana they are adorable. The dresses and the Girls! Now if you could just tell me how I could do these Without a sewing machine! Ha!

    Please come and join my Cute Valentine Giveaway!

    Art by Karena

  13. Those are super cute! Now, they just have to have their pictures made with Mickey Mouse wearing them!

  14. Totally cute dresses. You did a great job. Can hardly wait to see a pic of them wearing them.

  15. They are absolutely adorable! I think they will be the 3 cutest little ladies in the park! Have fun!


  16. Those are the cutest dresses ever!
    Have fun on that drive. I would suggest buying earplugs. I'm completely serious.

  17. They are so cute. You will have a great time. Love Disney.
    Surgery yesterday......more than I thought it would be. Laying low.

  18. Hi Diana,
    These came out so cute! I know the girls are going to look so cute in them too. When are you leaving for Disney? I can't wait to see pictures. One of my favorite places to visit.


  19. They look so sweet, I can't wait to see a pic of all three wearing them. What a fun thing having Disney dresses. Mickey and the gang are sure to be impressed!

  20. SassyButt will look so cute in that! I love them all and you need to make enough new outfits for every day that you will be there! You need to sell these. I really love them!
    Great job!
    We drove down there in the 80s, ended up stopping at GA, just this side of the state line. We allowed 2 days going, and couldn't check in until the next day anyway.
    Can you believe we did this package plan for $500- 1 week in the motel, and a 3 day pass for everyone to DizzyWorld. There were other coupons and discounts with that, too. The only place we had to pay to get in was Sea World and Kennedy Space Center- which was only $2 each back then.
    I made all of the kids shorts and Craig's little blazers since he burnt so easy and a few blazers for me out of really light weight material.
    I can't wait to see all your photos from there!
    Have a great day!

  21. Those turned out so adorable!!! You did VERY good girl! I love them. Have fun today!!!

  22. Sweet little mouse dress.. They will be a hit at Disney..what a great grandmother you are..

  23. Oh my gosh, these are just too precious for words! What a blessing for the girls to have such a loving Grandma too. And you will have many laughs on your trip, I'm sure. Hope to see video clips of Sweet Cheeks.

  24. OMYGOSH.....these are adorable. You did a fabulous job.
    Have a fun trip and...don't go crazy in that car....:))

  25. Those are absolutely adorable!

  26. This is sooo cute. Good job.

    Hugs Bente

  27. You will have to have a DVD player for the road trip. They are going to look so cute in those dresses. Are you making matching ones for you and your daughters?

  28. You broke my cuteness meter! Thanks a lot!

  29. Those dresses are adorable!!!!
    You are very talented.

    Enjoy your trip!!! Since I live in Orlando maybe I'll run into ya!!!

    Suzann ~xoxo~

  30. You know, I do believe that is absolutely the CUTEST thing you have ever made and those girls are gonna' be the cat's meow wearing them (or should that be the mouse's ....hmmmm....I don't know what sound a mouse makes.... :) xoxo

  31. You are so talented to make such cute dresses! You'll have to show a picture of all 3 of them wearing their dresses. Have a wonderful time on your trip to Dizzy World and make some beautiful memories.

  32. Very pretty! Have fun with the kids.
    Yep, bj is a keeper, always so upbeat, a posting energizer bunny!

  33. Diana, what cute dresses! You never fail to bring enjoyment to my day! This reminds me of when I sewed for our three and would make them matching dresses. You've almost succeeded in motivating me to uncover the sewing machine again.:-)

  34. Yikes!! I hope you survive the drive!!
    Those dresses are amazing! And they will all look so cute!
    When are you leaving? Take pics of everyone for us!!

  35. Cute dresses, what talent. Have a fun time with all the grands ;)

  36. Hi Di,
    Those came out soooo cute! I love them. They are going to be the 3 most adorable girls in the park.

  37. You are unbelievable, Diana! These turned out so stinkin' cute! I would love to go to Disney wearing one of those if I was a kid. Heck, I'd love to go to Disney wearing one as an adult! Little things like this make the trip extra special. What a Nana you are!

  38. Your right that is so cut, funny thing I always think my last project is the cutest until I move to the next one. What lucky girls! I started following you recently. Your previous post about winning and not getting, that has just recently happened to me too. I have heard of it happening to other people too. At least they are far and few between!


  39. Hi Diana! Those outfits are sooo cute!! You are such a sweetheart..thanks for always leaving such kind words of encouragement! xoxo Rachel

  40. Oh Diana,

    What a lovely job on the dresses! And, to make each one different, yet the same, is wonderful! The girls must have been so excited, even SassyButt in the end!

    Have a great time and a wonderful drive - how long of a drive is it?

    Have a very blessed Sunday!

  41. Really cute Diana!
    Boy, a couple of days away from bloggyland and I don't know what is going on.
    Have fun at Disney, it will be a great trip although that ride down could be a little bit stressful!

  42. Hi Diana, you sure are one talented lady. The dresses are adorable. Hope you have a wonderful time in DizzyWorld. Hugs, Chris

  43. Those are adorable Diana!!!
    We are going you think I can talk my 22 year old in wearing one of these?!!

  44. Oh how cute are those mouse dresses!! Now didn't you make some for the mommies and the nana too??

  45. Oh my gosh that turned out so cute! Wish I had a grand daughter to sew for...their just way more fun that boys!
    And you know that part you said like the least, the pressing after washing? Well I do too so once when I was going to make a small baby quilt I decided I didn't want to do that part so I took it to the dry cleaners...they do pressing right... well I failed to get a price quote and when I went in to pick it up they charged me $50.00!!! Yep...never did that again!...Expensive lesson!

  46. DRIVING WITH 3 KIDS! You're crazier than I thought woman. The dresses are darling, I adore polka dots. Your granddaughters are going to be the highlight of Disney - seriously! Have a great trip. Can't wait to hear all about it.

  47. have fun I love the dresses ! so special. your the best. You really made me giggle today


  48. These are great! I will keep this in mind in case my Ellie develops a thing for the mouse! You were very brave to drive all that way for your kids and the grands, they are very fortunate to have such a fun Nana!!


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