
Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Many Faces Of Dizzy World

You see people from all over
this big old Earth at
Dizzy World.

I love to people watch,
don't you?
Ever see that
People of Walmart
That's sumthin', huh?

But...hey...this is
DizzyWorld so
you know you
Mickey Mouse.
And a Minnie Mouse
And Woody from Toystory
Of course you will see Tigger
And let's not forget
Goofy & Pluto
(look at BigBoyE kissing Pluto's nose)
And...what visit would be complete
without seeing this character...
Yep-That is MyHero and
Mr. Potato Head.

you may never get to see
Mr. Potato Head yourself
because it appears
has done him in.
At least that's what
SHE said!
Care for a french fry?
Anyone?  Anyone?


  1. Poor Mr Potato Head, that girl ate him, every bite..
    Sounds as if everyone is having a great time.

  2. Such great vacation photos.. The grandchildren look like they are having fun and I bet the grown ups did to just by seeing the joy on the faces of the little one.

  3. It looks like you are all having the best time! Makes me wish I was there again. Why did I know that it would be Your Hero posing with Mr. Potato Head?

  4. Oh that special "E" kiss, touched my heart. What a charmer. Your hero was probably thinking of a big baked potato himself:):) What fun you are all having. xo, Susie

  5. the pick of "E" kissing Pluto's nose.
    So glad to see everyone is enjoying the vacation at Dizzy World.
    I'm waiting for that vat of hot wax to get here.

  6. It looks like everyone enjoyed the trip.

  7. Such fun!!! I live only 2 hours away from Disneyland and have yet to go with my littles!!! Looks like I need to put that on my short bucket list. Hope you get some rest. Sending you a big happy hug!

  8. Ahh, thanks but I think I'll pass on the french fries, thank you very much!
    What wonderful photos and what a fabulous time you all seem to be having. I adore your photo of "E" kissing Pluto. So very sweet!
    When I was a kid(thousands of years ago)I played endlessly with Mr.Potato Head(I mean the toy!)and I have given the set to a number of little kids to play with and they still love it. We would push the little parts into a real potato and to see kids still love Mr.Potato Head from the movie now.
    Enjoy your weekend!

  9. I like to people watch when I'm at Dizzyland. Unfortunately, my brother-in-law sent me the link to the Walmart site. Glad you're having a fun time!

  10. Hi Di & Mickey!
    Looks like such fun and great weather. I'm jealous!

  11. It looks like fun! Did you see Tinkerbell and Vidia? We just watched Tinkerbell so now those are Grace's favorites!

  12. I am loving your vacation photos, Diana! Big Boy E kissing the nose of Pluto is just so sweet. And it looks like the girls are having a blast too. Oh, I thought that was Your Hero dressed up as Goofy! (or maybe that's my hubby!!)

  13. oh oh, poor mr.potato head,,
    great photos!

  14. Looks like you are all having a blast! Poor Mr. Potato head! Have fun...;D

  15. I saw a lady with curlers in her hair at Dizzy World once when I was a little girl. I never forgot that. They were the pink spongy ones. Yup, DW is maybe the best place to people watch. Oh and, Mr. Potato Head is my favorite! Looks like lots of fun is being had. Carry on!

  16. Still looks like the happiest place on earth...and such a cute shot of your hubs and Mr. Potato head. Everyone looks happy..and I bet you are sleeping like a baby at night!

  17. She did him in for sure! It looks like it's been a really fun trip.

  18. You are a good girl for taking such memorably photos.

  19. Great photos!
    Great fun!
    Great memories!

  20. Poor Mr. Potato Head! I just love all those characters.

  21. That Minnie Mouse topiary is gorgeous! Imagine trying to take care of landscaping like that.

    I love to people watch. I have never see the Wally World site you spoke of. I think I will go goggle it now.

  22. Diane, What a fab fun time with family. Was Mr. Potato Head on the right or left. Don't tell him I said that. Hugs,

  23. Wow Diana,
    It plain to see everyone is having such a great time.
    I do think someone needs to grab that camera from Nana and take her photo, so we can see your sweet smile!


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