
Saturday, January 28, 2012

I Love Nana-The Proof

I met my daughter
and SweetCheeks
My home away from home.
As you can see,
even with the screen pulled
down over the
big front window,
it was
Movie Star Bright.
So much so that
needed sunglasses.
She loves her Momma!
We have our usual
little contest.
Nana, I lovfe youh to
the moohn and bhack.
I reply~ I love you
to the stars and back
and to infinity and
She tells me that
she loves me to
I think she wins that contest
hands down.

Her day was full of
exciting plans.
Her Daddy was taking
her to
Chuck E Cheese
for lunch.
What Daddy does that
in the middle of
the day?
One that loves his

After a few hours with
She ended up coming to
My House for the

We stopped at the mailbox
at the top of our drive
and look what
was waiting inside.
A picture of all of our
grandkids...a rare occassion
when they are all together
like happened at Christmas this year.
~A blessing to see them all~
Now I know.
I am loved to
God & Back
AND that being a
Nana Makes Everyday Special.
How do I know?
Because there is a
little present that goes
with the picture.
What more could anyone ask for?
Well, maybe THIS!
Shhhhhh...Don't tell
cuz he is pretty sure HE looks like this:
shhhhhhh-it's our secret..m'kay?


  1. SweetCheeks is looking very 'movie star' in those sunglasses!
    How lovely the picture of all your grandchildren together, a real treasure.
    Hope you have a great weekend.

  2. You are such a good grandma Diana. They are so lucky to have you.

  3. You sound like the perfect grand mother. Plus you seem to have an abundance of practice there, they look like a wonderful bunch of kids.
    Have a great weekend,

  4. wow, what a beautiful group, I had no idea you had so many grandsons!!! Wow!You are the tops, Nana!

  5. Diana, To God and back...that's the sweetest thing. I love the little sign. You do make things extra special for the You know that Hero of yours would be right by your side :):) xo, Susie

  6. You do sound like the perfect Nana! And you have been blessed with a few. For me just one and she is so very special....'The Special One' also says that verse, it is beautiful. 'I love you to the moon and back'. Cheers SpecialK XoXo

  7. Wow, I did not know you had that many grands. You are blessed indeed and I promise I won't tell. I used to have the biggest crush on RR, too.

  8. Just for the info those stars son't look like that, either. What you're seeing is the work of a skilled make up artist and a good photographer and editor.

  9. How great that you got a picture of all the grandkids together, Diana! It's nice that you get to see Sweet Cheeks so often. I get to see my little one a few times a week, too, and I love spending time with her.

  10. I know how having a picture of all your littles in the same photo. I know that is rare for you as well. Only happened her once and that was this summer. There are pictures all over the house of that occasion, hah.
    They are all so their Nana.
    I used to be smitten with Robert.....he's aging big time.....I know so am I.
    I won't tell your secret.

  11. What a wonderful picture of the grandchildren! I'm sure you have some great memories of time with them. xoxo

  12. What a great present from your grandkids, Diana. You can treasure that forever. I remember those Chuck E Cheese days. That was the hottest spot when my kids were young. Have a nice weekend, and a big hug to you and SweetCheeks.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  13. The very first book that I bought HG was "I love you to the moon and back!" I just love everything about those words. Just when you think that the words couldn't get any sweeter...i read your post today!
    It's not every Saturday morning that you are taken to the moon and back!
    This is a journal moment!
    God bless you, Sweet D!

  14. All the way to God and back - pretty darn special and unbeatable! But, who wants anything more than that!? Special girl, I know that!

    Your photo of all of the children is so special and lovely, Diana!

    Have a wonderful weekend, my friend!


  15. You are such an awesome Nana!! All of your grandchildren are beautiful and sweet cheeks is adorable as she can be! Yes, think she beat you! Oh, I'll be quiet as a mouse!

  16. Oh likes Bobby R. too!!! Diana, I play that same game with my grand-daughter over the phone before we say good-bye and even though we love each other to every country, star, planet and moon, I never thought to say to God and back. Whoa is me. I feel bad. But thanks to you, I can't wait to say it to Boo today when we talk tonight. xoxo

  17. I sure wish he didn't have that plastic surgery :(

  18. I don't think I've seen a cuter bunch than when I saw my own at Christmas Diana!!! I think you must be loved to God & Back for sure.

    You asked about the fabric on my post. I think it looks so Cath too. Some of it is Lecien and some of it is Moda and some of it is from names I don't know. I got it at a specialty quilting shop that is 3500 sq ft. You can imaging how mind boggling that experience was. I've only been there three times in my life, because that's all my brain can handle :).
    many hugs to you from me...

  19. All the way to God and back. Someone's doing something right!

  20. What a wonderful little Angel she is..
    and her Nana is wrapped around her little finger.

  21. Adorable photos of sweet cheeks and a great pic of the whole bunch! You always make me laugh...I wasn't expecting "well, maybe this!" lol
    Hugs, Cindy

  22. We "Nanas" certainly all love our photos, don't we? I always tell our children not to get me presents, but photos, yes, please!

  23. What a great nana you must be to be loved so much! I have never heard of one being loved to God and back! :)

  24. You are hilarious!! And your taste in movie stars is on point, lol.



  25. Hi Diana, Sweet Cheeks is adorable! Thanks for the info. on the "cage ladies"...they are interesting for sure.

    Glad you liked the pictures! There is definitely alot to look at at Market. I always get so overwhelmed. Kristen

  26. Sweet Cheeks is a precious little girl and she is also blessed with an awesome famile. A Daddy that will even go to Chuck E Cheese is a star in my book.

    Those grandbabies are a treasure from our Lord. Yes, you are loved to God and back. I love that phrase and I get chill bumps just looking at your babies. We know they are not babies but Nana's can say that.

    May our Lord richly bless you and that lovely family.

    Love Ya Girl, Ginger

  27. I guess that as good really as it can be loved to God and Back.
    who can top that eh.

    My kids gave me a large photo of all my grandkids this Christmas and I COULDN'T BE HAPPIER
    (it is on my sidebar of my blog)
    We grandma's love our photos don't we.

    Robert Redford...He was always very handsome I thought. I don't get the connection with Chuck Norris though (I must be missing something ??)

  28. What a great photo of your grandkids, Diana! I hope they know how lucky they are to have you! And what??? I thought you WERE married to Chuck Norris! He and your Hero must have been separated at birth:)!

  29. Too funny....if this was my post Robert Redford would be replaced with my hero....The Centuries Sexiest Man Alive.....Tom Selleck.

  30. My daughter and I used to go back and forth with "I love you more" and then I found a sign that said that and gave it to her the Christmas of her senior year. It was pretty awesome! Love your sweet cheeks stories!

  31. Hello Diana,
    Love the picture of all your grand kids.... how special :)
    I have ALWAYS had a crush on RR but also Tom Selleck..I used to tell my kids when they were young "If Tom Selleck calls tell him I will call him back" (that was before cell phones)
    You always have something to enjoy when I come visit
    Suzann ~xoxo~

  32. You are a lucky lady but then again so are they!! Love the picture of them all together and your secret crush, yep so in agreement but then again you have a husband that looks like Chuck so theres no comparison!

  33. What a beautiful picture of the clan. I had no idea you had that made grandkids to love on.

  34. Such a treasure! And of course, you are a treasure to all.


  35. Oh how precious, Diana!!!! and I won't say a word about

  36. Love the photo of all the grand kids!!

    Oh and Mr. R...still makes my heart skip a beat!!

  37. A grand and her gram! You two are sweet! Ole Chuck and Robert ain't too shabby eye candy either!


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