
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Beauty And The Belief

I just got my copy of
Romantic Homes.
 I used to get
of magazines delivered
on a monthly basis.
I have let many of them expire.
The one, however, that
I have NEVER let lapse is
Romantic Homes.

Since I started blogging I
have been amazed at how
many women I "know"
that have been featured here in
one way or another.

I wonder how many of them
EVER EVER thought that
they would make the
pages of this beautiful
I think that not only do they have
 in their lives
they have the
 that they can do this.
That they can take what they
do to the next level
and give something back
to all of us.

The really GREAT thing is
that not only do I follow each
and every one of these gals~
sometimes they take time out
of their busy schedules to visit
little old me.
ME~A person that blogs about
family (okay and a bit of
nonsense) and not about

I just wanted to give a nod
to these special gals.
If you don't follow their blogs
you might want to pop over and take
a visit.
You'll be hooked.

not only has a beautiful home
but she has beautiful miniature homes.
It makes me want to shrink down to
about a 6" height and move into her
"little cottage".
I suppose then I could get a
write up, too, huh?
Lookie here....
Now is that sweet, or what?
Almost as sweet as she is.

Next up is Elyse Major
over at
She has such great eye candy
She has a beautiful featured project...
Valentine Crackers...
Now, I'm not saying
I'm any Elyse Major
but do you notice that my
Christmas socks wrapping
looks VERY similar?

Who said I didn't know what's
going on?
Quiet!  I heard that-and
you know who you are!

There's Janet Coon.
Her blog is
And I have to tell you
that it's not too shabby!
It's pretty lovely, actually.
Pop over there to see
it for yourself.

How about you?
Do you have
Do you believe that you, too,
are an important part of this
blogging world?

You know, even if we are
not "big timers" we are
important here.
Important as followers,
and friends,
and soul sisters.

I think I have finally found
for the year.

I believe!
I believe I can!
I believe I should!
I believe I will!
How about you?


  1. The thing that has impressed me so much since I started following blogs is the generosity of others to share their wonderful ideas. I'm not the most creative person, but even I have picked up little tips along the way.

  2. Awesome! Believe it or not, I do not know any of these gals. Going to check them out now. Happy Thursday to you.

  3. I've seen a couple of those blogs, but I don't get to them very often, I'm going to start visiting more, soon.

  4. Believe is a wonderful word :) I have never seen any of these blogs, I'll have to drop by. They must be lovely if you like them.

  5. I will have to look for this magazine...I know another gal too that is going to be in it, Lemon Lane blog, that must be so exciting! ;D

  6. How beautiful, Diana! I will say this - I believe you have sold me on going to find a copy of Romantic Homes! While I subscribe to far too many magazines (possibly), this is a new one for me. I can hardly wait to find a copy!
    Thank you for such an uplifting post this Thursday morning, Diana. xoxo

  7. I follow all sweet that they are featured. As a non~crafty, decorating ametuer, I love the inspiration. And I love Romantic Homes, too!

    Hey, it's snowing here!! :-)


  8. Great, talented friends. I enjoying looking at others creations, and hope that I get inspired.

  9. oh you are VERY much loved and appreciated!

    just so you know!

    loves me my romantic homes ...

  10. I do not get this...should I?
    I am out of the loop here.

  11. hi diana!

    how very very fun to see this post! i am still amazed when i see something of mine published. i have been such a magazine fan for a while now and you're correct, you have to believe! a great word.

    thank you for all of the warmth and love that you share so graciously throughout blogland. you are adored!

    thank you!


  12. I love that magazine!

    and all of the women featured in it are fabulous! thanks for sharing your picks....and it is nice to take the time to pop in when we can....making connections is what it's all about!

    ciao bella
    Creative Carmelina

  13. I do believe too ! Great word Diana.
    and Go Pack GO this Sunday !!!!!!!!

    - KAT-

  14. Sounds like some beautiful blogs that I need to check out! The blogging feature is always one of the first things I check out when I get my Romantic Homes. I am in love with that gorgeous blue island! You are such a great blogger supporter, and thanks for all of your encouragement, too. It can be all too easy to feel insignificant amid all of the big time blogs out there!!

  15. Thanks for pointing us in their direction. I may have to quit my job I just can't see all the blogs I want to see. And then do all the things I see and like.
    Have a great weekend girl friend,

  16. I always see your smiling face in the comments on other blogs, so I had to come over and meet you!
    I believe some days, others, not so much!
    I will look for that magazine, looks like it has a lot of good ideas!
    I have never been to those blogs you mentioned either. I wonder how many blogs there are, I mean, regular people kind, not commercial. Must be a million!
    Have a great weekend!

  17. Really pretty blogs...just like yours. I had to buy two baby gifts today and thought how lucky you are to be a grandmother. I will relish it too one day, I hope. I BELIEVE! :)

  18. I need to get this magazine. I keep seeing it all over blogland. It is fun when blogs we read get featured, isn't it?

    (I have been trying to leave a comment since this morning. Something is either wrong with blogger or IE. UGH!)

  19. May have to pick up that issue! Thanks!

  20. I love this post. Heartfelt and well said. I'm going to pay a visit to these blogs. Thanks for telling us about them.

  21. Amen! I love this post and your word for the year! You're amazing!

  22. What a nice post! You are amazing...and I know
    what I believe, I believe you can write!!!

    Flora Doora

  23. Thanks for sharing these lovely blogs. Wonderful!

  24. What a Perfect Post, Diana....
    So happy you shared with us, I see I have some new bloggers to check out, I see from your photos that I Will Love them too~
    Make sure you stop by, I have a Give~Away going on, alittle something I created this week....
    Hope you're staying warm,


  25. I'm going to pick up that issue at the store. And I'll stop over and check out their blogs too. I believe!

  26. All the gals you mention are so sweet and have gorgeous blogs. Don't pass out; but I just decluttered many of my magazine back issues, including Romantic Homes. I stopped all subscriptions and now just pick up the ones I "really" want at the store. I have gotten Country Living since the 70's, and just recently cancelled. I hate the new format, and most of the articles simply don't appeal to me anymore.

  27. Catching up on your posts my dear. Yes I believe too! We are all important and special. And I have you to thank for tipping me off when my little blog finally made it into the pages of RH!! XXOOOO

  28. Hey, Diana! I too have been lingering around here and catching up on your posts. Thanks for all the laughs from blogger issues to men and their toys! Believe! I'm right there with you!

  29. I don't subscribe to any magazines but I will flip thur one in the store, they just got to darn expensive, I do like Country Living though! Congrats to the bloggers that were featured!

    PS. Loved your husbands new toy!


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