
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A Christmas Tree And A Mouse In The House

Now you will bear
with me, won't you?
You know we have
new baby, 2 year old
C-Section Mom staying with us.

That means things get done
in bits and pieces.
I did FINALLY get the
Christmas Tree up.

Here she is..she is all
red and white and green
all over.
Remember those old jokes-
What's black and white and
red all over-The answer was
a newspaper...
but we had
one naughty Catholic boy
 that always said-
A nun with a bloody nose :>O
Apologies to my Catholic friends...
no nuns were harmed in the
writing of this post.

without further ado..
I have lots of red bulbs,
dull dark red and
some that are shiny red ones..
along with a few
glittered silver birds
scattered here and there.
I also have a few silvery white
ornaments that look like
they have melted sugared frosting
running down them and
a few glassine snowflakes.
Did you ever notice that a
Candy Cane turned upside down
looks like a
J for Jesus?
I bought some large faux
mercury ornaments last year.
A little reindeer finds himself
hanging from a branch..
And the teardrop ornaments
nestle up next to candy canes.
You will smile at seeing this..
the only ornament that is
does not "conform" to
Ball-Like Standards...
After all-What tree
DOESN'T need a Starbucks ornament?
So...we got it all decorated
and BigBoyE (age 2)
looked up at the tree,
pointed and said..
Mouse on MY tree?
Finger points to the top..
where there are
3 large ornaments tied
with a big bow with
I see it now!
I think I need to take that
out of Mickey's Ear.

A mouse in the tree is
better than a rat in the bed
if you ask me. 


  1. Looks so pretty Diana. Not sure how you found the time with all you have going on in your home. Hope your daughter is recovering nicely, I am sure she is with your TLC.

  2. How sweet, BigBoyE is, and how clever. Loving the Starbucks ornament!

  3. Lovely tree!!! So funny about Mickey Mouse ... I love how two-year-olds think.

    Though your house is full and it's a busy place, this time you spend with baby Charles and your daughter's family is precious. Drink it all in while it's happening.

  4. That's one smart boy finding a hidden mickey!

  5. Cute story. Your tree looks so pretty. You just can't go wrong with red, white & silver. Could the Starbucks cup be any more perfect for you?

  6. The magic in each moment can only be seen when looking up- Mickey Mouse.
    Love Baby E and all his innocence.
    Our version of that old joke was a skunk with diaper rash.
    I do like the nun with a bloody nose, had never heard that one before.
    Hope Mimi is healing well. You better start posting more pics of that baby.

  7. Love your ornaments,Diana! How funny {and with a creative mind} Big Boy E was to see Mickey Mouse in that arrangement of ornaments. He's right though! Once you said it, I saw it! Geeze, I went to Catholic school for 8 years and I never heard that one. Good one!

  8. Pretty cute that E. saw MM. Good eyes.

  9. Oh little E that was sweet. Don't you love when you see how their little minds are working? I have many very old ornaments, I have to have on the tree yearly. Hope the family is doing nicely. Smiles to all, Susie

  10. What is a tree without a little Starbucks. And I had to look at Mickey for a full five minutes before I saw what you were talking about. Baby E is one smart kid. I mean Big Boy E.

  11. I'm with you on that!!! Beautiful tree!

  12. *LOL* It does look like Mickey Mouse! Ethan has a good eye! And what are we going to be calling Ethan now that he is no longer the baby?

  13. Diana, I love visiting your place. You will probably hear me say this quite often and these days I tend to forget what I've said only minutes before so bear with me. ;) It's an instant smile.
    LOVE the Starbucks's ornament, of course. ;)
    And thank you for reminding me that my nested cardinal is most certainly a star already. :)
    "No nuns were harmed," hahahahahahaha...too much.
    Enjoy your day, chica.

  14. Love it Diana! That is so adorable and clever that he saw Mickey in the tree! lol Great Starbucks ornament...perfect for your tree and the nun! You've had so much going on Nana, take care of yourself too....praying for you all!


  15. Love Starbucks, Mickey and Candy Cane J...Your tree is loaded with charm and beauty, just like you, Sweet D!

  16. Don't you love the simplicity of little ones!? They are so precious. What a fun Christmas for you this year Diana - 2 is the perfect year for the amazement of all things Santa! But what age isn't!

    Your tree is beautiful - love the silver ones with snow and your candy J's.


  17. BigBoyE got an imagination on him. That's good!

  18. Beautiful tree, Diana! Enjoy the two year old sense of wonder. It's magic. I wonder what else he sees on Nana's tree? He's too cute.
    Hope you are resting when you can!

  19. Girl, you are amazing! Managing to put up your lovely tree while caring for everyone in your home. I think Nana Diana might need a break for sure!
    Love the Mickey Mouse comment. Only little ones can see the enchantment in simple things.


  20. So beautiful and what joy to share with the little ones! Treasure the moments!

  21. OH MY GOSH--a Starbucks ornament!!! It's unreal--Wait 'til Marcia sees it!!

    Okay--so I was thinking about this one...Your blog says "Nana Diana Takes a Break", does that mean we're all on the break with you? Because if so, I am going to relax! lol (Just like being on the beach.)
    So, here's one of those awesome glasses with the little umbrellas for you!!! xo Cin

  22. That is so cute about the Mickey Mouse story, Diana! Sounds like BabyE has quite the imagination. And you are ahead of me, we don't even have our tree yet! Love all of the glittery silvery ornaments the best:)

  23. Beautiful scenes!

    Best wishes in juggling the holidays with all your very new loved ones and new Mom recovering!

    Happy Holidays-
    Sand and Sea
    (aka beachside cottage)

  24. Your tree is ever so beautiful, filled with red and silver and light. I love the faux mercury ornaments, I've been looking for some for my tree. I wish you well getting through the holidays, it sounds like your cup runneth over. I know the feeling and I just try to stop, take a deep breath and remember - Holy Days- For Christmas I hope you get the "Taking A Break" part of, Nana Diana Takes A Break. Not only do you need it, you DESERVE it for being such an awesome Nana, mom, wife, and friend to many bloggers. If I lived near you I'd come over and babysit and make an apple pie while you go to Starbucks and have a break. Can you smell that pie baking?

  25. Too funny! Mickey Mouse is in your tree!"Kids say the darnest things!" What a great tree all dressed in red and silver! I thought you were supposed to be taking a break, hence your blog title! It sounds like you really do need the Starbucks to keep up with all you are doing! I know I would! I love your story and tree!

  26. Oh, you know how I love the RED ORNAMENTS on your tree. It looks so festive and beautiful. And that Starbucks ornament - haven't seen that one yet. Where have you been? I've missed you. Enjoy the season, my friend.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley


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