
Monday, November 28, 2011

Charles In Charge's New Blanket

Here's Our Boy!

He is visiting Nana & Papa's house
while Daddy is working and
Mama is here with him healing.
He is about 100 miles
from his own home for a
few days.

Doesn't he look like he
has settled right in?
His big cousin, Lulu, is
holding him here.
I want you to notice the blanket.
That blanket was sent by my
friend, Jettie.
Jettie and I have never actually met
in person
but we are
kindred spirits.
if you will.
She has a blog called
where the highlight is
Christian book reviews.
(and YES, Jettie IS her REAL name)

When Jettie found out my daughter
was having a baby she wanted
to know if it was a
BOY or a GIRL.
I said we didn't know.

When we brought
Charles In Charge home
there was a package waiting for us.
Jettie's Aunt is well into her
80's and she made
this blanket for
Also in the package a hand crocheted
dish cloth and
a beautiful towel that hooks
over a knob or
oven door handle.
I love it!
Anyway here is the baby
snuggled into his new blanket.
Can you believe it?
How special and wonderful is that?
Here he is being held by Mama~
The funny thing is that with a 2nd baby
you don't get many hand made
special gifts like this one.
I know the color looks green in this picture
but the green is actually a soft baby blue.

As you can see,
Charles In Charge is pretty
content to have
(and I do mean ANYONE)
hold him.
What do YOU think of the
New Baby?
Yep- Got It!


  1. Oh my goodness, he is precious! Is there anything better than the smell of a baby? Someone could bottle that up, sell it and make a fortune! Such a wonderfully sweet friend you have who sent the lovely blanket. Our 3 yr. old grand had the same reaction to her baby sister when she was born -- it was like, "she's not staying here, is she?" Now that baby sister is toddling around, big sis is okay with her. I love all the pics of your family. I, too, am "Nana," and think we share very similar feelings about those precious little people we've been gifted with! Enjoy!

  2. That blanket is just beautiful! Jettie's aunt sure hasn't lost her touch. Your photos of CIC are so fun. That last one of SC made me laugh.
    She is a stinker! Just wait until CIC tackles her for the first time!
    Hope Mimi is mending well. Glad she is able to stay with you so you can help. I think that baby weighs more than a gallon of milk. LOL

  3. Congratulations on the new addition to your family. He's adorable!

  4. What a coincidence ... we had our little bundle of grandson here this weekend, too. It's great to love on 'em without the parents around. :)

    That blanket is a wonderful gift!

  5. Hi diana, what a gorgeous surprise for you and baby charlie! the lovley blanket looks so soft and cozy! he looks quite a bit bigger already!! well, his cheeks have gotten chubbier!! Your daughter is so lucky to have the help of you and your hero!
    hugs from laura xxx

  6. What a pretty & sweet gift. I love hand crocheted blankets. Charles is just a butterball of love...too stinkin' cute!

  7. Congratulations Nana on your new grandson!! I love that handmade blanket, what a wonderful gift from your friend!! Hope you get to meet her some day!!

  8. What a sweet and thoughtful gift! Enjoy your special time with Charles!

  9. What a sweet gift. He is so cute. I want to squeeze those adorable cheeks.

  10. Thank you, Diana, for featuring Aunt Charlene's creation. CiC seems quite happy snuggled into the blanket. She is like a mom to me, and she almost cried when I told her that the blanket was a hit. Just a bit of history on my aunt, she never had any children, so she mothered her nieces and nephews. She and her husband sent some to college. She is 86, and sharp as a tack.

  11. Charles is beautiful! It would be so nice to freeze time and just enjoy him the way he is so a long, long while. But, since we can't do that you'd better take advantage of the moment and hold and snuggle him all you can. They grow up too fast, and want to do their own thing way too soon.

  12. such a beautiful gifts, I've said it before and I will again, we have not met in person but the frienships we are forging here in blogland are real and lasting, beautiful baby and beautiful sweet cheeks, she looks pretty taken with the big guy, I think she's just spoofing being jealous,

  13. CIC is gorgeous, and what a wonderful gift from Jettie's aunt. Reading what Jettie has said about her Aunt Charlene she sounds like a really special lady.
    SweetCheeks, as always, made me literally laugh out loud!

  14. What a special and thoughtful gift! I agree that second (or 3rd or 4th) babies still should get those kind of lovely heirloom pieces and what a beautiful one it is. He is just darling! :-)

  15. Very sweet of your friend to send for your new grandson, who is such a cutie. Love this blogging world.
    Sweet Cheeks,,,,,,,,you are still the one.

  16. Sweet Cheecks must be Nana's girl!

    What a sweet gift for your new grandson, Diana. And so special from a friend you've never met. I love the people I meet here on the blogs, too!

    Charles does look very content!


  17. Diana, What a wonderful gift. That big boy looks happy being held by those little cousins. Whenever I see Jettie's name, I think of my first apartment. The landlord was Jettie Hicks. :):) Smiles, Susie

  18. That is one sweet grandbaby, Diana! I'd love to come through the screen and hold him myself!

  19. What a beautiful gift for the Grandbaby. He looks all snuggly wrapped up in there.

  20. Hi Diana,
    What a precious little bundle of joy and how sweet that your friend made the blanket. It's so pretty.


  21. Beautiful baby! Enjoy their company!

  22. Oh my goodness, Diana, he's gorgeous. Sigh...I'm speechless, warms my heart. That's so special to have received such a gift from a blogging friend. I love that blanket.
    I was happy to hear that you've seen One True Thing and like it too. Kindred spirits for sure.
    I haven't forgotten your Starbucks card, should be out tomorrow.
    Much love!!

  23. He's just the most beautiful little thing Miss D. I want one! I want one!

    Er...I mean...

    I want to be a NANA to one! :) Adrienne needs to get busy!!


  24. Love your sweet bundle of Thanksgiving blessing...Sweet Cheeks "cracks me up"!

    Your friend, Jettie, sounds wonderful!!


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