
Monday, November 14, 2011


Here's the deal!
Today my oldest daughter, TPot,
(SweetCheeks Mom)
and I are headed to

Tomorrow morning
the Doctor is going to
induce my youngest daughter,
(BabyE's Mom)
Maybe I'll bring a cake!
Yeah?  You ask...So What?
How about you do your best guess
as to SEX/DATE/ TIME of birth
If you guess the weight, too,
 that will be for a bonus prize.

I will even give you a few clues.
With BabyE she went over her
due date by about a week.
He weighed ALMOST 10#s (9#/14oz).
Her labor started Wednesday morning
and he was born Friday late afternoon.
A long labor----but because she is healthy
and the baby showed no
signs of distress they did
not do a C-Section.
She just took a long time birthing.

So....NOONE knows
if this baby is a boy or girl
(including Mom-to-be)
There! Now you are armed with a few
I don't know WHAT the prize will be
but it will be SOMETHING special. have between now and the
time of delivery to make your guess(es).
I can't wait to see some little..
Cuz we can put them in these...
To win--
You must be a follower of this blog.
You must guess..
Date/Time of Birth/Sex

AND for a bonus prize
you can hazard a guess at
the case there is a tie..
the closest weight will
determine the winner.

Welllll-what are you waiting for?
GUESS already!


  1. Fun, Diana! I'm going to guess if he induces her Tuesday morning, the baby will be born by Tuesday afernoon - let's say 3:48 p.m. and since she has a boy already I'll just say girl. Weight guess: 7 pounds 8 ounces. Congratulations to the whole family either way! : )

  2. I am really bad at this but here goes...

    Date: November 15th
    Time of Birth: 10:04pm
    Sex: Baby girl
    Weight: 9lbs. 1oz.

  3. I'm just going to throw something out:

    Date: November 16
    Time: 2:02 AM
    Sex: Baby Girl
    Weight: 8 lbs, 14 oz.

    Good luck to Mimi...sending speedy & painless vibes her way!

  4. My niece will be born at 12:02AM 11/16/11 and she's going to be a beautiful red head just like her mom, and weigh in at 8lb 4oz.

  5. wow, this is exciting,, lets see, I say, a boy, 11;25 November 15, best wishes, maybe they will be twins!!!

  6. Nov 16th, 1:45 am, boy, 8lb 11oz- you better post right away! Will be praying for a short, safe delivery and a healthy baby.
    We will take whatever comes out!

  7. What fun! November 16th a boy at 3.04am. I'll guess 9lbs 6oz.

    Best wishes to your daughter. I can't wait to see NanaDiana's next grandchild.

  8. 11/15/11
    Boy(you can name him Mark)
    9lbs 11oz

    Your Friend, m.

  9. I'm going to hope for a short esy labor so I'm going to guess accordingly.

    Date: Nov. 15, 2011
    Time: 11:22 am - we don't want her laboring into the afternoon.
    Weight: 9 lbs. 2 oz.
    Sex: Boy

    Now, let us know asap, okay.

  10. 11/14
    Wt: 8lb 9oz


    How wonderful.

    Thank you for letting us all be a part of your miracle.



  11. oops!

    I meant to say November 15th.

    Does that still count?



  12. Diana...I'll say it's a girl born on the 16th 8:45 weighing 8pounds. smiles, susie

  13. How fun! I'm never any good at guessing games, but here goes:
    Sex: Girl
    Date: 11/15/11
    Time: 5:10 p.m.
    Weight: 8 lbs. 2 oz.

    Wishing her a safe and healthy labor and delivery! She'll be in my thoughts and prayers!

  14. Congratulations! So fun! Here's my guess based on the onky birthing experience I can draw upon, my son's :)
    Date: 11/15/11
    Sex: Boy
    Time: 8:04 pm
    Weight: 8 lbs 8 oz.

  15. How fun is this?! I'll guess... November 15th (opening day for deer here, opening day for dear there lol). 7 lbs 11 ounces, GIRL, time of birth...12:42 pm (that gives you time to pick up a latte at Starbucks for lunch and get back in time for the birth). Best of luck to her and the new baby!

  16. OK - I'll take a guess ~

    November 15, 2011/11:15 pm/Baby Boy

    11 lbs, 15 oz

    22" long

    Happy Birth Day, Little One!

    Congratulations to Mom, Dad and Grandparents!


  17. How fun Diana!!

    Date: November 15th
    Time of Birth: 1:09pm
    Sex: Baby girl
    Weight: 9 lbs. 9 oz.
    21.9 inches long

    Blessings to all!

  18. OK. I guess the 16th at 12.04 am, I'm guessing a girl since they already have such a darling little boy, and I think 9lbs 1oz.


  19. I am so excited for you all, Diana! Ok, I am guessing that it's a boy, who will weigh 9 pounds 6 oz, and arrive on Wednesday, Nov 16th, at 9:28 am. Oh, that's standard time in WI, of course!! Best wishes to you all!

  20. I am so excited for you...I love new babies, I can never get enough of their wonderful smell..I could never guess, I would not even come close! Have fun with that new baby!

  21. I'm guessing a gorgeous little lass, weighing a petite 7lbs 8ozs born just around kick off time on Thanksgiving Day!
    Best wishes to all!

  22. Great balls of fire...I am sooo not good at this but love it, so.....
    Nov. 15
    4:32 p.m.
    8lbs. 2oz
    Gorgeous GIRL
    and you and I both are Dec babies...
    EVERYone celebrates mine..NEW YEARS EVE...what a hoot.
    xo bj

  23. Congratulations to the whole family!

    I'll guess ...
    November 15
    8:55 pm
    bouncing baby boy
    8 lbs 10 oz

    Here's wishing a safe delivery, and a healthy baby.

  24. Many prayers for mom and baby today! They are loved from afar. Can't wait for updates!

    I'm guessing 11:11 am (baby is probably just confused and got the due date and birth time mixed up!) on November 16. And I'll say a girl because there is always room for another princess in your family!

    Weight: For Mimi's sake, I won't use the same logic as I did for the birth time! Just gonna guess 9 lbs 2 oz.

    Love and prayers!!

  25. Oh my! I'm was never any good at guessing anything, but here goes!

    A sweet baby boy.
    Born on November 16
    At 5:30 AM

    And, it will be a perfect subject for Nana to write stories to share with us.
    Congratulations to all!

  26. Well bless your sweet sweet heart I found you and your beautiful family. I have been reading and reading and reading....looked at all the pictures and it feels like a family reunion!!!
    Congrats on the new baby....beautiful...we have one on the way too!!Will fill you in as soon as we can chat on the phone. Big Hugs!


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