
Friday, October 28, 2011

Papa Teaches BabyE To Be A Stoner..

All your chicks that lived
through the 60's and 70's will
get what it means to be
A Stoner!

Well, we aren't talking
No, indeedy, we are
talking about
skipping stones
across the water.

Look at this sweet little
Baby E with his Papa.
He looks up to and
adores his Papa.
Papa is telling him how to
be a
They are looking for the
perfect stone for skipping.

Watch BabyE!
Papa likes to point when he talks.
I call it "expounding"
when he's talking to me!
MamaMimi is behind them
telling Papa not to let
BabyE get his shoes wet.
Men don't think about those
kinds of things, do they?

Okay, Buddy~
You hold it like this!
One big water ring says
that it didn't SKIP
all that far!
Tiring work!
And it is time to head for the house
where we have something
special waiting....
A Treat!
AND-Even better- THIS
And what does Papa
have waiting for himself?
Why ME, of course!
Well, it's a tough pick..
it's either me or
lying around in bed
watching a movie.
Bed wins! Everytime!
Story of my life~
And guess what?
He's not having any of
THESE treats either...
cuz the only stoning he does
is down by the bay.


  1. Sweet, sweet post about the guys! The photos are heartwarming! A precious little one loving his Grandpop... and Grangpop loving his dear little grandson!

  2. Hehe! Magic brownies... Such sweet photos of your stoners and your re-cap, as always, makes me smile so big. Thank you for bringing your bits of sunshine into our days.

  3. Hi Diana,

    Your blog always makes me smile!

    Your sense of humor is perfect.

    What adorable pictures and memories. Thank you for letting me drift back in time to the day my father taught me how to skip a rock and I thought it was so cool how his rock could jump about 5 times.

    Gosh, I miss those times.



  4. Ha! Are you sure about those brownies? LOL

    I love the pictures of Baby E with his Papa. They're so sweet & will give E treasured memories as he gets older.

  5. G'morn Diana ~ Stoner goes way back beyond this, you are such a kick. Oh, the fun of skipping rocks across the water ... the challenge of beating everyone else in distance. Memories.

    Love the pics & that wee one looking adoring & trusting up to his father. So moving ...

    Have a beautiful weekend.
    TTFN ~

  6. Oh this is adorable and sooo clever, Diana!!! They are such stoners! lol

  7. I used to be a stoner, but we moved from the river.....loved skipping stones across the water.

  8. LOL cute! I love the pictures of the two of them...very sweet! ;D

  9. Love your stoners! Isn't that so sweet? Baby E and Papaw are great buddies. How can that baby dunk that cookie if you hand him a sippy cup. You need to teach that boy the art of dunkin'. In the kitchen, of course. Don't think you need to be chunky dunkin' it in the bay.
    I have not got a lot done today, but I so need a nap. Saw a parade of little ghoulies and monsters uptown this afternoon. They were so cute.

  10. LOLOL! I truly believe that YOU and TETE ought to have your own TV show or something, Diana! You two never fail to crack me up with your comments! Thanks for the laugh....and wet pants.

    xoxo laurie

  11. Thank you for visiting us at Red Rose Alley. Your blog is so charming, and I really liked what you said on your "About Me." You sound like such a grateful person. We would love it if you could follow us, and I would certainly come back and follow you as well. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Oh, and yes, I lived through the 60's and 70's.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  12. Thank you for trying so many times. Yes, I think it's easier when you go through Google. I have a few blogging friends that when I leave a comment, it doesn't take, but after awhile it does. Just never know about these things. haha
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  13. You know what? Yours did the same thing when I tried to follow. I had to click on the arrow to go back and it let me follow. Anyways, it all works out for the best, doesn't it?
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  14. Too, too, funny Diana! Bet you are a stoner, too:) Great pics, love the photo of Baby E looking up adoringly at his grandpa!!!

  15. hahaaaa...what a precious post. They look so adorable together. Makes my heart sing.
    xoxo bj

  16. Too precious. Loved it. ;)

  17. What a sweet and fun post! Great to see the guys just hanging out doing "manly" stuff.
    While you were in the kitchen making those brownies???? LOL

  18. Such a fun post! That sequence of photos is a treasure. Loved poking around your blog and seeing all the Halloween pics as well.


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