
Monday, September 12, 2011

Sunday 911 Family Life Fest

My brother-in-law called us
to tell us that his church,
along with 4 other churhes,
located in beautiful
sponsored an event called
Community Praise.
It was to honor not only
those people that lost
their lives on 9/11/01
but to honor all those
servicemen and women
that lost their lives,
or dedicate their lives,
to protect all of us.

They had a big rubber
playground set up for
the kids to enjoy.

AND they fed everyone..
The food and drinks were free!

Little Miss Ria sat a spell in the sun..

We won't tell you that
SweetCheeks ended up going
down the slide DROP
the wrong way and hurting her neck.

She recovered enough to walk
front and center
and stand in front of the stage

where she proceeded to
whirl and twirl.

She thought all the clapping was
for her.
We let her think that because
all too soon she will know
that she is not the
center of the
entire universe.

I can't believe I didn't
get a picture of my
He got up and told
a beautiful story.
I guess I was crying and
didn't think to get my camera out.

Several service men
joined together on the stage
for the
Pledge of Alligance.
It brought tears to everyone's eyes.

But the biggest tears were
in my own eyes
when I looked over and
saw this....

Our little SweetCheeks
honoring her country.
God bless us all...
maybe this next generation
will get it right~


  1. They learn by our example. Let us all do it right this time.

  2. I have to agree with Tete..... Children learn from what they see!! Lovely Post!!

  3. what a beautiful celebration, hope sweet cheeks neck is OK, I think our next generation will be a lot tougher and less trusting in some ways, but the patriotic spirit will still be there, maybe stronger.

  4. Awww, so sweet! You know, I'd twirl too if I was wearing such a pretty dress.

  5. I enjoyed this post, and the poem before it. My heart is heavy for our grandchildren, because of the huge debt they are inheriting from our generation. Perhaps they will be able to do things better.

  6. Thank you for sharing, it's great to see churches working together to honor our special heros.

  7. Sweet Cheeks for President!!!!!

    Yeah.... maybe she can undo all the damage that those in office seem to be doing now!

    Seeing her honor our country does give me hope!

  8. Such a nice thing to do for the community. I agree, I love the picture of Sweet Cheeks.
    State Farm has a commercial running today.
    Not really a commercial but just beautiful. It is a group of kids singing about
    New York. They are at a fire station. It is so wonderful. I hope you see it.

  9. Her parents must have taught her well. What a lovely memorial event.

  10. Such a touching post Diana!
    And sweet cheeks has the cutest dress on!
    Oh, and I love Sturgeon Bay, I often thought I could live there!
    Hugs friend,
    We're going to get quite chilly later this week!

  11. Beautiful post Diana! Your photos are wonderful!


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