
Monday, September 26, 2011


Stay out of the
you want to be turned into

You will be
AMAZED at what
ELSE is IN her attic~
This is our own
little living doll,
I captured  her
telling me about
what is in her attic.

And do you know how
it got there?
The Witch
put it there.
I am NOT the whickhed whitch!
(Her Mom is-;>)

I can't figure out how to
lop off the end of this
video but her
expressions, to me,
are priceless..
and I thought worth sharing.

Got your popcorn ready?
I think this may be
Coming To A Theater Near You Soon~


  1. I have magic in my body too! I think I can live in the attic! CUTE! Sweet cheeks has an amazing imagination for sure!

  2. Yep, coming to a theater near you soon. Does she ever stop talking? Motor mouth just like my sister.

  3. ^^ Lol, that was my favorite part, too! "I have magic in my body" :) Such a cutie pie!

  4. I don't think I'd worry too much about what your name will be changed to. If you turn into a doll or a stuffed animal, you won't much care. I'd just stay out of that haunted attic. Because, we wouldn't want anything happening to you. Some things are better left alone and you are one of them. You're just right the way you are..... and I can't see being stuffed as being any fun, anyway.

  5. I am so glad I do not have an attic. I can't wait to see what lives in her basement. How did she get this thing for monkeys? It must have came from you. What in the world did you whisper in her ears when you were rocking her when she was a baby?
    You stuffed? There's not a shelf big enough for that- bwahhahaha...just kidding.
    So- did you get the garage cleaned out? We have been sorting and cleaning inside, another day of rain. We finally had to mow and it's all green out there again, except for the leaves turning and falling through the air.

  6. Sweet cheeks is going to write her own 'Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe'! With an imagination like hers, who knows where she'll go with it.
    She sure is entertaining!
    Thanks for sharing, Diana.

  7. She is just so adorable! I want my name to be Pink and Purple! Those were my signature colors when I was little ya know. :)

  8. LOL, how funny she is, as usual.
    Pink and Purple are Sky's favorite colors, too, so they'd fight over the crayons, wouldn't they.

  9. Okay I thought she reminded me of my
    Allie but will have to change that to my Elli. Elli is our theater girl. Sign her up for classes. Elli was in two plays this summer. In Winnie the Pooh they gave her the Christopher Robin part over all the older kids. She can really act.
    And she ad libs perfectly. I'd love to get Sweet Cheeks my Elli and
    Allie together. I love it at the end when she says, "SHe's so cute." Her little head is always moving. What a cute one she is. She is 5 right. Both of mine are 5 as well.

  10. WOW...this girl reeks of the theater...maybe she will be an actress..or the mother of 8 children, she certainly has what it takes! ;D

  11. That must be some attic! This girl is going to win an Oscar some day! :D

  12. It's unbelievable how quick she comes up with this stuff!!! she could be a guest on Leno!

  13. whata doll, she's so sweet , so innocent.I hope she always stays that way.I could listen to her all day,

  14. She can certainly tell a wonderful story! She's a doll herself :) oxo

  15. Sweetcheeks has the best imagination ever!!!! and every good witch needs a refridgerator!!! most important!!!! her curly ribbons look so lovely too diana!! You truly are the best nana ever!! And you set the bar so high! Its a looong time before i will be a nana, but will be checking in with you for some tips when the time comes!!!
    hugs and love, laura xx

  16. That child has such an imagination. I just love her.


  17. Sweetcheeks is absolutely adorable and has an amazing imagination. It is so wonderful to see a child using their imagination and coming up with all sorts of wonderful stories. She certainly is a precious little sweetie pie!
    It's so nice to be back blogging...I've missed you. XO

  18. Hello Diana,
    She does have an imagination!!
    It is so refreshing to see a young one have an imagination I see so many kids with their noses on Xbox or computer playing video games.
    Thank you for sharing Sweetcheeks with us.
    You are so lucky my friend
    Suzann ~xoxo~

  19. This was so daring Diana. I can't believe how cute your little sweetcheeks is. Dang, that attic needs a lock on it!!!
    I love your sweet boy in the previous post. Aren't they the best things in our lives???
    sending hugs...

  20. She is so adorable! Tell her that Cindy wants her bow!! That's so cute how she said she had magic inside--this is tooo cute!

  21. Diana,
    Just another fairytale day in the life of Sweet Cheeks! Thanks so much for brightening my day. Every girl needs a little magic in her body!
    Miss chatting with you. I've been soooooo busy setting up the store...

  22. She has the best imagination. I hope it's her imagination. Hate to think she really has a puppy in the attic.

  23. She's soooo cute! Love her imagination. That's a quality all kids should have and run free with it.


  24. This girl is too funny! Always thinking up creative things to say! The stories she tells are priceless. Thanks for sharing. Anne


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