
Thursday, August 4, 2011

A Walk In The Park-Or Somethng~

I left work on time
for a change.
We have to park in an
outlot and catch a
transport bus in to work
and back to our car after work.

After braving the heat
of late mid day ,
and leaving the
big red bus
(yes we ride to our cars
in a big red bus)
I got in my car,
plugged my cell phone
into its holder and
it rang.

Whut arhe yohu doin', Nana?

This may be a trick...

Wehll, we arhe going to the
parhk if you wanna go.

Meet you there!
Oh- Look-
It's a hanger..

And if this one is down..

Then this one MUST be up...

Hey- Where are YOU going?
I gonna go up hehre, Nana
an' I gonna siht in the middle..
Shoffve ovah guys!
And look at those feet!!!!
We hear SweetCheeks
calling for a push on the swings.
What we don't know is
WHO is actually pushing her..
this won't last long.
We have something else to occupy our time.
We have discovered the joy of spitting.
Hey-Ria-Thiss iss fuhn..
Trhy it..
Trhy spitthing..
How lady-like and cute.
Did she say
for that comment?
(eye rolling)

Time to go..
Wait a minute..
Wait a minute..

Where's my Starbucks
cup of iced latte?

Don't forget to sign up
for my


  1. So are each so lucky to have each other. Your infectious kindness, fun and lively can do anything spirit and warmth shine through loud and clear on each and every post! Those girls are really lucky little granddaughters!!

  2. I could just hear them talking as you typed this. I love the way little ones talk. So cute. The pic of the girls spitting made me smile this morning...

  3. A good post to start the day. Thanks!

  4. joys of summer .... spit art ! Lovely,, great post!!

  5. A princess who spits, I think that should attract lots of Prince Charmings, don't you?

  6. Looks like fun! It's too hot to go to the park. We'll soon be reaching our 60th day of over 100 degree weather. Even the pool was hot yesterday afternoon. Time to start swimming in the morning rather than the afternoon.

  7. How could you not love a little girl in a pretty dress with a pretty bow in her hair, who also happens to spit? I love it!

  8. This reminds me SOOO much of when our girls were little. Three girls ... the spitting ... everything! Mine are all grown up now (it was the youngest that got married in June.) Thanks for taking me back this morning.

  9. I think we are from the same mold. I never say no when it comes to getting together with my little ones. I wish 4 of them didn't live so far away. My two that live here are off in Canada and I miss them so much.
    Sweet cheeks reminds me of Goose. I know I have said that before. (((((HUGS))))

  10. My Miss K is spending four days with me late next week. The last of the summertime fun before school starts. :( Third grade! The year my life changed and part of me began to grow up...

    I love being a Nana. Just wish I had more. You are blessed sweet friend~

    xoRebecca PS: I miss my Starbucks. Gave it up to save $ (it was becoming an addiction!) :( and to keep my weight down. Some things aren't worth the price you save! :( Bah!

  11. Too cute! haha reminds me when I was there age I remember my mom always telling me not to spit. I love how you were on your way to work and went to the park instead. :)
    Have a great day!

  12. I love hearing your adventures with Sweet Cheeks!! SOOOO fun!!!
    I hope I signed up for your giveaway!! I am so confused lately with my blogging. WHen my boys are home from school, I so enjoy spending my time with them!
    Keep having fun!!

  13. What a great way to end the day! :) I am pretty sure that I cleaned feet like that last night and yup, the spitting is the best thing ever according to both my 5 year old AND 13 year old daughter! Really? :) I am glad that you got to spend a wonderful evening at the park. :)

  14. Hi Diana Sweetie...
    Oh what a beautiful ending of your day. A ride in a BIG red bus, and then off to the park with the kiddos. I love it. In my mind, I can just hear the chatter. They are so precious, and Miss Sweetcheeks, well she is pretty darn cute, and I love hearing her stories. She has such an imagination. Some day she may be a writer. You never know.

    Thank you for the smiles sweet one. Have a great weekend. Many hugs and much love from Phoenix, Sherry


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