
Monday, August 15, 2011

SweetCheeks Loves A Parade

Algoma is on the other side of
the peninsula from us.

Every year in August
they have a festival
Shanty Days.
It harks back to the time
when  shanties lined the
banks of the Algoma river
and fisherman followed
the river out to
Lake Michigan to
earn their living catching fish.

We were lucky enough
to look out of a home we
used to own and see this
little shanty across the river
from us.  It is one of the last
ones standing.
So, every year we go to
Shanty Days and watch  the parade.
Now this is not a normal parade.
No indeedy~
The parade lasts anywhere from 1-1/2 to 2 hours.
It all depends on how many entries there are.
ANYONE that wants to be in the
parade CAN BE IN the parade.
Today I will show you a
couple of the things we saw..
Tomorrow I will show you a
few more.

The parade starts at noon but
people are there as early as
7AM putting their chairs out
and claiming their spot.
Lord help the person that
tries to sneak a chair in the
front row at the last minute. ain't gonna happen.

This was BabyE's first
Shanty Day parade.
He kept watching and waiting for
something to happen..
squinting into the sun a bit...
SweetCheeks, on the other hand,
is well-versed in parade
procedures now.
She dances in the street while waiting
for the "show" to begin.
And walks along and waves to everyone.
Oh Boy!
Here it comes....
They start with the veterans...

and everyone stands and applauds.
And a unit marches for the
fallen firefighters...
which puts a lump in every throat..

And then there is the clown car...
And there are boats of all kinds...

But the best part is that most
of the floats throw candy along the
edge of the street..
And all the kids scramble to pick
up what they can.
SweetCheeks yells,
And they throw it right to her.
However, there was one
that stumbled along the parade path...
and I just caught the back of him...
But SweetCheeks saw him coming
and ran to her Daddy for
She did NOT like him AT ALL!
But was soon smiling
when the
not-so-scary pirate posed with her
and her sisters.

Bored yet?
Well, too bad because
tomorrow you get to see the
pink tractor float
and BabyE eating corn on the cob.
Y'all come on back now, ya hear?


  1. that was a pretty scary looking thing, poor little sweetcheeks, I'm just holding my breath to see the pink tractor,, lol. Great post! What a great parade,, we have a couple of parades like that everyyear, m you know the whole out lying area here is called Algoma,, its the rural area.

  2. That scary pirate would send my running too!
    Very fun Shanty Days festival!

  3. I love a parade!

    And Sis, in your previous life you must have been a Southern Belle!

  4. Well, who doesn't love a good parade??
    Looks like fun was had by all... & pretty girls in white dresses standing next to a pirate always starts my day with a smile.. : )

  5. Diana..every year Tipton has a pork festival the weekend after labor are welcome to come. I remember all the kids loving that candy thing. You are taking wonderful pictures to show all of us. Thank you. I am enjoying it. Smiles, Susie

  6. Looks like fun! I'm looking forward to that pink tractor. If I had to drive a tractor, I'd much rather it be pink than green. *lol* But, my farming days are over. I'm happy to be a city girl now!

  7. That looks like so much fun! Our big parade here was in Charleston for EIU's homecoming. It took awhile and they throw lots of candy. We have our own homecoming parade here with 4 floats, 4 convertibles, the cop car and the fire truck, but they throw candy.
    So glad Baby E got a front row seat so he could see all the fun!

  8. I love a parade too!!
    Baby E is just adorable ~ he must have been so excited at his first parade!!
    I'm sure the princesses had fun with the little prince!

  9. Cute pic with the pirate. Arrrggghhh!


  10. How wonderful!!!
    I love that Sweet Cheeks is so well versed in parades!!
    She will be homecoming queen for sure!!
    I tried to comment on your pink Saturday post, but it told me commenting was closed!!!
    I am soo sorry!!

  11. Sweet Cheeks should be riding a parade float...smiling & waving to her fans!

  12. LOL well, I love their white cute! ;D

  13. I can not WAIT to see the pink tractor myself. I saw a few of those at the gay pride parade in San Diego last month. I guess maybe it's not the same. Okay, I only saw them on the news afterward, but you know I don't like crowds.

    The girls look so summer fresh in their little white dresses. I do think that next year Sweetcheeks should have her own float and throw out candy to everyone. Now you keep those grandkids away from those pirates ya hear? They looked pretty scarry to me too.

    I love seeing your darling family enjoying the days of summer. You guys always have so much fun!

  14. Such a cute picture with the pirates. Sweet cheeks does look a little scared. Love those small town celebrations.

  15. Diana
    When I saw Algoma my heart stopped! I thought surely Diana wasn't up my way and didn't give me a shout! But I see you have your own Algoma there. So everythings OK.
    Seriously, I love those small town parades. They are so quaint. It sure looks like the princesses had a good time and the little guy, of course. Everybody loves a parade!

  16. I've never seen a Pink Tractor Float...or Sweet Cheeks eating corn, for that matter. I'll be baaack for more tomorrow!

  17. Ok, that float would scare me, too! I bet you were right there with all of those little kids, just scooping up the candy, weren't you, Diana? Admit it now............!

  18. Every farm needs a pink tractor! Baby E is so precious and I love the photo of the girls with the pirate. Everyone loves a parade!


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