
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Another Night At Nana's House

As soon as the girls get here,
the run down to the water.
They look up the beach to
the 2nd house on the right.
They are looking for the
2 kids that live there.

They are great kids.
Lots of fun and well-behaved.

as SweetCheeks call him
is full of action and fun.
He's always up for running
and racing and jumping
and "swimming".

His sister
is the quiet one of the group.
She is happy to sit on the sidelines
and watch the action.

I can't believe how much fun
these kids have with this little
kiddy pool with the slide.
They make up their own worlds
and their imagination sweeps them

After the neighbor kids go home,
we take baths and change into
As promised we head off
to FrostyTip for
ice cream.
It sits in the little village of
Dyckesville, WI.
MyHero has been going there
since he was a kid.
These girls make
five generations of our
family that have
enjoyed a
FrostyTip cone.

Looks like we have
a bride, a princess
and 1 Pj girl for the trip.

We come home and look
towards the bay.
The sky gives us a promise
of what is to come.


Oh My Goodness!

Does it get any better
than a pink sunset?
I feel like God is smiling
on these precious


  1. It doesn't take a lot to make the kids happy ~ even a little bigger kids seem to enjoy a small pool. It is just plain fun.

    The sunset photos are amazing!
    Have a great day, dear friend!

  2. What a fun night on the bay. Glad you get to have the girls so often.
    Love your pink sunset.

  3. I remember sleepovers at my grandmothers house.. quite a different setting, but cherished memories just the same. These are the days to cherish :-)

    PS. How did I miss ALL YEAR that you live ON THE WATER??... I mean, I know there have been water shots and sunsets, etc... but somehow that little fact escaped me.

  4. Holy moly...what a sunset, it looks like its made of beautiful!! I love how this post reminds us of the simplest pleasures in life and how cherished they are, an inflatable swimming pool, a trip to that there is something old fashioned and nostalgic about it and they look a heck of a lot happier than those long overly stimulated faces I see of kids playing non stop video games. Cheers to doing things the old fashioned way!

  5. I wanna have a night at Nana's house! That looks like a perfect way to end the day. :)
    That is so great about the FrostyTip, they don't keep the good ice cream places like open anymore and it makes me sad.
    Enjoy your day!!

  6. It just doesn't get any better than that does it Diana? Golly gosh, your gran-kids are super precious! And that view? Seriously? I'm so envious! FYI...Just found out yesterday that my daughter is having a son in January! WOOT! So exciting, Julie Mae will have a lil' brother to pick on! Thanks for sharing your pics Diana, enjoy what is left of the week, I start back to work Monday:(
    Marcia in Cali

  7. Diana, how wonderful that your girls have such a special Nana!!! Your time poured into them will stay with them all their lives! XO Christie

  8. He's smiling on you too!

  9. I think God smiles on these cuties everyday, beautiful post,,

  10. It doesn't take much to make little ones happy!
    Your girls are beautiful. They will remember all these sweet memories they share with their Nana forever!

  11. Do you ever wish you could go back, just for one day? I do.
    What a fun day for them!

  12. I feel that he smiles through nature too...a real fun day, just what summer is all about! :D

  13. How wonderful to see precious children having fun in a simple little plastic pool. They are all so adorable.
    When I was a little girl I remember going to the local Dairy Queen on a hot summer evening.
    What fun.

    Great post.


  14. I so remember the summers when my daughter would spend everyday in her kiddie pool. Oh how she loved those summer days.
    You little ones are so cute, and they sure must loved being a little bit spoiled when they come to stay. That's a very good thing. :)

  15. I'll never forget staying at my Grandparents house. Even as I got older, I still enjoyed being with them. When I married, we would stay with them on weekends. I LOVE the memories I have...just as your little ones will remember you Diana.
    Great post!

  16. What a wonderful way to spend your evening, D! I always have to smile at the delight in your writing and the love in your heart for your little cherubs. :) You're such a blessing to those little ones! ♥

    xoxo laurie

  17. Awwwww.... what a great day! Nothing beat playing in the pool and going out for ice cream!

  18. Diana, i think i want to live where you live!! its just breathtakingly beautiful, you are so lucky!!! and I so love your corkscrew tutorial/ how clever are you? I would have never thought to put them in the oven!!! Do the corkscrews hold for long? Think i need to try that, although i dont have any little girls to make them for!!! I miss out on so much not having girls!!! Just hoping that my brother and his wife will have a little girl! have a fabulous day!! laura xx

  19. Fun as usual @ Nana's.
    I could hang with those girls and be a very Happy Camper.
    Amazing that 5 generations have enjoyed ice cream from the same place, "and the beat goes on"!

  20. One of these nights I'm gonna show up in my pjs, ready to go out for a Frostytip! Sounds like you all had a great time:)

  21. What a great sunset. Not sure I have ever seen a pink one like that! I wish I was there to see that first hand. Have a great weekend. The girls look adorable.

  22. My boys loved their kiddie pools. Always worth the trip to Walmart year after year to get a new one. How fun, and I love the pink sunset.

  23. The sunset is amazing Diana!
    The girls look sweet with their new bows you made for them too.
    I can't believe that ice cream place is still running. It seems like the old ones are all shut down now. Nothing left but DQ!

  24. I want to come spend the night by the water. Looks so peaceful. Or maybe it's the ice cream I'm eyeing right about now. Nope, I'll take both!

  25. Diana this "sweet" post made me think of summering with my Nana and Aunt on Cape Cod. One night a week they would take my two cousins and I to Minnicks for ice cream. We would each be ordered a large coffee soft serve which was my Nana's favorite and she knew we could not finish!! Nana loved her ice cream!

  26. I love the summer pictures! School will be here soon and it is nice to see the little ones having so much fun! Love it! I love ice cream too!


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