
Monday, July 25, 2011

You Won't See ME Today- I'll Be Here

I need a break.
A serious break.
It has been go-go-go
for the past few weeks.
There have been some
family "issues".
Stressful issues.

This is just a one-day break
but it IS a break.

We will be  here..
One of my favorite places
to un-wind..
to just BE.

I'll BE here-
where the shore looks like

And the hotel looks like this...

And the view from the room looks like this..

And during the drive along
 Lake Superior I see a spot
that looks like this..

And, like Pavlov's  dog,
I go to this....
A perfect day away!
Happy Monday!


  1. You deserve it! Enjoy your day!
    Looks just beautiful!

    Flora Doora

  2. Hope your time is totally restful and refreshing!

  3. well I will be at the top of Lake Superior and when I look out my patio door I will send warm happy hello thoughts to you!!Enjoy!!

  4. Have a nice break! :-) I think you've chosen a beautiful place for a little retreat!

  5. Have a great mini vacation, and know that I'm thinking of you, sis.

  6. Diana
    Have a wonderful time.
    It's so good to be able to step away from the source of our stress.
    You relax and let go!

  7. What? You wouldn't rather hang out in front of a computer screen like the rest of us? LOL

    Have a wonderful day Diana!

  8. Oh hunny I am so sorry that it has been so stressful. Enjoy YOUR day and soak in the beauty and clear your mind. It is amazing what that lake can do for our souls.
    Hugs to you!!

  9. Looks like a great place to get away from it all (or away from us all). I wonder if you plan your vacations with Starbucks locations in mind? Nope, can't go to Paris, because there's not a Starbucks at the top of the Eifel Tower.

  10. Diana, sorry to hear there is stress in your life right now, goodness knows we can all relate at some time or antoher and you are preaching to the choir, stress is my new nickname:) Enjoy and relaaaax on your time away, looks just beautiful and so serene and peaceful probably exactly what you need. Amazing how a day or two away, really away, can help us feel rechareged and refreshed, good for you to know you need it. Enjoy and safe travels.

  11. Good Morning Sweetie...
    Oh how beautiful. Can I come along too? I need a serious break as well. I can smell the clean air, and just look at that view. Oh and did you say Starbuck's? Oh you are a daring one.

    I hope you find some peace and guidance today during your visit away sweet friend. Enjoy yourself. Many hugs and much love from Phoenix, Sherry

  12. Rest well Diana you deserve it!
    Looks like a gorgeous spot to spend the day!
    Pamela xo

  13. Enjoy sweet lady! xoxo

  14. Enjoy your "break" and we will be hear waiting for your return :-)

    Suzann ~xoxo~

  15. I hope you find a little peace of heaven wherever you are.
    Luv ya bunches..xo

  16. I meant piece of heaven , but Peace is also good...:)

  17. Well, Good for you!! & I am hoping that as I write this you are relaxing & enjoying the Beautiful view.
    We did the same thing last night... instead of coming home from up north.. we decided late, just to stay & enjoy another night.. : )
    & does Starbucks pay you to advertise?? They should... You have to be a #1 fan.... : )

  18. Looks beautiful and like a day I would love. Have fun.

  19. Have a beautiful day!!! It looks like the perfect place to de-stress!

  20. Holy Cats Diana, I didn't know you had a blog! You never mentioned it all the times you visited mine, and the of course your slacking off on the day I find it!
    Seriously... have a great day off, and when you get back you will find that I am your newest follower.

  21. I'm so sorry you are dealing with some stressful issues right now Diana! I hope your day away has been truly restful! :-)

  22. I hope your little break turns out to be just what you needed!

  23. How beautiful! I'm sure it's a lot cooler than the 106' here. Soooooo tired of these triple digits day after day.

    I hope you were able to relax my friend. You so deserve some peace and quiet.


  24. Hope you enjoyed your even if for a one day break!

  25. Hey girlfriend...been enjoying some R&R and getting over a summer cold and popping in to see what's new with you. Hope all is well and sending you hugs! Loving the stone wall, he did a great job!!!

  26. I am so glad that you were able to get away, even if for only a day. Me? Purrsonally, you'd had to have used a chain and tow truck to get me to leave something that wonderful after only a day. Seriously though, you so deserved this! Hoping this helped to get you through the week.

    "Her" and Romeo


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