
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Stoner Is Still Rocking

Remember the other day when
I told you my son was a
Not the kind that uses

If you missed that you can
read about it here
He was away for several days
but got home last night and
started again.
Here is one side...all done
except for tweaking..

And the front by the
end of the walk-
Notice the ones he
buried around the tree..

The other side of the front
which is partially done...

Pretty cool, huh?
He has never done any rock
work before and is doing it right
by digging the rocks in and
securing them.
You know what else is cool?
This thingamabob
(yes-I'm pretty sure that is
the REAL name of this piece)
Anyway-this thingamabob
that sits on the top of
their garage.

He is going to get up
there and clean it up
and paint it..
AND hopes to make
a matching one for
the top of their house.
The round painted ball
part is really copper..

He will be taking a cutting
from my
AnnaBelle hydrangea when
they are ready.
They lost their plant
during their move.
Each family member got
one in memory of our
little granddaughter,

And to end the day
another beautiful
pink sunset to stain
the sky.

Hope your day is
wonderful and blessed.


  1. what a beautiful job he's doing and so much work.That is a lovely topper for the garage,, (I can't think of the proper name) lovely home,, beautiful tribute with plant for each family member,,have an easy day,,

  2. Hi Diana,
    I finally figured out why I couldn't comment on blogs, thanks to a tip from Christine, a fellow blogger. Just wanted to pop in and say hello! Your son has tackled quite a task but it looks fabulous!

  3. Amazing work your son in law does. I could use him around here. Great sunset picture.

  4. It is looking really great and I love the exterior of his home. I hope you had a wonderful day yesterday and the sunset is gorgeous!!! I love lake sunsets. :)

  5. Wow I am impressed, its coming along beautifully! I love the Annabelle hydrangeas...stunning, whats prettier than a water shot at sunset? NOTHING. Hope you are well and enjoyed/enjoying your little getaway!

  6. Oh, I love all the stone work! What a totally gorgeous setting for a home!

  7. There must not be as many thieves up there as there are here or you wouldn't be advertising that copper. Her, they'll steal it out of your airconditioning wires if given a chance. Copper prices keep going up so it's a favorite target for thieves.
    And the rocks look great! Your son in law is one awesome stoner!

  8. Your stoner son rocks! Oh, I have a backache just looking at all those rocks. Must have taken forever to do all of can send him my way when he's done. Could use another strong back around here.
    AnnaBella- beautiful name and what a wonderful way to remember sweet.
    Hugs- Tete

  9. What an amazing job he has done and their house is just beautiful! I love the thingamabob on top of the house too and how incredibly special that everyone gets a cutting from that hydrangea. :-)

  10. I do love the stonework. I also like the house behind the stonework.
    Hydangeas is one of my favorite flowers-yours obviously has special meaning to all of your family. Is that what they call "snowball"?
    I've always wanted a cupolas. Your son must not be afraid of heights if he's climbing up there to clean the brass!
    Love that sunset!

  11. I love the rock work, I would love to make a planting bed along my back fence and line it with stones like that. And I love your Thingamabob, and having two Thingamabobs has to make you the Thingamabob Queen.

  12. I think the stoney thing is called a cupola.....that doesn't look like it is spelling right. He may want to rethink the copper. The stones, house, flowers and the view is wonderful.

  13. Beautiful, Diana! He can call himself a mason now!! Your home looks lovely, do I see the lake in the background? The thingamabob is gorgeous and will look so pretty painted up and shiny! And finally, your sunset picture is fabulous!

    Have a great day, my friend!!


  14. We have big rock wall around our home here, it was so fun to watch the men making it! We also have a cupala on top, with a copper rooster at the very top..they are so cool! :D

  15. I am so impressed by your Stoner son. Perhaps I need to talk to my sons about becoming "Stoners". Beautiful stuff! And I love that "thang" on the top of their house. Show it to us again after it's painted, OK?

  16. Thanks for the email. I came over to visit and join up. Ha. Ha. Ha. I didn't realize anybody remembered the term "stoner" but me. Really, though, beautiful stone work. I'm envious.

  17. Wow, his work is totally amazing!!! He should be so proud--what a major job!!!

  18. Beautiful work with the stones and I'd forgotten the term of stoned,LOL

    I love that sunset!

  19. That's a big job! its looking good. I could use his help in my poor yard.

  20. He is really moving along on the stone work. My elbows and back ache just thinking about the work though. Maybe you should get him one of those back braces they wear at Walmart when they move heavy stuff.


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