
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Tennis Anyone? Anyone?

Our "city" is small town
in many ways.
It offers lots of
activities for kids
during the summer.

Green Bay still feels safe.
It is a safe place to
live, to work, to
It is split in half by
the Fox River-
which runs NORTH.

The Fox is one of
 two rivers in the US
that runs North.
If you live in Green Bay
you will find that
there are East-siders
and West-siders..
a rivalry that goes
back generations.
We are East-siders..
The Good People..

Our parks and rec department
 offers lessons for a
very little charge.
For the last couple
of years,
Lulu and Maria
have been taking
tennis lessons
at the local
high school.
Lulu is tall and sturdy,
a good athlete.

She knows her
tennis pose.

Ria is small, a little
peanut of a girl..
with a great big
powerhouse swing!
Wait...what are you
hiding there..behind
that bottle?

I see Dr.Bob got
those two pesky front
teeth out!
And, she got her
cut short for
the first time ever.
Pretty cute!
Guess who got
to join the fun this year?
Here she is before
signing up.
She said she was
"Too shy" to play..
whereupon I about
snorted coffee through
my nose.
Yeah..and I am a
Mermaid and.......
okay..maybe not such
a good comparison.

So..after we convinced
her she was NOT shy,
she got out there.
Missed that one..


Got it! Hit it!
Way to go, SweetCheeks!

Lessons are over.
SweetCheeks is ready to
She starts for the car
ahead of everyone else.
It was fun, wasn't it,
SweetCheeks? we ask.
Her new, and oft repeated
reply now....

I can't wait till she is
a teenager..
she is going to be soooo
much fun!


  1. I did youth ministry for 25 yrs. & "FUN" is exactly the word most parents use to describe thier teenager... : )
    I did laugh out loud though... : )

  2. whats that saying five going on fifty,.,, she's wise beyond her years,,I think she has her nana's personality,, and funny bone,

  3. whats that saying five going on fifty,.,, she's wise beyond her years,,I think she has her nana's personality,, and funny bone,

  4. Sweet Cheeks? Shy? Now that's funny!

  5. Shy may not be the word here...just keep on loving her sweet cheeks though! ;D

  6. I enjoyed reading about how your town is split.
    Your photos are wonderful.
    I am new via Julie Harward.
    Your grands are so cute and love that shy look.
    Have a nice day

  7. Too cute! I have some "shy" kiddos myself. LOL!

  8. That is too funny! "Whut Eva" is what I hear as well from time to time. I am glad that she decided that she wasn't shy to play. :)

  9. Shy = would rather sit on the sidelines with Nana ;)

    Looks like a fun day to me!

  10. They look so cute out there on the court. I think it's great that they have classes for young kids. We didn't have tennis until high school and I really wasn't good at all {more interested in boys}. Maybe it would have been different had I started younger.

    Very interesting about the East side and the West side of the river. We have the Northsiders and Southsiders of Chicago. We are on the SOuthside and the best of course!


  11. You have some real cutie pies there! They will be teenagers in no time at all!

  12. Love her little tennis skirt!!!
    She cracks me up...such a drama queen!!!
    I can hear the attitude through this!!!
    Pamela xo

    "Does she even know what it means to be shy?"

  13. LOL! Oh my gosh! What a hoot! SC is certainly going to be a handful when she gets older. Are you ready, granny???? bwahahaha!

    xoxo laurie

  14. She is precious...a tennis star in the making! You I have a feeling are going to enjoy each and every stage with this little are lucky to have each other!

  15. I have heard of being on the wrong side of the tracks, but the wrong side of the River? You are so funny- and Lulu looks like a tennis player, love Ria's new smile and her hair cut.
    Now- how in the world could this child think she is too shy to do anything? Must be her "friend" Bob telling her that. He's so bad.
    Well, tennis and dancing...girlie things for sure. I used to play tennis. Loved it. They don't do that here. The town tennis court is cracked and overgrown....I'm too bad to chase the balls anymore anyway!
    Hugs- Tete

  16. Something tells me that Sweetcheeks does NOT have a shy bone in her body! Looks like the girls are having fun! I couldn't hit a tennis ball if I tried! And are you SURE you are from the good side of the bay???!!!! hahahahaha!
    Well, I guess I should say that I am on the Good Side of Lake Michigan! hahahahaha!!

  17. I've had a great time here catching up on my reading. :) As usual your posts always make me leave smiling.

    I'm sure the girls will have fun playing tennis, as you will watching them.

    I'm going to give that cookie recipe a try! :)

  18. It's a good thing I wasn't taking a sip of tea when I read that...I've have snorted it too :) I laughed out loud when I read it. I love Ria's cute, and easy to care for. You've got some beautiful granddaughters there!

  19. Hi Diane,
    Read your comment on blogger issues...When you go to comment and it directs you back to thge sign in page, then sign in email and password then UN-CHECK the keep me signed in box, for some reason blogger has this reversed and you will be able to leave a comment. So just un-check the box when you get directed to the sign in page.

    I hope thgis helps!
    Its been along time since I have visited and you visiting me! so glad I could add a little help to the blogger drama.


  20. Oooop's I meant to spell Diana!!!

  21. You know I love to see and read all about the girls...but now I get to see them in those cute tennis adorable!!

  22. She looks so darn cute in that little tennis skirt. I'm sure she will outgrow her "shyness" by the time she's in high school :).


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