
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Bread And Whine Weekend-Part 2

Sunday morning after a
quick bowl of
Lulu grabbed this...

And we headed out
to our home church.

Lulu signed herself
and both sisters in
by computer.  It is a
big church with lots
of kids' programs

SweetCheeks was a bit
scared to stay by
herself but when
we went to collect her
she did not want to leave.

After picking up
SweetCheeks we went to the
big girls' room to see
what they were up to...

SweetCheeks really wanted to
stay and play..but..
Ria convinced her that we were
going somewhere special.

After church
we hit the local
hog trough eating place
that some refer to as a
Maria is a healthy eater..
she loves salads and
The kids like going there
because they can pick
their own food and
make their own
ice cream with sprinkles
after their meal.
SweetCheeks is trying to
avoid having Papa
"taste" her food.
She is not a good sharer..
if it is something sweet.
We came home,
and were getting ready
to change our clothes..
when what to our wondering
eyes should appear
but a funny Uncle
with a boat under his rear!
Can you take us for a ride?
We have our swim suits on
and our life jackets...
Can you?  Can you?  Can you?

That looks like a yes to me.

All too soon the
day was over and it was
time to take a bath and
head home.
And guess what?
Today there was

Bye Bye sweet girls.

I'm tired but I'm still smiling.
'Deed I am!


  1. Looks like a great day! We used to go to the lake a lot but our boat has sat in Papa's backyard for the past three years so my son sold it recently. I prefer the pool now. Actually, I would have preffered a pool then, but with three boys I was outnumbered.

    I'm so glad that when God blessed me with grand children He knew it was time for GIRLS! A boy would be nice, someday..... but right now, I am enjoying my girls.

  2. Don't you just love Great Harvest??!! Sounds like you all had quite a fun weekend and those girls are so blessed to have you guys! :-)

  3. Hi Sweet Diana...looks like a super Sunday to me! LOVE the lake right out your door!
    What lucky little granddaughters you have.

  4. I had to chuckle about your comment about the trough, we have one too, The Golden Corral', they must know we all call it the trough! Looove your front yard/Bay, what fantastic memories the girls are storing away with all these wonderful visits to their Nana's & Grandpa's house! Priceless! xo Debbie @ Cottage Hann~Me~Downs

  5. Oooh, I want a boat ride on the bay! Can I, can I pleeeeeze?! Sounds like you all had a super fun day! I am loving how Sweetcheeks kept the bow in her hair even when she went for a boat ride in her swimsuit! She is one stylish gal!!!

  6. Now, that was the best kind of day to me! I am so glad that you all had a great time. It's weekends like that that those girls are going to treasure their whole lives...I remember my weekends on the lake with my grandparents and they still make me smile!
    You made some dandy memories!
    Hugs- Tete

  7. Diana I want to go for a boatride with your grand girlies!!! Do you live right on the edge of that lake? It is gorgeous!!! I wanted to thank you so much for posting about my Seawashed shop. And I don't care how many giveaways you won, you are entered into mine too! You have been such a faithful encourager and friend to me. I am so grateful for your beautiful heart that comes to say hi almost everyday. Your grandgirlies have the BEST Nana in the world. ox

  8. What a great day Diana and look at that beautiful Green Bay!
    Those girls are all cute and they have wonderful grandparents to boot!
    Hugs and Happy 4th to you,
    Sad cause that means summer is nearly half over.

  9. Oh wow, what a great day--and a fabulous boat ride!!

  10. Showed up in the nick of time to keep little girls from getting bored. (I raised two girls; I know how fast they get bored.)

  11. What a fabulous & fun day with the family. Kid-lings are our gift from God ... the joy they bring to our hearts is a treasure.

    Everyone had a grand time ... & a great ending to this lovely day. Sounds perfect to me!

    Have a great holiday weekend ~
    TTFN ~

  12. hi Diana!
    Thank you for visiting my blog today!! Cindy is so sweet! But she embarrassed me too!!!!
    Your day sounds perfect!! What beautiful girls!!
    I am glad to hear that I wasn't the only one with blogger problems!!
    I'm your newest follower too!

  13. Looks like the perfect day. The photo of the three girls in the swimsuits sort of looks like they are going to be going to be a water skiing act.

  14. OH... What a perfect day!! Church with the girls... a fun lunch & then a fun ride with a fun (funny:) uncle.
    Your view is lovely.
    Thanks for stopping by earlier... & yes, sitting to rest, looking at the lake is just what I am thinking, very soon...
    & actually... your post with the girls & thier Grandfather by the lake at sunset.. is what we are hoping for someday... no babies in our family yet... but that is why we are getting a bigger place, so it will be ready when we are blessed with some... : )

  15. Diana, it looks so gorgeous where you are!! and the boats and the water!! You are so blessed!!! sorry i havent been around for some time, had no internet for nearly a week now!! was difficult and i feel like i missed so much! hope you are doing really well! lots of love and hugs! Laura xx

  16. Such fun! They are all adorable....and I can just see them choosing their food. Kids love that don't they? Glad you had such a wonderful time with them!



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