
Friday, May 27, 2011

Sunset On The Bay

Please bear with me..
that was BEAR..
for all you weirdos out there.
I have not been blog
hopping much this week because
half the time I can't comment.
Blogger-I hate your guts sometimes
First you get me addicted to
BLOGGING and then you
act up and leave me in
I am working all week...
including Saturday.
It has been raining all week..
but last night..
last night the sky looked
like this.
I must say that
Wisconsin has some of
the most spectacular
sunsets I have ever seen.

The sun hangs low
in the sky before
dipping below the
water's edge.

It becomes brighter
as it descends
and finally
seems to set the
water on fire.

I love it...
Is that awesome,
or what?

we bask in the rosy glow
that lights the sky for
many long moments...
before kissing the sky
good night.
God Is Good!


  1. Blogger has lost its mind and has made all of us quite nuts this week...WHATS GOING ON???? I wish I knew. They better get it together fast or they are going to start losing people FAST!!!!!!!!!! Beautiful pics of the!!

  2. That happened to me a couple weeks ago, it was down for a few days. It'll be working again. You should see the sunset from our side sometime, it's just like being at the ocean. Actually you will, I'm doing a sunset shoot there hopefully in June (that's my plan anyway but we all know about those best laid plans lol). There's always such beautiful skies by that water!

  3. Beautiful, Diana. It has been so gloomy here, I don't think I have seen a pretty sunset in a long time. I hear we are to have good weather this weekend...let's keep our fingers crossed.


  4. Beautiful!

    And I haven't been able to comment, either. So, we'll see if this works!

  5. aww,, I love that,, kissing the sky good night,, beautiful!

  6. Gorgeous and blogger is having some major issues. Shame on them getting us addicted!

  7. Beautiful sunset, makes me wish I was near the water. I know a contest where that top photo should be entered, lol.

    It will let me write then it never posts.

  8. Whats going on with blogger? For some reason, I have not had any problems!! Hope you have a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend!!! Take care...

  9. If you're having trouble posting comments, try un-checking the "stay signed in" button when you sign in. That's what I had to do and it works fine now.

  10. Hi Diana,
    I am having major problems with blogger too...I thought I'd name my blog "Nana Cindy has a breakdown!" lol
    What beautiful photos--WOW!
    I hope you have a great weekend!!!

  11. Those are paintings waiting to happen!! Absolutely gorgeous!!
    Sending love ~

  12. Yeah! Blogger's been acting up! It took away all my Followers!! I worked hard for those!! :(

  13. Sunsets are so beautiful and the fact that we can take a little time out to enjoy is even better. Yes God IS good!


  14. God IS good, your sunsets are gorgeous, and yes, AWESOME. You are blessed. Thanks for sharing such beautiful pictures. Ditto on the blogger ordeal. What are we to do?

  15. Hi Diana~
    Your blog is so delightful and I believe that it has a lot of your personality in it!
    Thank you so much for stopping by and yes, you are right - God is good!
    Warm hugs and blessings!

  16. Hi Diana~
    How beautiful. After all the heavy and damaging storms, the pictures were just so lovely to see.
    Have a wonderful weekend~

  17. What a gorgeous sunset! Nothing like the sun setting over the water! Well, I guess sun rises over the water are pretty, too, but I am never up that early! Sorry you have to work today, phooey! I am having blogger issues, too! I lost all of my followers, hope I get them back!! Have a great weekend:)


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