
Saturday, May 7, 2011

I Feel Sad...Very Sad...

You know there are people
all over that tell you that
blogging isn't "real"...
whatever THAT means.

They tell you that followers
aren't friends..
and that you can't really
connect, and get to know,
people you meet

I have.
I have met some wonderful people.
I have formed some great friendships.
I have felt totally connected
to some of you.

Then there are others
that find blogging has taken
over their life.
It becomes as important
to them as family..
It becomes
than anything.
It BECOMES their lifeblood.

I hope I can strike a
happy medium
somewhere in between.

Today I got a very sad note.
It made me feel like crying.
It made me want to shout
It was from my dear, sweet friend,
Lisa of Informal Home.
No..don't bother double clicking
because she has taken down her blog.
I asked her permission to post
about her here because she doesn't
want anyone to think she just
disappeared...that she wasn't "real".
The truth is that she IS real.
And to BE real she has to
get back to her family and her
life as it was before
She wants to focus on her family
and her faith and I give her a lot
of credit for that.
She did a brave thing..
but, for me, it is a sad thing.
She said she will still be
around, checking out our blogs,
and commenting a bit here and there...
but she won't be posting anymore.
you were a bright light in my daily life..
and I hope that we keep contact always..
cuz you are like extended family...
and SweetCheeks loves ya..
and your little Miss I..
Even SweetCheeks feels sad....

So sad.

Now look what you've gone and done!
You better pop around ...
just to say a cheery Hi...
and let SweetCheeks and Company (me)
know that all is well with you.
Besides that -if you
come around how will I
EVER know what time it is in
Australia, mate?!
God bless you, Lisa.
& G'Day- as you say-
~Our doors are always open~
Love to you~ Diana


  1. Well said, Diana ~

    Blogging definitely takes time away from other things and my husband teases me about that very thing from time to time, but it has also brought such rich friendships and virtual travel and learning of things and people and places, that I hope I never decide to give it up.

    Happy Mothers Day, Di!

  2. I feel the same as you. Blogging is an important part of my life and I cherish each and every friend that I've made here in Blogland. For those who feel it isn't real....they've never been here or experienced the friendships and bonds that we share.

    I understand her decision though, it can take you away and if you decide it becomes too hard to do, then it's time to make a change.


  3. as you know I'm new to blogging but if this isn't real I don't know what is,,daily glimpses of people lives,, written conversations back and forth, the sharing of skills, sharing happy, sharing sad,, this is real.i'm so sorry for your friend,, maybe when she feels its right she'll come back, I know I've so enjoyed my "conversations" with you for sure.I haven't been at this a month yet but have made so many new friends.

  4. I always hate to see a blogger give it up, but you gotta do what's right for you. It does take a lot of time away from other things. I hope she's at peace with her decision.

  5. Diana, thank you so much for your kind words. I will never forget my blogging experience and don't regret a moment of it. I will always stay in touch with you my friend. Thank you also to the well wishers kind comments.

    Lots of love and hugs,
    Lisa xx

  6. That is sad but I can understand it. I find myself trying to strike that happy medium every day too and did notice how it takes over when I was out in the rain with pneumonia just to get the shot of the day, then it was time to slow down lol! The people I have found through the blogs are often more real and more like neighbors than the people right next door. It is what you make of it. I'm guessing, but I believe that you make real connections wherever you go because you have such a kind soul.

  7. I never had the pleasure of meeting Lisa, but I wish her well! I think many of us can understand and appreciate her decision. Blogging can enrich your life in so many ways, but it's like a snowball that just keeping getting bigger and bigger. Sometimes it's really hard to keep up. Finding balance in all aspects of life is something that we constantly need to address. Thanks for sharing Lisa's story Diana. You are a true friend!

  8. Hello sweet Diana. I agree with WeeFaerie...some of the friendships here are more "real" and bonding then with the people right next door.
    The experience is what you make it. I believe it CAN be can Etsy!!! Blogworld opens up a whole new realm.
    Lisa is to be praised for her decision. Faith and family must come first.
    When I first started blogging, it seems every minute I could be on the computer was like a "fix" for me...I craved being here. It DID take time away from my daily duties, and my husband. I also started ordering things from the other bloggers' sites. I was hooked!!!
    After a while, I weened myself off(I'm not joking) It was a conscious effort to NOT be on here for hours at a time.
    I am thankful for ALL the friendships that have been birthed here in blogland. There are some pretty awesome people in this place!!!
    During loss, and illness I realized how much you all cared(more than a lot of "family" members).
    I'm glad Lisa will keep in touch with you, Diana. That shows that the friendships here are REAL!!!
    I am sooooo happy I met YOU on here. You bless me!
    Thank you for sharing this post today. I think everyone that reads it will be able to relate.
    I luv ya, toots!

  9. Such a sad little face and I know it speaks of your heart too. It is a constant balance with blogging. Wonderful friendships but it can use lots of precious time. I know you will continue a friendship with Lisa.

  10. I am sorry one of your friends has decided to leave our world behind. We are real people with real hearts and lives. I do get tired of people who don't understand that, too. One of my blog friends decided she needed more time to live her life this week and I am so going to miss her. I can certainly understand not having enough time, but I choose to do this and give up tv time.
    Ok- I know, I know- you told me so. There- I said it. You were right....again. But you know I'm going to do it again. Watch and see. Ha!
    Happy Mother's Day to you- hope that great family of yours spoils you till you stink!
    Hugs- Tete

  11. It is sad when people decide to quit blogging, but I totally understand because this can be quite time consuming.

  12. How sad when people find blogging takes over there life so much they have to quit. I wonder why.
    I don't know what i would do without my blog. It is my life line. It has helped so much with being homesick and knowing no one here. I love all my blogger friends...seriously i really do. I consider you all my close friends.
    I can't imagine never talking to you or my other blog friends again.

    Happy Mother's Day Diana!!!!
    Pamela xoox

  13. People really think that blogging isn't real? You've got to be kidding? What is real?

    And I connect with people, too. But my dashboard is broken right now, so I'm not connecting very well. It says I am not following any blogs but when I look at my profile I am - so maybe it's just a temporary glitche?

  14. So sorry to hear that Lisa closed her blog, and yet I understand. Family comes first :-)

  15. Diana, Blogging can take over your life and sometimes you just have to step back for a while. I have made so many friends through blogging and I cherish every single one of them.

  16. I've been blogging about 3 years now and whenever it becomes to much and takes time away from things I just take a little so renews me even if it's just for a couple days. I have days that I post and days that I leave comments, I think you just do what is right for you and it all works out.
    So sorry your friend decided to leave blogville but her decision has to be respected, it's what is right for her♥


  17. Wow, I can so relate to this post. At times I feel so guilty because I haven't been able to do a post due to family/health/work commitments and it heart wrenching because I do look at all of my blogging friends as very real and sometimes I just feel I let everyone down because of not posting. Even now, when I do post, I rarely have any comments because I've been gone so much but the reality like your friend is our "live families" do have to come first...

    Many hugs my "real friend",

  18. Blogging is whatever you make it. If you allow it to take over your life, blogging will BECOME your life.

    I have been at this for a long time, and I have given advice to quite a few struggling bloggers about the need to strike a balance in life ... balance in ALL aspects of life. For some bloggers, it's all about the quest for followers or comments. Me? I use my blog as a way to organize my thoughts and center myself during the week. Writing about my projects and my garden and my family helps put things into perspective for me, and it actually tends to LOWER my stress level. Sometimes I find that I blog MORE when things are crazy and it appears that I don't have the time to spare ... a quick blog post about something that I've been thinking about clears my head, and I'm better equipped to handle whatever other jobs I have in front of me.

    We all know about the wonderful social aspect of blogging ... so I won't repeat what has already been said about this.


  19. Oh I do understand. I am almost at that point. I was going to close my blog but decided to leave it open and just post when I have the time to be creative.

    I am still scanning the blogs I follow but really don't have time to comment.

    I miss you Diana!


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