
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Dancing With The STARZbucks Girls

Heat your coffee up,ladies..
This is a long post!
What a busy weekend!
I want you to know that
Starbucks has certainly played
a big part in my life.
I met a nice young man
at Starbucks.
He was there every morning
with his cronies.
 I used to meet my
girlfriend there quite often
in the morning, too.
We told him to bring
his wife along~
One day he did and it was
love at first sight.

This weekend this lovely girl
graduated from nursing school.
I am hoping she gets a job
at our hospital!
Congratulations, Amie!

And we had a wonderful
time with MamasBoy
and his wife,
at a Milwaukee Brewers game.
On our way out of town
we stopped...
Need you ask?
Starbucks, of course!
Miller Stadium in Milwaukee
is wonderful!
We were right behind 1st plate
about 7 or 8 rows up.
Wonderful seats..
although I ducked a couple of
times when foul balls
slammed our way.

But the highlight
of our weekend,
I must say,
was something we go to annually.
It was
The Dance Recital-
entertainment provided by
my little
Starbucks loving

Lulu and Ria are both
students in the same class
this year.
I taped a short version
just for you.
They are the two here-
Lulu is in the front row
and Ria is in the back row.
Now...our little SweetCheeks
missed the age cut off date
for the
"little girl's class".
She was 3 and needed to be 4.
She was sooo disappointed
but she learned her big
sister's dance
right along with them-
at home.

So, when Mama was
 making costumes
she made one for SweetCheeks too.

Mrs.D, the instructor,
(shown here with Lulu)
loves SweetCheeks.
because she DOES love
our little Miss
got a special stool,
right beside Mrs.D
for this performance.
Mrs.D introduced her
to the crowd and she
said a very soft

She was a bit disappointed
because she did not get to
MrsD told us later that she would
have stolen the show.
Next year she will.
But, for this year,
she is content to sit
in the hall and can see for yourself..
WHY she is content to
be sitting in the hall.

That's my girl!


  1. Good Morning Diana,
    I've enjoyed reading your post, you always make me smile. The love you have for your precious family is so genuine and you are an inspiration to us all.

    Your granddaughters are so precious and good dancers too. I'm sure Sweet Cheeks will take center stage again soon.


  2. Too sweet... What precious girls...
    I can just imagine Sweet Cheeks practicing with her sisters... : )
    You make me anxious for when one of my 3 boys tell me we are going to be grandparents... : )
    (they have all been married for a while...what is the hold up??? : )

  3. Such sweetness in your posts. I feel like I am pulling up a cair with an old friend. thanx for coming by my little place...hmmmm, giveaway to be announced.

  4. What a sweet post! I know you love your baseball, they beat my Rockies! But what a lovely family and glorious photos you share. Enjoy the day sweet lady! Hugs Anne

  5. LOVE your posts and this one did not disappoint!

  6. Love the dance, the girls did great! Sweetcheeks will get them next year for sure, she is such a little star!

  7. Hi have been busy, congratulations to every one here on doing great! Love to you my your sweet posts every time! :D

  8. Lulu and Ria are wonderful dancers and I'm sure next year Sweetcheeks will become a real twinkle toes too!
    You are the best grandmother! Your love always comes shining through your posts.
    I also think you are probably the best customer Starbucks will ever have. I love your Starbucks adventures!


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