
Saturday, April 2, 2011

SweetCheeks And Alice In Wonderland

As you can plainly see..

Lulu is thorougly engrossed

in something..

And SweetCheeks

is enraptured,

as always,

by animated movies...

Her favorite today?

Alice In Wonderland

Ria- Ria...hurreee upp

an' lookit or yohu arhe

gonna miss the besst parht!

Iss whehre the burd is gonna

peck her eyes out or sumthin'

Lasst time it just peckked her

nose a liddle bitt..but wahtch cuz

this tihme it could peckk her

eyes out....Nana...

Lookit Ria...

Hers is gonna miss the

besst parht, huh?Ria doesn't care~

Ria is old enough to

know that the outcome is

always the same in a movie.

A bit different than real life..

one little change in your life

plan can make a huge difference..


I don't know about you

but I am glad that I

have Somebody

smarter than I am

watching out

for me!


  1. Whew, I am so glad to see you back today! Your April fools trick really scared me.

    I can't remember if I told you but it is so good to be able to post again! As you know, I was having major blogger problems but it seems to have corrected itself so I am celebrating with a Giveaway. I hope you come visit.

  2. Well yes, the smartest too!


  3. Just ruined my day, didn't you?
    Here I thought if I watched GWTW again, Scarlet woud be able to keep Rhett this time.

  4. Wonderful! Isn't it good to know that even if our life isn't predictable like a "movie" we still know the outcome if we let Him who is all knowing and loves us the ruler of our life! Thank you for sharing this Diana.

    P.S. Alice In of my all time favorite books and movies! Happy Sunday to you my friend!


  5. Oh my gosh, Diana, I thought we all have "happily ever afters." I still believe it! lol

    I hope you are having a happy Sunday...wishing you a blessed day!!!


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