
Friday, April 8, 2011

One More SweetCheeks Video..East/West Man

This story is a little
It is about the
East/West man
that can make you sick!

And he has a big cross
that fell off the end
of the Earth~
which appears to be
right across the water
from my house.

And, did you know
that God CAN
make you better
 but you really
have to watch out
for the East/West guy?
Did you know that?
It is another amazing
fact I learned listening
to SweetCheeks.

If you have kids at home
please, please
just take the time
to stop and listen to will
never regret it~
I promise!

Who the East/West
guy is remains a
mystery to me..
However... I DO
know he is from
the East/West!

After this I will
give the
SweetCheeks videos
a rest for a while~ extra charge
for the nose-picking


  1. And then, and then, and then, because because because. You don't need to give the videos a rest. I'm up for at least one a week. So is miss 11, who just said she could be on a comedy show. If I close my eyes and listen I could imagine her on The Cosby's.


  2. I love watching little Miss SweetCheeks - don't stop - we LOVE her. Does she know she has a following?
    I don't know how you stay straight faced during her dramatic tales! I'm pretty sure I would be on the floor!

  3. Keep the videos coming! Not sure where she got the name east/west but could she have picked it up in a movie? That seems to be a little more advanced even for her. It's amazing what goes on in those little heads, isn't it? Loved the nose picking. Do it myself from time to time, just not on video.
    She is going to be a writer or an actress or both. You know that. Of course, after she wins American Idol.
    Hugs- Tete

  4. Hi Di, Can you ask sweet cheeks what the president should do about the budget? I'm sure she could come up with a great video about that. lol. Don't you dare stop these videos, She brightens my day!

  5. Oh when she's a teen girl you'll have to show her boyfriend this video of the nose picker!

    Pamela xo

  6. She is just too sweet, keep the video's coming, they make me smile!


  7. That east/west guy must be a son of the devil or something! *lol* Too cute!

  8. I think the "East/West" guy is the guy from the classic Santa movies.. Mr. Meiser. He is from the east/west? right? Or it could have something to do with Wizzard of Oz? I have to get to the bottom of this. At least Bob and Deed are dead so I can focus on this now.

  9. I love the videos. I hope you keep them coming.
    Some people meditate to be creative, some people eat to be creative, Sweet Cheeks picks her nose to be creative...nothing wrong with that! Where Women Create...this could be a whole new issue!

  10. There is a Sweet Cheeks in my family but she lives in the far south and makes my day when she calls me, because no one is quite like her. She is so different than any other child we have know. We call her "Just Megan". I love to see Sweet Cheeks. Keep her coming!

  11. Don't you dare quit the sweetcheeks tales. I'm loving hearing her, and also, now I know what Nana sounds like, too.
    Can you imagine us talking, we both have accents!

  12. Keep 'em coming my sweet friend. The videos make me smile.

    This little lady has found favor with the Most High. You know that, right? What a blessing to watch her~

    Love to SC and simply wonderful YOU!


  13. That is just too funny! Sweetcheeks has an awesome imagination!!

  14. Awhhhh, isn't life GRAND! There truly is nothing better than seeing life through the eyes of a child...even better, if it's one of our Grand kiddos or a friends:)!!! Totally delightful, your little Miss Sweetcheeks is!Thanks so much for sharing this little treasure with us! xo Debbie @ Cottage Hann~Me~Downs

  15. Oh Hi Diana Sweetie...
    I love seeing the Ms Sweet Cheeks videos. She is SO darn precious. And you God is the one that made her SO smart, and I do believe that one.

    I have not heard of this East/West guy before though, but she has me believing her. I mean kids can see things that we cannot. Who is to say????

    Oh Diana she is so sweet, and I just love to come over when she is telling her stories, or singing or dancing. Isn't she priceless? One day she will be grown up and won't perform anymore. We will all be so sad. So keep them coming. I love it.

    Hope you are having a glorious weekend sweetie. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  16. Endless possibilities...told ya!

    This was awesome!!!!!!


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