
Thursday, April 14, 2011

My Friend Is Moving! She Moves Me Too!

This is my friend,
Her blog is called
Pop over and visit
And leave a message
to inspire her
as she travels
across the country
in their motorhome.
We had an email
conversation last night.
She is on her way
to Washington.
This is NOT
an easy move for her...
She did NOT
want to go and
leave her home,
and Mom,
and other family.

But, Donna, being
Donna, and a good
wife and partner,
packed up their
Michigan life
to move to
the state of Washington.

She has asked for
prayer for herself
and her situation.
She wants us to pray
for peace in her
heart and
acceptance of all
that is happening.
She asks that we
uplift her in prayer so
that she does not
get bitter,
or resentful..
that she can truly
have a year of
peace and acceptance.
Because, the promise is,
that in
 they will return
HOME to Michigan
and their old life.

If you pray
say a prayer for her..
If you DON'T pray
wing a good thought her
You know why?
Because she would do the
same for you.
Show Her The Love, Ladies!


  1. She already has a fantastic attitude for wanting to have a supportive mind about it all. That's half the battle. Thanks for giving us the heads up.


  2. I love Donna and I know she can do this. I told her to treat it like summer camp and have fun while she is there. Can you believe her new digs! Awesome home away from home.
    You know she's on my prayer list. I think her hardest part right now is this crazy road trip! Too bad their motor home doesn't have wings and her husband could just fly them there!
    Thanks for doing a post on her- hugs, girl- Tete

  3. I've become friends through you Diana. I think someone put me in Donna's blog life because i can relate to what she is going through. WE drove 3,000 miles in the dead of winter as you know to my husbands birth place. I had to leave it all behind...43yrs it was not easy to say the least. Some days are still extremely difficult. But i am hear for Donna everyday...I told her i am just a click away!!!
    I will include her in my prayers!!
    And Washington is just a ferry ride away from me so who knows....
    Pamela xoxo

    P.S. we didn't do our move in a motor home either! Just a big Dodge truck with one child, dog, two cats pulling a trailer with a car! Picture that going down mountains lol !!

  4. Oh, that is soooo hard! My parents have picked up and moved so many times, starting all over, and it is not easy. I have to tell you though, if there ever was a time of year to move to the NW it is now! Spring rains will soon give way to gorgeous Summer days and it is much better than moving in the dead of we did...YUCK! I'll pop over and wish her a warm welcome to the NW. :-)

  5. Hi Diana,
    we are just about to pull out of a camgrund in WY, about to lose my connection. I'll send a longer message tonight. Thank you SO much for your post, for your prayers and the prayers of others! That means more to me than I can say! You are the sweetest, and I so appreciate your friendship and support! We are headed to Montana, bye for now!

  6. Oh my gosh, I just love Donna--She is the sweetest, kindest person ever! And I PRAY that all goes well for her on the move. I miss her already and she didn't even live near me before she left! I just know that one day, you and Donna and I will meet and have so much FUN and laugh and cry--and have a blast!

  7. Hi Diana!
    Just back from vacation and trying to catch up on what everyone is doing in blogland...I feel for Donna, I've never visited her blog before but thanks to you I've found a new blog to visit. I'll surely include her in my are so nice to do this post for her♥


  8. I am sending Donna warm wishes and positive thoughts. I hope that she and John have a wonderful time. Sounds like quite the adventure....and an amazing life experience. I am sure she will love her time in Seattle...and the year will be up before she knows it.


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