
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Merry Easter!

These were taken
April 20th.
We ended up with
10 inches of snow.
Mother Nature
says we are
on the deck.
She is smiling...
I am crying....
The playhouse feels sad...
The bird food is
covered with snow
The squirrels are
waiting for new corn
on the cob..
And then there's
The Easter Bunny...
and you can see
what he is up to!
Flashed by
The Easter Bunny?
(Double click on image
for a special treat)


  1. Oh my goodness! It's so pretty, but not in April! But don't worry, I know the Easter Bunny will find his way in the snow! Easter Blessings to you and your family!

  2. The snow is beautiful, just not what you want to see in APRIL!!! Should make the Easter egg hiding a little easier! Snuggle up with some chocolate and a good book! I loved the flashing bunny!

  3. Ohhhh yuk!!!! It's just not right I tell ya! Ours melted and turned into thunderstorms. We we're going to be barbecuing but now we're going to be stuck indoors too. I know you'll find a way to make your Easter fun though, you're good at that!

  4. My goodness...look at all of that snow. Merry Christmas, alright! We had thunderstorms, nothing to brag about. I LOVE your flashing bunny!! lol!! You are a cutie!

    I'll pray for warm sunny skies for you!


  5. Oh my goodness - Snow for Easter? I hope it warms up soon for you.


  6. That's just not fair! How on earth are you still getting snow? Haven't you heard of global warmer! If I were you, I would hunt down Al Gore and pop him in the nose!
    Love the flasher!
    Hugs- Tete

  7. Wow,
    i better stop complaining about the cold, better than snow! xoxo

  8. Wow - that is absolutely amazing that you are getting that kind of snow so late in the season. What a bummer!!! I hope your spring and summer aren't short!

  9. I like what TeTe said! My husband says that all the time!
    The snow looks lovely in your beautiful yard but come on it's almost May! I guess it's just as bad back home ...everyone emails me and FB's me to tell me how bad the weather is. I won't complain about the rain anymore...just the damn tree frogs!
    They start singing at 5am!!!

    I love that easter bunny...too funny!!!

    Pamela xo

  10. That is just insane! I love that play house and can't wait to see it this summer! Thanks for the flash!

  11. Holy Mackerel! I can hardly believe your photos! Winter is hanging on tight at your house. How much you will enjoy warm summer days and plenty of sunshine!

  12. Oh, no! That's so not fair! I think a vacation in Florida is in order for you. I've never been flashed by the bunny before. He sure does have a large ... egg!

  13. ooh noooooooooooooo, not more snoooow???????

    UGH! We had a beautiful day here today, finally!!! Hope it lasts. I think I'll shut up.

  14. I am so done with Winter too...come on Spring! That flashing Easter bunny is cute! Love the little play house, darling. You have a really good Easter! Thanks for the advice too. :D

  15. I feel your pain girlfriend!
    I'm right with you on this one...snow sucks in APRIL!!!!!
    What ever happened to 4 seasons?
    Been snowing all day and supposed to be 70 next Tuesday.
    I'm confused.
    My tulips are in shock.
    We'll be hiding Easter Eggs in the house...I'm Not smiling...
    Hugs...Kathy @
    Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  16. OH.....MY.....GOSH!!!!!! Ten stinkin' inches??????? You poor thang, you!!!! That's just....just.....WRONGGGGGGGGG!!!!! I think this has been the worse Spring on record, hasn't it? AGGGGHHHHH!!!!! At least our snow is gone and we're just getting a cold rain. Very dreary. I think Little Miss Sunshine got scared away by Old Man Winter and packed her bags for Sanibel.

    See ya.....I'm headed back down there.....Want a ride...???

    xoxo laurie

  17. Well, I guess you could eat outdoors if you wore about 54 layers of clothes!!! what ever happened to spring? Sounds like I'm not missing anything:) Hope you warm up soon!

  18. Oh no!!! What's this stuff?!? I will send you some of the sun and green plants from here - doesn't seem fair that you are all covered up with "that" stuff :( Maybe the Easter bunny could bring you some warmer weather and sunshine....

    Purrs! Happy Bunny Day!

    Romeo and "her"

  19. Oh Diana, I thought we were the only ones in the country still getting snow! I'm sorry but I just feel dismal about it. Enough is enough. We awoke this morning to an inch of freezing rain from last nights storm. I just want some goodness.
    Perhaps we will be surprised on Easter Sunday!
    Big hugs to you,

  20. Two days ago we had temps in the 90's. But yesterday and today we were lucky if we hit 60. The weather has gone crazy. I hope you are given a wonderful Easter surprise of very warm temps and lots of sunshine. The Easter bunny has lots of baskets to fill in your family! I can't wait to hear all the Easter morning stories. XO
    PS. I love the picture of your favorite bunny in the previous post...He is a cutie!

  21. It's gloomy here but I'll take it instead of what you have...maybe it will all go away by the time Sunday comes:) Have a Happy Easter anyway!!!

  22. Al Gore, poo on you, we want some warming for our Sweet Diana.
    Thunder rolling and dogs whining around here, then a fire to warm the house for the little stinkers.

  23. WoW! 10 inches and we are already running our air conditioner! It's HOT here.... most days, anyway. Things are turning green and we are thinking about camping out Sunday night.

  24. Seeing your neck of the woods makes me feel better about mine!


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