
Friday, April 22, 2011

Loving On Baby E At The Bass Pro Shop

When we were in
Springfield, Missouri
we met our kids
at the
Bass Pro Shop.

THAT is quite an experience.
It is unbelievable, really.
Full of fish and wildlife
some alive, some taxidermied
into being forever perfect.

And, almost as perfect
as all those wonderful
animals, we enjoyed
our own little animals
for the day.
The cousins loved spending
part of the day wandering
in the
Bass Pro Shop.

But BabyE was the
hit of the day.
He is so cute,
and good natured,
that you cannot help
loving on him.

Auntie TPot got her
kiss in early.
Lulu was not far behind.

Ria is his most special friend.
She is on him like white on rice.
He adores her.
She got her smooch too~

Then there is SweetCheeks.
Don't you want to have
your picture taken
kissing BabyE?
Look- He's waiting for you
to give him a kiss....
No~ Thank you!
Nana-look up!
Look at the ceiling...
Do yohu see those are fishes
fhloating and duckses flhoating
on the wahter in the ceiling...
and we arhe supposed to be
in the wahter?
Yes~ I see that.
Well yohu know whut!
They all poop in the wahter..
and nohw we arhe gonna get
all poopie!
Nah....I'm jus' kiddin'~
Great- all we need...
One more jokester in the family~
MyHero will be so pleased!


  1. Who can think about kissing BabyE when there is poop floating in the water? I love how the girls all have the same colored shirts on. Is that in case they get lost - you just have to look for the turquoise girl.

  2. So cute! And you won't believe this- but my cousin, David, is the artist that made and painted all the fun decor there. They send him to all the Bass Pro stores to do the interiors. He has worked for them for years. He put those little fishies on the ceiling...
    It's amazing how they make the fake trees and rocks, painted with an airbrush. That's his job and it's a fun job!
    Hugs- Tete

  3. There is always a joker in the bunch! And in your case, Diana, I think there just may be more than ONE:) Oh, I long for pretty blond curly locks like Baby E! *sigh*

  4. LOL I think you are all in trouble when she gets bigger! ;D

  5. What a fun day...poop and all!!!

    Pamela xo

  6. They are all soooo darned cute that I could just bite'em! (well....not really, but you know what I mean.....) lol! You are one blessed Nana, Diana! ♥ Have a richly blessed Easter, my sweet friend!

    xoxo laurie

  7. We had a prankster, too. He's grown now and pulls his sunts at work or at church now, so we are finally at peace, but he could pull some good ones. And the stories just get better and better as time goes on. I wonder how you'll remember little Sweet Cheeks 20 years from now.

  8. Baby E could charge for his kisses. People would still line up. He'd have to be good natured surrounded by girls as he is. His future wife will thank all of you (and especially his parent of course) one day for raising such sweet and tolerant boy.

    One things for sure, take children into a store like that and there's bound to be a few funny stories for them to tell.


  9. Oops I meant parents.

  10. Goodness...they call my husband by his first name in that store he is there so much!
    You really do have beautiful grandchildren!
    Can't wait to read your tales from Easter!

  11. You may want to move south, when that one gets a little older, just sayin...
    I'm still mad that you didn't call and have us meet you I could have gotten my own kiss from Baby E, who isn't really a baby, anymore, though i guess he is the baby of the family.

  12. Your grand kids are just so adorable! We have a Bass Pro Shop near us and it is always interesting to visit! My oldest son has been to that same store in Springfield. Hope you have a blessed Easter!

  13. I'm still smiling,, I love your stories but my eyes are crossing,, I joined your site,, I have more reading to do,,, thanks so much for sharing,,,


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