
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Is It True That Devils Have Red Eyes?

What do

Baby Ethan
looks like
thinks Papa
has a devilish
glimmer in his eyes.
Do you think he will
still come to
see the
Easter Bunny
at Nana's House
next weekend?
I hope so!
Actually, BabyE,
God chased the
Devil out of
Papa a long
time ago!


  1. Hehehehe...even with the red eyes Papa looks like an angel!

  2. I think God sent Nana to chase the devil out of Papa!!! Good job Nana!

  3. So cute Diana!!
    Are the girls coming to for Easter?

    So there's hope for my husband???

    Pamela xo

  4. The devil wouldn't stand a chance in your house, you would scare him out of there in a heart beat! Shoot, you would be trimming his horns, doing his nails, and have him saved by supper time. He steers clear of blondes with a warped sense of humor and attitude.
    BabyE is the sweetest little guy. I could take 2 of him. I just want to pinch those cheeks and ruffle that blonde hair and squeeze him till he giggles.
    If you get time, do it for me.
    Hope you are having a good day. Debbie at lakehouse is covered in snow. Hope you aren't, but bet you are.
    Sending sun beams to melt it and warm you up!
    Hugs- Tete

  5. That is hilarious! I love it when those moments get captured...and then you can pull them out over and over again to tease the ones you love. Not that I do that or anything....just sayin'! :-)

  6. That is a cute expression... on both of your guys! :)

  7. That is so funny, Diana! And I know of someone who is full of the devil, too! (hint: my dh!) hahahaha! Enjoy the rest of your weekend! We finally made it to our final campsite in WA, I am So relieved!!

  8. This is so cute, that look on his face is perfect! You capture the best moments dear! :)

  9. Yes baby E looks a little concerned. I'm sure there's still a little bit of the devil left in there ;-)



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