
Thursday, February 10, 2011

You Are Gonna Be SOOOO Sad...

Are you wondering WHY
you are going to be sad?
Is this not the saddest
face you have ever seen?
I am almost afraid to show
you what I got...
because I know you
will gnash your teeth
and cry a bit...
you might even look a
bit like the picture above.
Oh..but I have to share..
I really do~
Look what I got!
Look what I got in the mail!
A hand-crafted Valentine!
It is 3-D..with raised
Be My Valentine banner
and crinkled binding..
(that is binding,right?)
Doesn't that make your heart
go pitter-patter?
Doesn't that make your heart
smile out loud?
Doesn't that make you mad
that I have it
and you don't?

Well, at least I am sharing
it with you..
I am letting you
Don't be getting all cranky
on my cuz you don't have one..
You can find out
who sent it to me
by clicking here...
Fake... here..
Just kidding..
Did you click yet?
Did you?
Did you?

Give up?

It is from my friend,
Donna, over at
Is this not the sweetest
card you have ever seen?
AND she made it herself!
Yes She Did!

The picture does NOT
do it is sparkly
read GLITTERY cuz Donna
is the
Who knew
The Glitter Queen
lived in Michigan?
She has been surrounded
by so much snow that
everything in her whole
WORLD is glittering..
so she has been crafting..
and you know what
THAT means?
Lucky Me!
Go visit her..she is a doll!
And talented..and crafty..
oh, yeah...wear a raincoat
cuz otherwise you will come
outta her blog
covered with glitter!
Pinky Promise!


  1. Is sweet cheeks upset becaue you wouldn't let her touch it? lol!
    It is a beautiful Valentine!!
    I'm so glad you entered my giveaway and yes 3 times!!!
    You are so funny!
    Pamela xo

  2. You are just too funny, Diana! I am thrilled that you like your card, I had so much fun making it for you! And yes, visitors to my blog and home should heed your warning: they just may end up covered in glitter head to toe! Have a great night:)

  3. Hello Diana,
    Your card is gorgeous!!! Lucky lucky sweet you!!
    You do know what your gonna have to do now don't you? Break out some pretty paper and doileys and glitter and help Sweet Cheeks make her very own lovely card.. then you will have to try for months to get all that glitter back outta the carpets:-))) Hahha :-)))

  4. Poor SweetCheeks- that is the saddest face ever! I am like her though, how do you get the best Valentine ever? Are you paying her under the table or something??? There has to be a catch!
    I love Donna, glitter and all! She is helping me to overcome my phobia! Not working.
    You are so right about wearing a rain coat! If you sit still too long, she will glitter you for sure!
    Enjoy your pretty valentine...Hugs- Tete

  5. Oh, how sad is that dear little face! Please give her a big hug and make her happy again.

    Beautiful Valentine!

  6. Donna is so must have been smiling from ear to ear. Now why the sad face on sweet cheeks?

  7. Beautiful, beautiful...and no I am not jealous,
    because you deserve it!

    Flora Doora

  8. You are so funny, my friend. Love that glittery card!

  9. That is one special, glitzy, glamor card.

  10. I wav that sad face and I wav your Valentine too...lucky lady you are indeed on both counts! ;D

  11. What a pretty valentine for a really sweet lady. You are blessed.


  12. Beautiful card Diana, why the sad little face..Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  13. That is a sad little face. (Have you ever watched Madagascar 2, with the grandkids? Melman the giraffe is in the dying hole, and King Julian (Sacha Baron Cohen) says to him "and you are just.....a sad little head). It's my most favourite modern childrens movie.

    The Valentine is lovely - some talented people around.

    By the way, on the way home, Miss Informal asked if I could read her the post AGAIN (will be the 3rd time) about the littl girl singing in the coffee shop. So I got to your blog, and was all excited to see another grandchild picture, only to find it had nothing to do with Grandchildren - you big tease. After the first few lines, I really thought something terrible had happened to her. So relieved it was nothing like that. :-) So off to read the Starbucks post again.

    Lisa x

  14. Oh that face on sweet cheeks! What a dolly she is!
    And your card is simply gorgeous Diana!
    My hubby is still on a Packer high!
    What a year!
    Hugs friend,

  15. The Valentine is beautiful! Donna is so sweet and so creative. I am so impressed how she does so many things and is always so thoughtful. And you are so right, wear the raincoat because she is definitely the queen of glitter. Beautiful Valentine!
    It looks like Sweetcheeks wants you to share the valentine with her...or are you going to be brave and let her make a Valentine with glitter and all...cover the carpet! You are such a good Nana!

  16. Lol, You are so cute and funny! What a beautiful card and yes, I'm gonna go click and peek :) It looks stunning!!

    Thank you so much for your sweet words too!! I hope you have a great weekend sweetie!

    Hugs, Cynthia xo

  17. Beautiful card, and a beautiful person had to make it.
    At my house it wouldn't be glitter that would cling to you, it would be flour from the cinnamon rolls and hot glue from the florals. And maybe some fragrance oils from the soaps.

  18. Check my blog out I awarded you something.

  19. Awwww Diana, your card is gorgeous! Now that sweet sad face makes me want to just hug her up tight and make her smile Ÿ She is just toooo pretty to be sad. Hope you have a great day my friend. Hugz, Diane

  20. How cute is that! I remember making Valentines with my children for my husband when they were little...I think we ate glitter for days after!

  21. What a sweet card, Nana love your blog. I have been to Green Bay many times.

  22. What a great card. Donna makes the most beautiful things. I just ordered a few sets of cards that she made for me -as gifts. They are so pretty...I never would have thought that I liked glitter - until I saw how Donna uses it!!!


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