
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Please Pray For Debbie @ House At The Lake

Below is a picture of
She has a blog called
I met her in
Laurie over at
Laurie and Debbie
both became friends,
and we share many
of the same passions..
living on the water
and sleeping on
Shabby Chic sheets
are two of those
Debbie is a wonderful person,
facing a terrible trial.
She will be having
surgery on
January 11th...
Serious surgery..
nothing to sneeze at.
Please pray for her.
Go over to Laurie's blog
for more details.

She is not spending time on the computer

right now...because it makes her feel ill..

Blessings to you, Debbie...we are ALL

praying for you.

Love to you- from me!


  1. Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear that! I will keep her in my prayers...

  2. I know, I feel so bad for Debbie. Her sister has her address posted too to send cards. I wish her well, she is so sweet.

  3. Will do!!! Thanks for sharing the request for this special lady.

  4. You did such a great job on this post. The more that know, the more that will be praying.
    Hugs- Tete

  5. Thoughts and prayers for dear Debbie...and a big hug.

  6. I've been away from my computer for a while. I didn't know this. She is such a sweet lady. I will be praying for her. Thank you.

  7. Debbie is such a sweet, thoughful and dear person. I will continue to pray for her. Thank you for writing such a nice post about her.

  8. She'll be in my prayers. Isn't it wonderful how we can become friends with fellow bloggers? Life is sweet, so are you.

  9. Will pray for her and go say hi to her.
    This is Horrible !
    Happy New Year to you and your family !

  10. Hey Diana ~ Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your post today about our sweet Debbie. You're an angel, you know that? ♥ Tete posted about her too, and even created a Prayer Warrior button for us all to grab. What a sweetheart. :) I have received numerous wonderful comments on my post from our blog sisters out there who are lifting Debbie up in prayer and sending her cards full of love and comfort. :) Thank you are loved. ♥

    Blessings ~

    xoxo laurie


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