
Monday, December 13, 2010

The Christmas Rose

There is a legend old as time
about the Christmas Rose,
If you've not heard it e'er before~
this is how it goes.

The night sky glowed splendidly,
and the girl could see a Star.
It brightly shone upon the land
and beckoned from afar.

She left her door step quietly
without a backward glance,
She knew that she must follow it
and take the risk-the chance.

She heard the shepherds talking
about the child so near,
That would change the world forever-
that could comfort every fear.

She watched behind a hillock
as the Magi took their place,
With their gifts of myrrh & frankincense
& gold in a fine case.

She wanted such a special gift
for this baby oh-so-dear,
But she was poor, had nothing,
and she cried a silent tear.

She quickly searched the countryside~
a flower was her thought,
But the winter was cold
& damp & mean-
no flower to be sought.

She earnestly began to weep
and softly shed each tear,
While an angel watched & marveled
at the love she held so dear.

"Why are you crying, my child?" she asked
as she met her on the ground
"I long to give something to this child
- but nothing have I found."

The angel touched her tears
where they lay upon the earth,
And a Rose sprung up beneath them-
a green & silent birth.

Now go and give your roses, child,
your gift of heart & tear,
And the Savior child will bless you
& comfort you, my dear.

She gently picked the roses
and took them to the place,
Where the baby lay in splendor
in His lowly birthing space.

She stared upon his countenance-
this ragged, humble child,
And He turned his little face up
and looked at her & smiled.

Yes! That's the story of the Christmas Rose-
it's been heard by many ears,
But the Blessing it brings at Christmas time
will carry us through the years.
~©Diana Kosmoski~

I wrote this a couple of years ago for a
gardening group that I belong to..
thought I would share it here.


  1. SWEET! You are amazing! I love this one!
    God brought you into my life. I know that with all of my heart.
    Hugs- Tete

  2. I have never heard that before. How beautiful.

  3. Oh Sweetie...
    That is so beautiful. You have a gorgeous gift to write. It made my eyes tear and my heart swell. I cannot thank you enough for sharing with me this morning. I absolutely love this one. You have given me such a beautiful gift of the heart this morning. Thank you sweet friend.

    An absolute treasure. Hope you are staying warm in your part of the country today. We are expecting a high of 88 degrees here in the valley. A beautiful Monday indeed.

    Many hugs and SO much love, Sherry

  4. You are so talented my friend...a gift for writing you certainly have for sure..beautiful. ;D

  5. This is wonderful Diana! You are truly a gifted writer!
    I came over to catch up on your posts.
    LOVE the little blue eyed boy you have...he's gorgeous!
    If I were a little shorter, I'd want to live in the playhouse...VERY sweet!
    Coming here is always a breath of fresh air.
    I suggested to Laurie we take the ferry out of Ludington to go over next summer...are you near the docks?
    Love ya.

  6. I've read this before on the Gardening Group, but it still brings a tear to my eye.
    Love you sis.

  7. Hi Diana,
    Well, you not only have the gift of sharp humor, you have the gift of lovely pose!!
    Your poem is beautiful! You are one talented lady!!
    I hope you are having a wonderful and special day:-)
    Hugs to you...

  8. Ok Diana,
    You are very talented! That is incredibly beautiful!
    I think you need to write a book!

  9. Charming Diana...
    Your a writer...what else have you written?
    Merry Christmas,
    Kathy @
    Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  10. This is really beautiful. And written so well. I love it. Very inspiring. Did this take you a long time to write - or did it just come out of you? It really is very special. just like you. Xo.

  11. Beautiful !
    I love Christmas....Thanks for saying hi !

  12. This is incredibly beautiful! You certainly have the gift of prose. I LOVE it. I have to repeat myself...This is incredibly beautiful!
    You are so talented. I am going to print this!
    Thank you so made my day!


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