
Thursday, November 11, 2010

Literal Little Lulu

Lulu is the oldest daughter
of my oldest daughter, TPot.
Now, I'm not saying the nut
doesn't fall far from the tree..
but let me tell you,
when her Mom was little
she came home from school
and was singing
The Star Spangled Banner,
a song they were learning in school.
Just for no good reason but I want
to tell you this...that song
always brings tears to my eyes..
So TPot was singing..
Hosea' can you see, by the dawn's earl..
Huh? What?
TPot start again..
can you the daw.......
What's the matter?
Nothing..start again..
can you se....
What's so funny?
Nothing...start again..
No! Tell me what's
so funny?????Well, the words are ..
OH SAY can you see by the dawn's early light.
No it's not, Mom! It's Hosea'
can you see...
Cuz there's a new kid in our class named Hosea'
and he doesn't know where everything is yet..
so the song is Hosea' can you see THE FLAG..
Well, I wasn't gonna argue with a first grader..
I figured she'd get it right before she
graduated. I never did
remember exactly WHEN she
figured it out...but it
was good for a few laughs
at the time.
So, the other day,
daughter of my daughter,
needs some socks.
I told her to go up to the bedroom
they sleep in when they visit here
and look in the top drawer~
and she would find some new socks.
She comes down the steps,
looking a bit discouraged.
What's the matter? I ask.
I can't wear these!
They are for 4 to 6..
and I am 8
so I can't wear them....
Alrighty then..LULU!
Let me see if I can find some
different ones.
Up the steps,
remove the label,
hand them to her..
These fit fine, Nana,
Thank you!
Same socks-different concept~

This literal little girl loves to read.She is a very good reader..

reading about 2 years above her grade level.

I love to watch her and her friend,

sitting in Barnes & Noble

reading a book! In a world where there are

so many wordily distractions, I am

glad to see kids reading.

After we leave Barnes & Noble

we head to Olive Garden for lunch.

A treat reserved for once-in-a-while.

They order their food.

We eat and as we are about to leave

we see Lulu's ex-babysitter,Miss G,

who now has a life..

and doesn't babysit anymore.

She chit chats with Lulu and tells her

how much she has grown.

Lulu, she says, maybe someday

when you are a little older and I have

kids you can babysit for me..

just like I did for you.

No, Lulu says, thank you,

but I really don't want to.

Oh, sure you will I don't mean right

now...I mean when you get older.

No, Lulu says, very seriously,

I won't want to.

Why not? Asks MissG, smiling.

Well, because you were mean when

you babysat so your kids will probably

be mean too.

MissG's mouth dropped open in surprise.

My mouth dropped open in surprise.

(or maybe it was mortification...sometimes

I get those two mixed up.)

MissG recovering nicely said,

Lulu, I wasn't mean..

Yes, yes you were, MissG.

You were mean.

We said our goodbyes and left.

When we got in the parking lot

her Mom and I started laughing

hysterically. We hooted and howled

with tears in our eyes. I could hardly

catch my breath. daughter said,

Lulu! Why did you ever say that?

Lulu, very earnestly, said..

Because it's the truth...

The moral of the story is...

never ask a question you don't

already know the answer to.

Especially if the person in front of you

is our Little Lulu.


  1. Out of the mouth of babes!... lol..

    I had that bike!.. I LOVED that bike. Mine was yellow and had a flower banana seat.

    Fun post :-)

  2. I love Lulu and her honesty. You never know what's going to come out of their mouths, do ya?
    I can just see you standing there with your mouth wide open-ha!
    That's a day MissG won't forget soon...
    Hugs- Tete

  3. Brutally honest. That song always brings tears to my eyes too!~ So patriotic we are indeed. I love your stories, you tell them so well, and to a T!~

  4. Now you know the reason you should carry duct tape in your purse.
    Wonderful post today, and I know there will be many more.

  5. Lulu sure is cute!!! Honesty.....where do people loose honesty....when we grow up?
    Thank you for the laugh today the story is sweet!

  6. Let's clarify that Miss G was NOT mean - she used to play a game with the girls called "pillow sandwich" This game involved Miss G sandwiching a pillow between herself and the kids - she would then squeeze with all her might and the kids would scream in mock terror. They HATE the pillow sandwich and therefore she is considered "mean".

  7. That's too funny! Did you ever find out why Lulu thought the babysitter was mean?

  8. Out of the mouths of babes!!!!
    I love this post! HA!!

    I love your new bio-photo!
    You most definitely would fit into my blog this week!!!! :)

  9. Did you want to crawl under the table when she said that omg!! How funny ! I wonder what the babysitter did to her to make her not forget!

    I love to see kids read too. My son loves to read and reads a novel a week!
    Funny post Diana!
    Pamela xo

  10. Thats why I love kids..they are so honest! And I think I might have smacked that old baby sitter right there and then for being mean to my child! ;D

  11. OMG!!! I would have died a 1000 deaths right on the spot! Kids do say the darndest things!!! Where's Art Linkletter when we need him??? Love it...Debbie @ Cottage Hann~Me~Downs

  12. You little Lulu is the BEST!

    Love the post, as always!

    Flora Doora

  13. kids always come up with something, but it is not their fault.
    It is what they her that they pick up.

  14. Oh! I can so identify with this! Funny post indeed!

  15. Literal Lulu is so cute. And that is a good lesson learned....don't ask a question if you don't want to hear the anwser.

  16. There is an award for you over on my main blog(Reflections by Kathy) Feel free to hop over and pick it up if you'd like to. Have a great evening, Kathy

  17. Oh....awesome thoughts with kids involve. Happy days ahead of you. Visiting for the first time.

  18. Hi Diana, Awe, telling the truth is a good trait... Aren't we sagiitarious known for often putting our feet in our mouths, is she a sag too?
    Thanks for the great story!

  19. Love this post. Kids say the most amazing, funny and honest things. I love the way their minds work. My daughter is a good reader too, and always has her head in a book. I was and still am the same. Being a good reader is a wonderful gift.

    Lisa x


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