
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving~A Poem For You

I have so much to give
Thanks for...SO much.

Thanks to my family,
Thanks to friends coming my way,
Thank you to everyone that
touches my day.

Thanks to my husband,
Thanks for my home,
Thanks for a resting place
wherever I roam.

Thanks for new babies,
Thanks for sweet life,
Thanks for allowing me
peace amidst strife.

Thanks for my children,
Thanks for grandchldren, too.
Thanks for the blessings
that fall on this crew.

Thanks for Thanksgiving,
As we gather this clan,
Bless every child in it
and woman and man.

Which brings us to the banquet,
The banquet of life,
Where some poor old turkey
Gave us his life.

We'll surround him with taters,
We'll smother him with peas,
We'll say, "Pass the gravy"
and Thank You and Please.

But let us remember,
As the table boards bend,
That all of this bounty
Belongs to God in the end.


 © D. Diana Kosmoski 2011


  1. Wonderful tribute Diana!
    Happy Birthday to your handsome son!
    My oldest was born in 79 too!
    And i don't blame him for wanting that car!

  2. LOL what a great post... Happy Birthday to your son -

  3. I still can't believe how fast they grow up! Happy B'Day Wishes!

  4. What a sweet birthday post. My daughter's is tomorrow and only a year behind him. How cool. Now let me pick my jaw up off the floor. Is that my vintage dream car that I want my husband to find! You have it! That is so funny. When my husband started working on vintage cars I told him I love the old Mercedes convertibles. I have a 2004, but not the same. Love yours. You know you want to leave it to me before your family!!

  5. They grow up so fast, don't they???? Love this post, Diana! What a wonderful tribute. Ahem...also love that car! You might have to be buried in it!!! lol

  6. Hello Diana,
    What a handsome boy and a sweet story. They do grow tooooooo fast!
    Happy Birthday to your son!

  7. What a sweet post! I love this kid! I just love the photo of him sitting in the sink!
    Craig was a bunny one year- but he was Donald Duck many times!
    Happy Birthday, MamasBoy! I hope you have the best kind of day and hug your mama, cause she's the best mama around!
    Hugs- Tete

  8. I loved breaks your heart that they grow up doesn't it..especially a son. He is a handsome guy..Happy Birthday to him. (My daughters is tomorrow) :D

  9. Come on, give him the car. You have totally embarrassed him on the internet with pictures of him in the sink and a bunny outfit, so you owe him something.

  10. Diana,
    So sweet of you to write this to him. My son was born in December of 1979. Our sons are two weeks apart and were both blond, blond.
    Your sons silky blond hair was to die for.

    Love your car!!!!

  11. Awesome post Diana...I love all the pictures too!!~ Happy Birthday to your handsome young Man! Time flies right? Making me sad to think about it...I will enjoy every second. Enjoy your Thanksgiving.

  12. What a great post! I just popped over from To Everything a Season as I saw your comment and thought you were using a photo of Loni Anderson as your i.d. Turns out you just look like her! :)

    Your son is lucky to have such a wonderful mother and such a beautiful wife!

    Enjoy the Green Bay area for me! I have cousins there...

  13. What a sweet dedication to your son! There truly is something amazing about moms and sons isn't there? I'm so grateful that I get to experience it too! :-)
    P.S. Thanks for praying for my folks!

  14. Great post. So sweet. And the car - well -your lucky no one has knocked you off for it.

  15. Oh Diana ! how sweet are you? and what a beautiful post ! thanks for always putting a smile on my face ! xo

  16. Hi Diana, Happy birthday to your bunny boy :-)) What an adorable post! I love all the love in your family, you are blessed, it is beautiful!! That sink bath face is seriously sad.... Your car is too die for... wow wow wow, I can just see you cruzin, your blonde hair flying around!!

  17. Amen Diana, Blessings to all today. I am loving the family part too. xoxo,Susie

  18. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
    No, don't give him the car, you and I need to take a trip in that one, lol.

  19. Stopping by to wish you, your family and your readers - a wonderful Thanksgiving!!
    Sending love ~

  20. Happy Thanksgiving Diana! Enjoy your lovely day and awesome family!

  21. Bless you and your dear family!
    Happy Thanksgiving, Sweet D!

  22. Happy Thanksgiving, Diana!!! Wishing you and your family a beautiful holiday--and what a gorgeous poem!

  23. just perfect, beautiful, have the best day

  24. Hi Diana! I love your poem, it says it all.

    I'm thankful for wonderful blogging friends like you who are forever faithful to visit and leave comments. I feel blessed to have you for a friend.


  25. Happy Thanksgiving to the best blogger ever!

  26. I love your poem my sweet lady, it says everything I'm thankful for and moreeeee!! You're also a nice blessing that's come my way too! Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! FABBY

  27. Happy Thanksgiving, Diana!

    What a wonderful poem! I just love it, and so true, everything I have, everything I am, is because if His glory, His love.

    Continued blessings,

  28. Happy thanksgiving Diana!! I am thankful for you my wonderful friend! so blessed to have found yu! hugs and love, laura xxx

  29. Happy Thanksgiving to you my friend and I hope you and your family had a wonderful day
    Suzann xoxo

  30. Your poem is simply lovely! I hope your day was beautiful with your family gathered round. I enjoyed my day tremendously! Hugs to you!

  31. What a beautiful poem!
    I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving,
    Love to you xx

  32. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving Diana...I'm thankful for your sweetness...xo

  33. Happy Thanksgiving Diana. Loved the poem!


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